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 Post subject: Re: США сегодня - снаружи и изнутри
PostPosted: Sat May 16, 2020 4:06 pm 

Joined: Wed Sep 19, 2007 4:41 pm
Posts: 21834
1. США после пожаров в больницах отказались от российских аппаратов ИВЛ, поступивших с партией платной гуманитарной помощи
Власти американских штатов, получившие в качестве гуманитарной помощи от России аппараты ИВЛ "Авента-М" Уральского приборостроительного завода отказываются от них до выяснения причин пожара в больнице Санкт-Петербурга, возникшего, по предварительным данным, из-за возгорания такого аппарата. Об этом сообщили в пресс-службе агентства США по чрезвычайным ситуациям (FEMA).
Приборы "Авента-М" были частью медицинского груза, отправленного Россией в США в начале апреля. В то время в штатах Нью-Йорке и Нью-Джерси прогнозировалась острая нехватка аппаратов ИВЛ, поэтому аппараты доставлялись на склады, принадлежащие двум штатам, объяснили в FEMA.
Официальный представитель ведомства сообщил ТАСС, что российская техника не потребовалась, ее не поставляли в больницы и не применяли, а оставили в резерве на случай ухудшения ситуации. Теперь в целях предосторожности штаты возвращают российские аппараты ИВЛ агентству по чрезвычайным ситуациям.
"Выводы расследования, которое ведется российскими властями по поводу пожара в Санкт-Петербурге, помогут нам принять решение относительно любого дальнейшего использования этих аппаратов ИВЛ", - сообщили в FEMA.
Представители департаментов здравоохранения штатов Нью-Йорк и Нью-Джерси сообщили порталу BuzzFeed News, что в общей сложности получили 45 аппаратов ИВЛ из России и сейчас возвращают их федеральным властям. Нью-Йорк получил 30 аппаратов, Нью-Джерси - 15. В департаменте здравоохранения Нью-Джерси отметили, что не использовали российскую технику из-за проблем с совместимостью электрических сетей: американское оборудование рассчитано на напряжение 110 вольт, а российское - на 220 вольт.
Российское медицинское оборудование поступило в США из России в начале апреля не бесплатно. О том, что Штаты заплатили за гуманитарный груз, сообщал Госдепартамент. В МИД РФ признали, что половина стоимости груза была оплачена Российским фондом прямых инвестиций (РФПИ), а половина - американской стороной самостоятельно.
При этом РФПИ и концерн "Радиоэлектронные технологии" (КРЭТ), в который входит завод-производитель аппаратов "Авента-М", с 2014 года включены в санкционный список США в связи с событиями на Украине. По словам бывшего координатора санкционной политики Госдепартамента США Дэниела Фрида, введенные против РФПИ санкции предусматривают запрет на привлечение кредитов и займов. Санкции против концерна КРЭТ также вводят визовые запреты для руководителей и запрещают американским гражданам и компаниям вести с концерном КРЭТ какую-либо экономическую деятельность и покупать произведенное при их участии оборудование.
"Речь идет о гуманитарном медицинском грузе в условиях эпидемии, так что в данном случае могли быть сделаны определенные исключения", - предположил дипломат в разговоре с Русской службой BBC.
В начале мая стало известно, что Россия выставила США счет за апрельскую гуманитарную помощь в 660 тысяч долларов. Согласно описи, предоставленной телекомпании ABC агентством FEMA, груз содержал 4 тысячи промышленных противогазов М-95, полностью закрывающих лицо и непригодных для больниц, 15 тысяч респираторов, 80 тысяч упаковок антисептика, 400 тысяч различных предметов медицинской одежды, включая защитные комбинезоны, и 30 тысяч перчаток, в том числе хозяйственных.
Аппараты ИВД "Авента М" предположительно стали причиной пожаров, произошедших в больнице имени Спасокукоцкого в Москве и больнице Святого Георгия в Санкт-Петербурге соответственно 9 и 12 мая. Обе они принимали больных с коронавирусом. В столице при пожаре погиб один пациент, в Петербурге - пятеро.

2. США готовят к отправке в Россию 200 аппаратов ИВЛ Соединённые Штаты передадут России 200 аппаратов искусственной вентиляции легких (ИВЛ). "Голос Америки", ссылаясь на правительственные документы, сообщил, что первые аппараты ИВЛ, произведённые в Калифорнии, будут готовы к отправке в Москву в среду. Ещё 150 аппаратов будут отправлены в Россию 26 мая.
Правительство США оплатило полностью стоимость аппаратов, оборудование для их пуска и расходы на доставку – в общей сложности, по словам представителей администрации, затраты составили 4,7 миллиона долларов.
Аппараты ИВЛ будут доставлены в Россию военной авиацией, так как между Россией и США в настоящее время почти нет коммерческих рейсов. В администрации подчеркивают, что аппараты предназначены для жителей России, и это решение не является сигналом какого-либо партнерства с российскими военными, отмечает "Голос Америки".

То есть, они нам- несколько десятков опасных аппаратов, от производителя под санкциями, и за деньги.
Мы им - две сотни хороших, и бесплатно.

У власти в нашей стране - пророссийские бляди.

В боксерскую секцию его привела мизантропия.

 Post subject: Re: США сегодня - снаружи и изнутри
PostPosted: Sun May 17, 2020 2:03 pm 

Joined: Wed Sep 19, 2007 4:41 pm
Posts: 21834
Помпео: Россия и США могут вместе бороться с пандемией и терроризмом
Госсекретарь США Майк Помпео считает, что Москва и Вашингтон могут вместе работать по ряду направлений, несмотря на разногласия. Среди них — пандемия коронавируса и терроризм.
«Есть области, где наши две страны могут работать вместе… Мы рады, что можем попытаться помочь им побороть этот вирус»,— сказал господин Помпео в интервью Washington Examiner. Он напомнил о планах США помочь России с оборудованием для тестирования COVID-19. По словам госсекретаря, «оно уже в пути».
Господин Помпео привел в пример совместную работу Москвы и Вашингтона по противодействию терроризму. «Я работаю с Россией с того времени, когда был директором ЦРУ. Я тесно работал с ними, предотвращая теракты. Они помогли нам, спасли американские жизни, предоставив нам информацию. Мы помогли им предотвратить теракт, который планировался в Санкт-Петербурге»,— сказал госсекретарь.

В боксерскую секцию его привела мизантропия.

 Post subject: Re: США сегодня - снаружи и изнутри
PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2020 12:17 am 

Joined: Wed Sep 19, 2007 4:41 pm
Posts: 21834
США готовят к отправке в Россию 200 аппаратов ИВЛ
Соединённые Штаты передадут России 200 аппаратов искусственной вентиляции легких (ИВЛ). "Голос Америки", ссылаясь на правительственные документы, сообщил, что первые аппараты ИВЛ, произведённые в Калифорнии, будут готовы к отправке в Москву в среду. Ещё 150 аппаратов будут отправлены в Россию 26 мая.
Правительство США оплатило полностью стоимость аппаратов, оборудование для их пуска и расходы на доставку – в общей сложности, по словам представителей администрации, затраты составили 4,7 миллиона долларов.
Аппараты ИВЛ будут доставлены в Россию военной авиацией, так как между Россией и США в настоящее время почти нет коммерческих рейсов. В администрации подчеркивают, что аппараты предназначены для жителей России, и это решение не является сигналом какого-либо партнерства с российскими военными, отмечает "Голос Америки".

США передадут России 200 аппаратов искусственной вентиляции легких
США передадут России 200 аппаратов искусственной вентиляции легких (ИВЛ), сообщает "Голос Америки" со ссылкой на правительственные документы.
Первые аппараты ИВЛ, произведенные в Калифорнии, будут готовы к отправке в Москву в среду. Еще 150 аппаратов будут отправлены в Россию 26 мая.
Правительство США полностью оплатило стоимость аппаратов, оборудование для их пуска и расходы на доставку. Всего, по данным представителей администрации, затраты составили 4,7 миллиона долларов.
Аппараты ИВЛ будут доставлены в Россию военной авиацией, так как между Россией и США в настоящее время почти нет коммерческих рейсов.
Это решение "не является сигналом какого-либо партнерства с российскими военными", подчеркивают в США.
Впервые о возможных поставках американских аппаратов ИВЛ в России в середине апреля сказал президент Дональд Трамп. На прошлой неделе в ходе телефонного разговора с Трампом российский президент Владимир Путин принял предложение президента США.
По словам официальных лиц, Соединенные Штаты уже помогли многим странам в борьбе с пандемией коронавируса и будут продолжать делать это в будущем.

США отправили в Россию тест-системы на коронавирус и аппараты ИВЛ
Власти США направили в Россию аппараты искусственной вентиляции легких и тесты для выявления коронавируса. Об этом в интервью Washington Examiner рассказал глава Госдепартамента Майк Помпео.
По его словам, аппараты и тесты уже находятся в пути. Сколько именно оборудования и тест-систем власти США решили отправить в Россию, Помпео не уточнил. «Мы рады, что можем попытаться помочь им (российским властям — ред.) в борьбе с этим вирусом», — сказал он. ... paraty-ivl

Помпео: Россия и США могут вместе бороться с пандемией и терроризмом
Госсекретарь США Майк Помпео считает, что Москва и Вашингтон могут вместе работать по ряду направлений, несмотря на разногласия. Среди них — пандемия коронавируса и терроризм.
«Есть области, где наши две страны могут работать вместе… Мы рады, что можем попытаться помочь им побороть этот вирус»,— сказал господин Помпео в интервью Washington Examiner. Он напомнил о планах США помочь России с оборудованием для тестирования COVID-19. По словам госсекретаря, «оно уже в пути».
Господин Помпео привел в пример совместную работу Москвы и Вашингтона по противодействию терроризму. «Я работаю с Россией с того времени, когда был директором ЦРУ. Я тесно работал с ними, предотвращая теракты. Они помогли нам, спасли американские жизни, предоставив нам информацию. Мы помогли им предотвратить теракт, который планировался в Санкт-Петербурге»,— сказал госсекретарь.

«Роскосмос» готов к переговорам с NASA на тему проектов по освоению Луны и пригласил руководство американской организации для обсуждения проектов, однако ответа пока не получил. Вместе с тем сотрудничество по лунным проектам могло бы «стать серьезным фактором для взаимодействия двух стран в непростое время», считает замгендиректора «Роскосмоса» по международному сотрудничеству Сергей Савельев.
«Амбициозные проекты, связанные с освоением Луны, могли бы стать серьезным фактором для взаимодействия России и США в это непростое время... Амбициозные проекты, связанные с освоением Луны, могли бы стать серьезным фактором для взаимодействия России и США в это непростое время»,— сказал господин Савельев.
Американский президент США Дональд Трамп в апреле подписал указ о праве граждан США на добычу космических ресурсов. Позже стало известно о подготовке международного соглашения по освоению Луны. В него не включили Россию. NASA отрицает корректность этой информации.

NASA не ответило Роскосмосу на приглашение обсудить лунные проекты
Роскосмос нацелен на переговоры с НАСА о проектах по освоению Луны и уже пригласил руководство организации для их обсуждения, однако пока не получил ответа. Ранее США собирались добывать на Луне ресурсы без России.
- Амбициозные проекты, связанные с освоением Луны, могли бы стать серьезным фактором для взаимодействия России и США в это непростое время... Мы официально позвали руководство NASA к себе, однако ответа так и не получили. Надеюсь, что он все-таки последует — и последует в положительном ключе, - сказал заместитель генерального директора госкорпорации по международному сотрудничеству Сергей Савельев.
Ранее президент США Дональд Трамп подписал указ о праве американцев на добычу космических ресурсов. Позже последовала подготовка международного соглашения о добыче лунных ресурсов Artemis Accords, однако Вашингтон не включил него Россию. Говорилось, что Пентагон посчитал действия российских спутников «угрожающими». Однако НАСА отрицает корректность этой информации.
Глава Роскосмоса Дмитрий Рогозин заявил, что планы США по освоению Луны схожи со вторжением в Ирак и Афганистан. Тогда же глава НАСА Джим Брайденстайн выразил надежду на то, что Россия присоединится к «лунному соглашению».
Теперь замглавы американского космического агентства Майк Голд заявил, что НАСА разочаровано Роскосмосом.
- Я надеюсь, что когда наши коллеги в России увидят, что мы пытаемся достичь с помощью Artemis Accords и как мы это делаем, они поддержат нас и присоединятся к нам в создании норм поведения, которые позволят достичь мирного и процветающего будущего для России, США и всего мира, - сказал Голд.
Напомним, что в мае 2019 года глава Роскосмоса Дмитрий Рогозин заявлял, что Россия планирует совершить и пилотируемый полет к Луне с высадкой на ее поверхность первого российского космонавта в 2030 году, а за год до этого должен состояться облет Луны. А через десять с небольшим лет страна сможет развернуть на поверхности спутника Земли модули для жизни и работы космонавтов.
Что касается американской лунной программы, то Рогозин не раз критически высказывался о ней. Он уверял, что американцы «не потянут» создание сверхтяжелой ракеты SLS, и добавлял, что российский аналог будет намного дешевле.
- Наш сверхтяж будет стоить намного меньше американской SLS, но уже сейчас надо заложить решения, которые сделают "Енисей" ещё более конкурентоспособным, - заявил глава госкорпорации. ... ye-proekty

Американские сенаторы заставили главу НАСА Джима Брайденстайна отозвать приглашение делегации Роскосмоса в США, рассказал в субботу замгендиректора Роскосмоса по международному сотрудничеству Сергей Савельев.
...В Роскосмосе надеются, отметил замглавы госкорпорации, что руководство НАСА сможет приехать в Россию. Официальное приглашение было отправлено, пишет РИА Новости, но положительного ответа пока нет.

Trump tells McConnell 'time is running out' for him to hold Russia 'hoaxers' accountable
Trump told Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., that he "love[s]" him but that he should quickly move to hold accountable the people behind the "Russia collusion hoax."
Trump had retweeted an article by Fox News contributor Mollie Hemingway in the Federalist, shared by editor Sean Davis, which argued that McConnell wouldn't be able to confirm more judges or maintain a Republican majority without addressing the issue.
"Mitch, I love you, but this is 100% true," Trump tweeted. "Time is running out. Get tough and move quickly, or it will be too late. The Dems are vicious, but got caught. They MUST pay a big price for what they have done to our Country. Don’t let them get away with this!"
Trump also tagged Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., who was mentioned in the article. Hemingway argued that Graham's work ethic was lacking while McConnell was shirking his responsibilities as a senate leader.
"The Senate can subpoena records and compel testimony — holding hearings if necessary — to get to the bottom of the effort from inside the U.S. government to use a false and dangerous conspiracy theory that threatened the health and safety of the republic," Hemingway wrote.
"If that’s not the Senate’s business, what in the world is? And if the Senate majority leader won’t care even about how this scandal uniquely harmed Republican voters, then who will?"
During Thursday's "Special Report," McConnell suggested that it was Graham's responsibility to investigate former President Obama's role in the Russia probe -- something that caught renewed attention after the Justice Department moved to dismiss the case against former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn. Obama administration officials also reportedly sought to unmask Flynn, or reveal his identity in intelligence reporting on Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak.
Flynn has been fighting a years-long legal battle after he misled the FBI about his contacts with Russia. Recently unveiled documents, however, showed the FBI contemplating whether its intent was to prompt a lie from Flynn in hopes of getting him fired.
It's been almost a year since former Special Counsel Robert Mueller's portion of the Russia investigation ended. The Ukraine controversy sidelined House Democratic efforts to further the investigation, although Democrats have indicated they will continue pursuing the issue.
Meanwhile, Attorney General William Barr has been pursuing a counter-investigation exploring the origins of the former administration's Russia probe. While it's unclear how the Senate will proceed, Trump has called on Graham to have Obama testify. Graham, however, has already indicated he's not interested in doing that.
In an interview on the "Brian Kilmeade Show" with host Brian Kilmeade, Graham said that he does not want to "wreak havoc on the institution" like House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., did during the impeachment trial against the president earlier this year.
"So, if I find something that makes me suspicious of President Obama, if he may have been part of committing a crime against General Flynn or anyone else, I will turn that over to Mr. [John] Durham," he promised, referring to the U.S. attorney who is investigating the origins of the Trump-Russia probe. ... ccountable

Trump accuses Obama of crime
Many pundits dispute 'Obamagate' claims.

Trump: Unmasking of Flynn is greatest political scam in history of our country
President Trump sits down with ‘Sunday Morning Futures’ anchor Maria Bartiromo to discuss the Michael Flynn unmasking case.

Trump discusses bombshell revelations in Flynn case in exclusive interview with Maria Bartiromo
Trump called the Russia Probe “the greatest political crime in the history of our country, ” and labeled his former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn a hero, in an exclusive interview that aired Sunday with Fox Business anchor Maria Bartiromo.
Trump's comments, during the interview on “Sunday Morning Futures,” come after the Justice Department this month moved to drop its case against Flynn, in a stunning development that follows internal memos being released and raises serious questions about the nature of the investigation that led to Flynn’s late 2017 guilty plea of lying to the FBI.
“They [FBI agents] weren't after General Flynn. They wanted him to lie about me, make up a story,” Trump told Bartiromo. “And, with few exceptions, nobody did that.”
He added, “If I were a Democrat instead of a Republican, I think everybody would have been in jail a long time ago; and I'm talking with 50-year sentences.”
“It is a disgrace what's happened,” he continued. “This is the greatest political scam, hoax in the history of our country.”
Trump went on to say that “people should be going to jail for this stuff and hopefully a lot of people are going to have to pay.”
He continued, “No other president should have to go through [this] and I'll tell you, General Flynn and others are heroes.”
Trump also reacted to top Obama administration officials, including former Vice President Joe Biden, purportedly requesting to “unmask” the identity of Flynn -- whose calls with the former Russian ambassador during the presidential transition were picked up in surveillance and later leaked.
The list of names was revealed after it was declassified in recent days by Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell and then sent to GOP Sens. Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson, who made the documents public.
The unmasking concerns events between the November 2016 election and Inauguration Day 2017.
Unmasking occurs after U.S. citizens' conversations are incidentally picked up in conversations with foreign officials who are being monitored by the intelligence community. The U.S. citizens' identities are supposed to be protected if their participation is incidental and no wrongdoing is suspected. However, officials can determine the U.S. citizens' names through a process that is supposed to safeguard their rights.
The list revealed that then-U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power made unmasking requests seven times between Nov. 30, 2016 and Jan. 11, 2017. Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper made three requests from Dec. 2, 2016 through Jan. 7, 2017; and that former CIA Director John Brennan made two requests, one on Dec. 14 and one on Dec. 15, 2016. Former FBI Director James Comey also made a request on Dec. 15, 2016. On Jan. 5, 2017, then-Chief of Staff Denis McDonough made one request, and on Jan. 12, 2017, Biden made one request.
“This was all Obama. This was all Biden. These people were corrupt,” Trump told Bartiromo. “The whole thing was corrupt and we caught them.”
Trump went on to say that “they never thought” that they would get “caught in the act,” adding, “they got sloppy.”
President Trump keeps the pressure on former Obama officials who 'unmasked' Michael FlynnVideo
Trump elaborated, telling Bartiromo that he thinks “Comey is a corrupt person… Brennan [is] bad. They’re all bad. Clapper is not a smart guy in charge of intelligence.”
“But here's the thing: It was impossible for it to happen without the man that sits right in that chair in the Oval Office. He knew everything,” he continued.Bartiromo then asked Trump, “Do you believe President Obama directed the U.S. intelligence agencies to spy on you?”
“Yes, he probably directed them, but if he didn't direct them, he knew everything,” Trump said in response.
Trump then brought up text messages between FBI paramours Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, which included an exchange about preparing talking points for Comey to give to President Obama, who wanted “to know everything we’re doing." The pair both worked at one point for Special Counsel Robert Mueller's probe of alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.
“Remember the Lisa Page text to her lover saying ‘POTUS wants to see everything?’ They're not talking about me. I wasn't president. They're talking about POTUS wants to see everything,” Trump told Bartiromo.
Trump added that “if this happened to Obama instead of me everybody would be in jail for years already.”
“It's a disgraceful thing,” he continued. “But, we caught them in the act. It's a beautiful thing. And, every day, we're seeing more and more information come out.”
He later tweeted Sunday, “The Obama Administration is turning out to be one of the most corrupt and incompetent in U.S. history. Remember, he and Sleepy Joe are the reasons I am in the White House!!!”
In his interview, Trump went on to say that “Comey and all these guys” were “guarding the fort.”
“And once they left, it got easier and easier and now it's like an avalanche of really bad, call it treason, call it whatever you want, but they tried to take down a duly elected president of the United States,” he said.
Trump also brought up Biden’s appearance on ABC News’ “Good Morning America” last week where the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee said that he was “aware” at the time of the investigation started by Obama administration officials into Flynn.
During the interview, ABC anchor George Stephanopoulos pressed Biden, questioning whether he attended the Oval Office meeting on Jan. 5, 2017, where Flynn apparently was discussed.
In response, Biden said, “I was aware that there was—that they asked for an investigation, but that’s all I know about it, and I don’t think anything else ...”
“He could barely speak,” Trump told Bartiromo, referencing Biden's interview on ABC. “He was on ‘Good Morning America,’ right? And, he said he didn't know anything about it… right after he said that, it gets released that he was one of the unmaskers, meaning he knew everything about it, so he lied to your friend George Stephanopoulos.” ... -bartiromo

Trump ramps up retaliatory purge with firing of State Department inspector general
Trump accelerated his retaliatory purge of public servants by firing the State Department's inspector general, who had played a minor role in the president's impeachment proceedings and was said to have begun investigating alleged misconduct by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.
Acting on Pompeo's recommendation, Trump abruptly terminated Steve Linick late Friday night, again challenging established norms of American governance in his push to rid the federal bureaucracy of officials he considers insufficiently loyal to or protective of him and his administration. Trump replaced Linick with Stephen Akard, a trusted ally of Vice President Mike Pence and the diplomat who directs the Officeof Foreign Missions.
Inspectors general serve as internal government watchdogs conducting oversight of federal agencies - and although they technically are political appointees, their independence has long been protected. Trump's move - his fourth such firing during the coronavirus pandemic - drew swift condemnations from Democrats and at least one Republican on Capitol Hill.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., decried what she termed a "dangerous pattern of retaliation against the patriotic public servants charged with conducting oversight on behalf of the American people."
House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Eliot Engel, D-N.Y., and the Senate Foreign Relations Committee's ranking Democrat, Robert Menendez of New Jersey, jointly launched an investigation Saturday into Linick's firing.
"We unalterably oppose the politically-motivated firing of inspectors general and the President's gutting of these critical positions," Engel and Menendez wrote in a letter to the White House directing that all records related to Linick's ouster be preserved and turned over to their committees.
Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, wrote Saturday evening on Twitter: The firings of multiple Inspectors General is unprecedented; doing so without good cause chills the independence essential to their purpose. It is a threat to accountable democracy and a fissure in the constitutional balance of power.
Officials at the White House and the State Department did not detail the reasons for Linick's dismissal or address the criticisms from Democrats.
A White House official, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberations, said, "Secretary Pompeo recommended the move, and President Trump agreed." Another U.S. official confirmed that Pomepo supported Linick's firing in discussions with Trump.
Trump wrote in a letter to Pelosi sent Friday night, "It is vital that I have the fullest confidence in the appointees serving as Inspectors General. That is no longer the case with regard to this Inspector General."
Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, a longtime champion of the independence of inspectors general from partisan interference, was notably tepid in his response. In a statement issued Saturday, Grassley said that "inspectors general are crucial in correcting government failures and promoting the accountability that the American people deserve." He said Trump ought to further justify his decision beyond citing "a general lack of confidence," though he stopped short of criticizing Linick's dismissal.
Linick had served as inspector general since 2013, when he was appointed by President Barack Obama. A former assistant U.S. attorney and career government official, Linick also served in the Justice Department as a senior anti-fraud official and as inspector general of the Federal Housing Finance Agency before his appointment to the State Department.
Some of Linick's recent investigations have been critical of the State Department's management and caused consternation among Trump's political appointees there. He has been perceived as a persistent thorn in the side of the administration under Pompeo.
Linick had recently launched an investigation into the use of a Schedule C employee by Pompeo and his wife to conduct personal activities, according to lawmakers and people familiar with the inspector general's office. A Schedule C employee is a non-career official working directly for a presidential appointee.
Engel and Menendez wrote in their letter Saturday to White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows that if Linick's firing had been designed to protect Pompeo from personal accountability, it may have been "an illegal act of retaliation."
A Pompeo spokesman did not respond to requests for comment.
Questions also have been raised about the State Department's response to the pandemic, which would fall under the inspector general's purview.
Linick's firing is the latest in a series of moves by Trump since the Senate voted in February to acquit him in his impeachment trial. The president has vowed repeatedly to destroy what he calls the "deep state" by removing government officials he believes conspired against him in the impeachment proceedings or are otherwise disloyal.
"I never knew the swamp was so bad," Trump said at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Feb. 29, about three weeks after his acquittal. "It's really bad. . . . A lot of dirty people. A lot of very bad people. A lot of bad people. And I think justice will be had."
Although other State Department officials played far more prominent roles in the impeachment inquiry, Linick last October provided congressional investigators with a packet of internal documents containing unproven claims about former vice president Joe Biden, his son Hunter Biden and former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch. Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani said at the time that he had been responsible for sending some of those materials to the State Department.
In recent weeks, Trump has ousted three other internal government watchdogs. The president fired the intelligence community's inspector general, Michael Atkinson, who had handled the explosive whistleblower complaint that led to his impeachment.
Trump also pushed out Glenn Fine, chairman of the federal panel Congress created to oversee his administration's management of the government's $2 trillion coronavirus stimulus package. And he removed Christi Grimm as principal deputy inspector general for the Department of Health and Human Services, after Grimm's office criticized the administration's response to the pandemic.
The president lashed out publicly at Grimm, whose office detailed "severe shortages" of testing kits, delays in receiving test results and "widespread shortages" of masks and other protective equipment at U.S. hospitals.
There is no modern precedent for so many firings of inspectors general in such a compressed time period. Obama fired one inspector general, citing job performance issues. President Ronald Reagan tried to remove several but reversed himself after aides told him that watchdogs are not political appointees in the traditional sense.
Trump's moves have rattled the nonpartisan community of federal watchdogs, many of whom are longtime public servants. About 30 of the 74 current inspectors general are Senate-confirmed presidential appointees, with the rest appointed by heads of smaller agencies.
"Some people are scared. Others are outraged. We all recognize how bad this is for our country," one inspector general said in describing the reaction of Obama and Trump appointees alike. This official, like others interviewed, spoke on the condition of anonymity to be candid without fear of retribution.
For weeks, inspectors general said they have had urgent conversations among themselves about how to continue doing their jobs in the Trump administration without compromising their principles or going easy on the subjects of their probes.
"Things are taking a very dark turn," said a second inspector general.
Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz, who heads the council of 74 federal inspectors general, declined to comment Saturday.
Walter Shaub, who resigned as director of the U.S. Office of Government Ethics six months into Trump's presidency after clashing with the new administration, said he has been alarmed by Trump's efforts this spring to remove "anybody who could protest or expose or investigate his corruption."
"During the pandemic, he knows Americans are distracted with the simple tasks of staying alive and feeding their families," Shaub said. "Times of crisis are very dangerous for anti-corruption fforts and very dangerous for democracy because leaders use them to justify power grabs. I think that's what's happening here."
At the State Department and other large agencies, inspectors general do not have fixed terms once they are confirmed by the Senate. Although they serve at the pleasure of the president, they have not traditionally been treated as political appointees and therefore occupy a murky space in the bureaucracy.
Some State Department officials have questioned the slow speed of inquiries conducted by Linick, and the lack of investigation into the treatment of Yovanovitch, the career ambassador who Trump fired last year.
But many of the office's probes have been sharply critical. An August 2019 report concluded that the leadership of the State Department's Bureau of International Organizations Affairs mistreated and harassed staffers, accused them of political disloyalty to the Trump administration and retaliated against them.
Career staffers who had held their jobs in the previous administration were referred to as "Obama holdovers," "traitors" and members of the "Deep State" that Trump has long accused of using the bureaucracy to thwart his policies, according to the report.
A second report, issued last November, found that a civil service employee relieved of her job as an expert on Iran and the Persian Gulf in the office of policy planning had been targeted in part because she was of Iranian descent, as well as for her work during the Obama administration - including on the Iran nuclear deal - and rumors that she had shed tears at Trump's election.
In January, an inspector general investigation of the U.S. Embassy in Helsinki found that Trump-appointed Ambassador Robert Pence, and the career Foreign Service officer who served as second-in-command, "did not manage conflict between them in an appropriate manner, which resulted in a breakdown of trust and communication that complicated the chain of command and contributed to a stressful work environment" for staff. Pence, a Virginia real estate developer and Republican donor, has no relation to the vice president. ... 275436.php

Против Трампа начали новое расследование в США
Американский лидер Дональд Трамп стал фигурантом еще одного «дела» — в отношении него инициировали новое расследование демократы Палаты представителей и Сената Конгресса США. Как сообщает Reuters, поводом стало увольнение ряда чиновников, в том числе инспектора Госдепа Стива Линика.
Конгрессмены полагают, что Трамп путем увольнения пытался устранить всех чиновников, которые могут осуществлять надзор над его администрацией. При этом Линик был уволен по политическим мотивам. Якобы «госсекретарь Майк Помпео лично порекомендовал Трампу его уволить, поскольку Линик «начал расследование правонарушений самого Помпео», считают некоторые представители Конгресса, уточняет СМИ.
Напомним, ранее Линик давал показания по делу об импичменте Трампа.

Congressional Democrats launch investigation into Trump's firing of State Department IG
The top Democrats on the House and Senate foreign affairs committees launched an investigation Saturday into President Trump's Friday night firing of State Department Inspector General (IG) Steve Linick.
Rep. Eliot Engel, the chair of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, and Sen. Bob Menendez, the lead Democrat on the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, wrote letters to the White House, State Department and the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) to preserve all records related Linick's dismissal and to turn the information over by Friday, May 22.“President Trump’s unprecedented removal of Inspector General Linick is only his latest sacking of an inspector general, our government’s key independent watchdogs, from a federal agency. We unalterably oppose the politically-motivated firing of inspectors general and the president’s gutting of these critical positions,” Engel and Menendez wrote in the letter to the White House.
The lawmakers suggest that the firing "may be an illegal act of retaliation" because the IG was investigating Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.
“Reports indicate that Secretary Pompeo personally made the recommendation to fire Mr. Linick, and it is our understanding that he did so because the Inspector General had opened an investigation into wrongdoing by Secretary Pompeo himself," the lawmakers write. "Such an action, transparently designed to protect Secretary Pompeo from personal accountability, would undermine the foundation of our democratic institutions and may be an illegal act of retaliation."
It was Pompeo who suggested to Trump that he fire Linick, two Trump Administration officials told Fox News on Saturday.
“Secretary Pompeo recommended the move, and President Trump agreed," a White House official told Fox News.
A Democratic congressional aide told Fox News that Linick was investigating possible misuse of a political appointee at the State Department to perform personal tasks for Pompeo and his wife.
Trump fired Linick on Friday night, saying in a letter to Congress that he no longer had confidence in the State Department IG -- who was appointed during the Obama administration and had overseen reports critical of the department’s policies since Trump took office.
Fox News learned in October 2019 that Linick had hosted a closed-door briefing on the Ukraine investigation for congressional committee aides that examined communications between Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani and fired Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin and current Prosecutor-General Yuriy Lutsenko.
Before that, his office had raised concerns about then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server.
Linick’s removal continues a series of changes among the government’s inspectors general. The most notable of which was Trump’s April firing of then-Inspector General for the Intelligence Community Michael Atkinson for his role in the whistleblower complaint that led the Ukraine probe -- and Trump’s subsequent impeachment. ... or-general

Democrats investigating Trump firing of State Dept. watchdog
Democrats demanded on Saturday that the White House hand over all records related to President Donald Trump's latest firing of a federal watchdog, this time at the State Department, and they suggested Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was responsible, in what “may be an illegal act of retaliation.”
"We unalterably oppose the politically-motivated firing of inspectors general and the President's gutting of these critical positions,'' the chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee and the top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee wrote in a letter to the administration announcing their investigation.
Trump announced late Friday that he was firing the inspector general, Steve Linick, an Obama administration appointee whose office was critical of what it saw as political bias in the State Department's management. The ouster was one more move by the president against independent executive branch watchdogs who have found fault with his administration.
New York Rep. Eliot Engel and New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez sent letters to the White House, the State Department and the inspector general’s office asking that administration officials preserve all records related to Linick’s dismissal and provide them to the committees by this coming Friday. They promised to “look deeply into this matter" and said they would seek to interview White House officials. They said they “trust that the White House will cooperate fully with our investigation."
A senior department official said Trump removed Linick from his job on Friday but gave no reason for the action. In a letter to Congress, Trump said Linick, who had held the job since 2013, no longer had his full confidence and that his removal would take effect in 30 days. Trump did not mention Linick by name in his letter.
Democrats soon cried foul. Engel suggested Linick was fired in part in retaliation for opening an unspecified investigation into Pompeo.
Engel offered no details. Two congressional aides said it involved allegations that Pompeo may have improperly treated staff. Linick’s office has issued several reports critical of the department’s handling of personnel matters during the Trump administration, including accusing some political appointees of retaliating against career officials.
Engel and Menendez said it was ”their understanding" that Pompeo recommended that Linick be fired because the watchdog was investigating “wrongdoing” by the Cabinet officer. They gave no specifics, but said such a move “may be an illegal act of retaliation.”
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said Linick was “punished for honorably performing his duty to protect the Constitution and our national security.” She said Trump ”must cease his pattern of reprisal and retaliation against the public servants who are working to keep Americans safe, particularly during this time of global emergency.”
Linick, whose office also took issue with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server while she served as America's top diplomat, played a minor role in the Ukraine impeachment investigation into Trump.
In October, Linick turned over documents to House investigators that he had received from State Department Counselor T. Ulrich Brechbuhl, a close Pompeo associate, which contained information from debunked conspiracy theories about Ukraine’s role in the 2016 election.
Linick will replaced by Stephen Akard, a former career foreign service officer who has close ties to Vice President Mike Pence, said the official, who was not authorized to discuss the matter publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity. Akard currently runs the department's Office of Foreign Missions. He had been nominated to be the director general of the foreign service but withdrew after objections he wasn't experienced enough.
The lawmakers' request for information from the White House includes any evaluations of Linick's job performance and any assessment of Akard's job qualifications.
Linick, a former assistant U.S. attorney in California and Virginia, had overseen inspector general reports that were highly critical of the department's management policies during the Trump administration. His office had criticized several Trump appointees for their treatment of career staff for apparently being insufficiently supportive of Trump and his policies.
Under Linick, the State Department's inspector general office was also critical of former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson's hiring freeze and attempts to streamline the agency by slashing its funding and personnel.
Trump has been taking aim lately at inspectors general.
In April, he fired Michael Atkinson, the inspector general for the intelligence community, for his role in the whistleblower complaint that led to Trump’s impeachment.
Then Trump removed Glenn Fine as acting inspector general at the Defense Department. The move stripped him of his post as chairman of the Pandemic Response Accountability Committee, which is among those overseeing the vast economic relief law pass in response to the coronavirus.
During a White House briefing on COVID-19, Trump questioned the independence of an inspector general of the Department of Health and Human Services over a report that said there was a shortage of supplies and testing at hospitals. Trump has since moved to replace the HHS official, Christi A. Grimm. She is a career person who has held the position in an acting capacity, but now Trump has nominated a permanent replacement. ... 274318.php

Pompeo recommended firing of now-ousted State Department IG: official
Mike Pompeo recommended to President Trump that he fire now-ousted Inspector General Steve Linick, a State Department official told Fox News on Saturday -- as Democrats raised concerns that Linick was fired after opening an investigation into the secretary of state.
Trump fired Linick on Friday night, saying in a letter to Congress that he no longer had confidence in the State Department IG -- who was appointed during the Obama administration and had overseen reports critical of the department’s policies since Trump took office.
But the move immediately drew ire from Democrats, with Rep. Eliot Engel, D-N.Y., chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, suggesting Linick was fired in part in retaliation for opening an investigation into Pompeo.
“This firing is the outrageous act of a president trying to protect one of his most loyal supporters, the secretary of state, from accountability,” Engel said in a statement. “I have learned that the Office of the Inspector General had opened an investigation into Secretary Pompeo. Mr. Linick’s firing amid such a probe strongly suggests that this is an unlawful act of retaliation.”
A Democratic congressional aide says the Linick investigation Engel references centered on possible misuse of a political appointee at State to perform personal tasks for Pompeo and his wife.
“If Inspector General Linick was fired because he was conducting an investigation of conduct by Secretary Pompeo, the Senate cannot let this stand,” Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., said in a statement. “The Senate Foreign Relations Committee must get to the bottom of what happened here.”
The revelation that Pompeo requested Linick be fired will almost certainly increase those concerns from Democrats.
Fox News learned in October that Linick had hosted a closed-door briefingon the Ukraine investigation for congressional committee aides that examined communications between Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani and fired Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin and current Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko.
Before that his office had raised concerns about then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server. ... l-official

Faced with a Trumpian barrage of attacks, Joe Biden chooses to look the other way
In a return to his old fighting form last week, President Donald Trump suggested that his electoral rival, Joe Biden, should go to prison for an unspecified offense he labeled the "greatest political crime in the history of our country."
In response, Biden did nothing, holding back in silence for hours after Trump's interview aired Thursday on Fox Business Network, until the presumptive Democratic nominee's campaign finally sent out a tweet.
"There's nothing that the American people cannot accomplish when we stand together - one nation, united in purpose," it read.
The cheery non sequitur underscored a core presumption of Biden's senior team as it enters a new phase of the presidential campaign, one marked by hourly offensives from one of the most accomplished political pugilists in American history, who now enjoys the largest electoral cash advantage of the modern era.
Biden's advisers, aware of what Trump is preparing to fire at him, describe themselves as dead set against being triggered by his provocations or engaging with him on his terms. Voters will decide the election, they believe, in response to the crisis now engulfing the nation, not the spectacle of Trump's Twitter feed.
The most explosive Trump volleys have been dismissed by them as distractions - so far at least - even as Trump's attacks on the former vice president's competence and economic record stir more concern and response.
"The context of this race is different than anything anyone has experienced since probably 1932," said Anita Dunn, a senior strategist for the Biden campaign. "The question that the American people are going to be posed in 2020 will be: Who do you trust as we enter this new phase of this nation's history?"
Some of Biden's top advisers have gone even further, predicting that Trump's tactics of embracing false conspiracy theories and stirring up hurricanes of controversy could backfire, given an unemployment rate approaching 20 percent and a viral pandemic that has already killed nearly 90,000.
"The public is really focused on what matters in this election. And they're not being dragged into side issues and they are not being dragged into manufactured issues," said Mike Donilon, the Biden campaign's senior strategist. "It's just too serious. So I think Trump is risking a real problem in trying to push the conversation to a place where the country knows that's not what's at stake."
It's a wager the Trump campaign's top advisers are happy to take. After more than two months of mixed messages and inconsistent strategy, Trump chose the second week of May to finally launch his campaign at its full power against Biden, attacking his record, his integrity and his mental acuity with a media blitz anchored by about $10 million in television ads in the key swing states of Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Florida, Arizona, Iowa and North Carolina. Trump has focused extensively on Pennsylvania and Florida in recent conversations with political advisers, who met with him in the Oval Office last week.
Pro-Trump ads in the electoral battlegrounds now outnumber Democratic ads for the first time this year, by a margin of about 2 to 1 since the beginning of the month, according to Democratic advertising tracking data provided to The Washington Post. And that is just part of the effort Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale calls "omnichannel," a reference to the scope of its delivery systems, which include online advertising, social media posts, phone banking and an extensive surrogate operation.
On Facebook, the Trump campaign debuted new ads calling Biden a "corrupt BIG GOVERNMENT SOCIALIST," and others attacking his record on guns and immigration. One set of digital ads casts the former vice president as a puppet in the hand of Chinese President Xi Jingping, and another photoshops Biden as a spoon-fed invalid in a nursing home with the caption "Too Old?"
Trump allies and advisers are likely to slam Biden for other unproven charges, such as allegations about women and being mentally disabled. The president's son, Donald Trump Jr., posted an image Saturday on Instagram that showed an alligator calling Biden a pedophile, an allegation with no foundation. In emojis, the younger Trump indicated he found the image to be funny.
Among the other messages the Republican National Committee and the Trump campaign have tested in polling: Biden's support for the Iran nuclear deal, his boast of wanting to get rid of fossil fuels, his vote for the North American Free Trade Agreement and his support for access to health insurance for undocumented immigrants. They have also tested attacks about members of Biden's family making money while he held public office, his vote for the Iraq War, his personal wealth and his tendency to stumble over his words.
Among the attacks that have polled better, advisers say: Hitting him on China, NAFTA, support for the Green New Deal and Iran.
Parscale and his team have tested positive messages about Trump and did not get the same results, according to people familiar with the campaign tests. But there are some limits to how well some of the attacks might work. After voters in the 17-state RNC survey were provided an onslaught of negative statements about Biden, the Democrat still won by 1 percent over Trump, compared with 3 percent before they heard the statements, an official familiar with the poll said. The official spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe the findings.
One adviser said of Trump: "We are testing if he still has the amazing ability to get people to vote for him who say they can't stand him."
The sheer volume of attacks is part of the strategy, an effort to overwhelm a Biden campaign that is still finding its footing after a near standing start at the end of the Democratic primaries.
"They don't have a choice but to just take it on some of these things. They don't have the war chest or the structural organization to fight a multi-front battle," said Tim Murtaugh, the Trump campaign's communications director. "If they say their strategy is to take gut punch after gut punch and that's their plan, I'm not sure who's buying that."
Talking points distributed Tuesday by the Trump campaign to surrogates asked them to hammer Biden on his support for China gaining entry to the World Trade Organization, opposing "strong trade actions" against China and the evidence-free charge that Biden's son, Hunter, took $1.5 billion from China. (The younger Biden was involved in a Chinese investment effort during his father's time as vice president, but there is no public evidence the fund ever attracted that much investment or that the younger Biden profited to that extent.)
Similar scripts were given to Trump's army of grass-roots volunteers, who have been blitzing key states with phone calls and text messages, according to a campaign official who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss strategy.
Trump and his advisers see scorched-earth as the way to win. Campaign adviser Bill Stepien has recounted to others being in Trump Tower on Election Day 2016 and telling the president his approval rating was 38 percent - and Trump still believed he would win.
At the same time, Trump has personally taken the lead attacking Biden from the White House, even as he simultaneously denies that Biden is the focus of his campaign.
"I'm not running against Sleepy Joe Biden. He is not even a factor," Trump tweeted on Saturday. "I'm running against the Radical Left, Do Nothing Democrats & their partner, the real opposition party, the Lamestream Fake News Media!"
Over the past week he has questioned Biden's ability to perform as a candidate and latched on to a recently declassified document showing that Biden was one of 16 officials who requested the unmasking of a person who turned out to be Trump's first national security adviser, after his conversation with the Russian ambassador was captured in intercepts gathered as part of a foreign intelligence operation after the 2016 election.
The same document says standard procedures were followed during the unmasking, which occurs in every administration, including Trump's, if top officials can show they need to know the name of Americans or legal residents interacting with foreigners targeted by spy agencies. But Trump has nonetheless alleged that Biden's actions are part of a criminal conspiracy to undermine his incoming administration, which he has labeled "Obamagate."
Many Democratic strategists, including those outside the Biden campaign, have warned that the attacks are tangential and should be ignored. "Vote," tweeted former president Barack Obama in an apparent one-word rejoinder to the attack, which Biden echoed with the phrase, "What he said."
"If I were them I would be as quiet as a church mouse," said Jefrey Pollock, a Democratic pollster who has been working with independent groups to help defeat Trump. "Engaging with an arsonist will only light your house on fire."
Inside the Biden campaign, the greatest concern is raised by Trump attacks that might erode Biden's standing as a person better able than the president to help the country recover from the coronavirus pandemic. The campaign has hit back on Trump's China attacks, using the president's own words to argue in digital videos that it is Trump who is too cozy. And advisers have taken notice of the Trump campaign's fixation on Biden's mental competence.
Biden has also launched an economic policy attack on Trump's coronavirus response, tapping into liberal economic populist arguments that Biden has embraced in past campaigns.
"Trump and his administration are carrying out what is now the largest corporate bailout in American history in a way that is systematically rigged in favor of big businesses, the wealthy, and the financial sector - and against the working people and middle class families," advised a Biden campaign memo to surrogates on May 8.
The campaign has also focused on health care, a significant Trump weakness, according to internal and external polling.
The Biden campaign has also been playing its own branding game, seeking to build out an online brand identity with a "campaign code" of inclusion, empathy and kindness, words not associated with Trump's more aggressive style. Campaign videos make jokes about the candidate's love of ice cream and aviator sunglasses.
His advisers have also been cheered by internal and public polls that show Biden with advantages in key personal attributes and a far more favorable rating among voters than the last Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton, had at this point in 2016.
A CNN poll released last week found that Biden had a 12-point advantage over Trump on the question of whether the candidate "cares about people like you," a 15-point advantage on being "honest and trustworthy" and a 17-point advantage on uniting the country, not dividing it. Biden trailed Trump by three points in a question about who had the sharpness and stamina to be president. Internal Trump polling has shown similar numbers.
While there is no certainty that those numbers will hold up over the Trump blitz to come, Biden and those working to elect him believe they will be better off ignoring much of it.
"By the end of next week they will be done with this and they will go on to the next thing, which is Beijing Biden or whatever," said Rick Wilson, a Trump foe and Republican consultant. "The Biden campaign needs to just keep one thing in mind: Every re-election is a referendum on the incumbent." ... 276062.php

AP FACT CHECK: Trump, GOP distortion on Flynn; virus fiction
Trump and his GOP allies are misrepresenting the facts behind the legal case of former national security adviser Michael Flynn as they seek to allege improper behavior during the Obama administration in the presidential campaign season.
Broadly dubbing his allegations “Obamagate," Trump points to unspecified conspiracies against himself in 2016 and suggests the disclosure of Flynn's name as part of legal U.S. surveillance of foreign targets was criminal and motivated by partisan politics. There's no evidence of that.
In fact, the so-called unmasking of Americans' names like Flynn's is legal, and such requests have been more frequently sought in the Trump administration than in the last stretch of Obama's tenure.
In a politically tumultuous week, the president also mischaracterized messages between FBI employees and again alleged without evidence corruption involving Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden's son, Hunter, in China.
Meanwhile, Trump continued to spread falsehoods about the availability of tests needed to help stem the spread of the coronavirus in the U.S.

A look at the past week's political rhetoric and reality:
TRUMP: “OBAMAGATE!” — tweet Wednesday.
TRUMP: “Biggest political crime and scandal in the history of the USA.” — tweet Thursday.
THE FACTS: He’s making an unsupported claim that former President Barack Obama broke the law.
Trump and his supporters have made the unmasking of Flynn one of their major talking points, claiming that it proves the Obama administration unfairly and illegally targeted Flynn and other Trump associates.
But there is nothing illegal about unmasking. The declassified document also states that the unmasking requests were approved through the National Security Agency’s “standard process.”
Earlier in the week, when Trump was asked by reporters to define Obama’s criminal offense in the alleged “Obamagate,” Trump failed to articulate one. “You know what the crime is,” he said Monday. “The crime is very obvious to everybody. All you have to do is read the newspapers, except yours.”
During routine surveillance of foreign targets, names of Americans occasionally come up in conversation, either because the foreigner is talking to or about them. For privacy reasons, those names are generally concealed, or masked, before the intelligence is distributed to administration officials. U.S. officials can ask the agency that collected the intelligence to unmask the name if they think it is vital to understanding the intelligence.
While Trump casts unmasking as sinister, the number of identities unmasked in response to such requests has actually increased during the first years of the Trump administration from the final year of the Obama administration.

SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM, Republican chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee: “The unmasking of General Flynn by the Obama Administration regarding conversations during the presidential transition are deeply troubling and smell of politics, not national security.” — statement Wednesday.
THE FACTS: There is nothing from newly released material that suggests the unmasking requests were rooted in politics rather than national security.
There were indeed multiple Obama administration officials, including then-Vice President Biden, who asked the NSA to disclose the name of an American whose identity was concealed in intelligence reports. That American was revealed to be Flynn.
But there’s nothing inherently unusual about the requests, and the documents released by the Trump administration say the people who made the requests were authorized to receive the underlying intelligence reports.
SEN. RAND PAUL, R-KY: “But it should be and is illegal to listen to an American’s conversation. And it’s even worse if you’re listening to an American who just happens to be your political opponent from the opposite party.” — interview Wednesday on Fox News Channel.

THE FACTS: It is not illegal to listen to an American’s conversations, and law enforcement officials do it routinely with a warrant or court order. But in any event, that’s not what happened here.
No one was listening intentionally to an American’s conversation. Instead, U.S. officials learned of the conversations that involved or mentioned Flynn during surveillance of foreign targets.

TRUMP, addressing the criminal case against Flynn that Trump's Justice Department is now seeking to drop: “This was all Obama, this was all Biden. These people were corrupt, the whole thing was corrupt, and we caught them.” — interview Thursday on Fox News.
THE FACTS: He’s suggesting partisan politics by the Obama administration were completely behind Flynn’s investigation. That's incorrect.
It is true that the counterintelligence investigation into ties between Russia and the Trump campaign, and into Russia in particular, began during the Obama administration. But it continued well into Trump’s own administration. The investigation into Flynn was taken over by a special counsel who was appointed by Rod Rosenstein, Trump’s own deputy attorney general.

TRUMP: “We just cracked 10 million tests ... Ten million. ... If you look down here, these are other countries that have not done anywhere near what we’re doing. We’re double. If you add them up and double them, we’ve done more tests. But I can’t get the press to print that, unfortunately.” — remarks Wednesday with governors of Colorado and North Dakota.
TRUMP: “What we’ve done on testing, we’ve now tested more than the entire world put together.” — remarks Thursday to reporters.
THE FACTS: False. The U.S. has not tested more than all other countries combined, let alone double the number for the entire world. It also lags many countries in testing its population proportionally.
Together, just three countries — Russia, Germany and Italy — have reported more tests than the U.S.
This week, the U.S. had reported conducting more than 10 million tests since the pandemic began, after failing in the crucial early weeks of the outbreak. That compared with more than 23 million tests by the other countries in the top 10 of the testing count.
The U.S. was followed by Russia, Germany, Italy, Spain, Britain, India, United Arab Emirates, Turkey and France.
BRETT GIROIR, the federal health official overseeing U.S. testing: “Everybody who needs a test can get a test. ... If you’re symptomatic with a respiratory illness, that is an indication for a test and you can get a test. If you need to be contact traced, you can get a test." — news briefing Monday.
THE FACTS: Not according to public health experts, who say the U.S. is not near the testing level to safely reopen.
Researchers at the Harvard Global Health Institute, for instance, said the U.S. should now be doing 900,000 tests a day to help stop the spread of the virus. Trump this week said the U.S. was doing about 300,000.
Giroir stressed that an adequate number of diagnostic tests were available for those with symptoms of COVID-19, but studies have shown many who get infected never show symptoms. Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious diseases expert, has urged enough testing to include at the least asymptomatic people in vulnerable populations, such as nursing homes.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently broadened its guidelines for coronavirus testing to include certain asymptomatic people who may be seen at higher risk.
More than 40 states are failing to test widely enough to reach the level needed to safely loosen stay-at-home orders, according to an AP analysis of metrics developed by the Harvard Global Health Institute. The group includes four — Colorado, Florida, Georgia and Texas – that have already reopened.

TRUMP: “In January I put – and I was criticized by everybody including Dr. Fauci — I put in a wall. We put in a very strong wall. Only a small number of people were allowed in, and they were all U.S. citizens. I can’t tell a U.S. citizen, you can’t come back into your country. ... We actually acted very early.” — interview Thursday with Fox News.
THE FACTS: The travel restrictions he imposed on China in late January had other loopholes besides the exceptions for U.S. citizens. It was not a solid wall or total “ban,” as he often puts it.
There were many gaps in containment and initial delays in testing in January and February, leading to the U.S. rising to No. 1 globally in the number of people infected by COVID-19.
His order temporarily barred entry by foreign nationals who had traveled in China within the previous 14 days, with exceptions for U.S. citizens, but also their immediate family and permanent residents.
Dr. Anne Schuchat, the No. 2 official at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, told The Associated Press the federal government was also slow to understand how much coronavirus was spreading from Europe, which helped drive the acceleration of U.S. outbreaks in February. Trump announced restrictions for many European countries in mid-March.
”I think the timing of our travel alerts should have been earlier," she said.

TRUMP: “So even before I got elected, you remember the famous — the two lovers, right, Strzok and Page, the insurance policy, she’s going to win, but just in case she doesn’t we have an insurance policy. That means that if I won, they’re going to try and take me out.” — Fox News interview Thursday.
THE FACTS: There was no conspiracy afoot to take out Trump in the 2016 text message between two FBI employees.
Trump depicts the two as referring to a plot — or insurance policy — to oust him from office if he won the presidential election over Democrat Hillary Clinton. It’s apparent from the text that it wasn’t that.
Agent Peter Strzok and lawyer Lisa Page, both now gone from the bureau, said the text messages reflected a debate about how aggressively the FBI should investigate Trump and his campaign when expectations at the time were that he would lose anyway.
Strzok texted about something Page had said to the FBI’s deputy director, to the effect that “there’s no way he gets elected.” But Strzok argued that the FBI should not assume Clinton would win: “I’m afraid we can’t take that risk.” He likened the situation to “an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40.” He has said he was not discussing a plot to drive Trump from office.
TRUMP, on Hunter Biden: “Worst of all, was the last eight years under President Obama and Biden, where his son gets a billion and a half dollars, and then they’re supposed to be tough on China. ... And he walked out of China with $1.5 billion dollars to invest for them, of which he makes hundreds of thousands — and actually millions — of dollars.” — interview Thursday on Fox News.
THE FACTS: There’s no evidence Hunter Biden pocketed $1.5 billion from China. More generally, accusations of criminal wrongdoing by father or son are unsubstantiated.
In 2014, an investment fund started by Hunter Biden and other investors joined with foreign and Chinese private equity firms in an effort to raise $1.5 billion to invest outside China. That’s far from giving Hunter Biden such a sum, as Trump describes it.
Hunter Biden’s lawyer, George Mesires, wrote in an internet post last year that his client was an unpaid director of the fund at the time “based on his interest in seeking ways to bring Chinese capital to international markets.”
“He has not received any return on his investment," Mesires said.
Hunter Biden stepped down from the Chinese board last October as part of a pledge not to work on behalf of any foreign-owned companies should his father win the presidency. ... 274876.php

Хакеры REvil начали публикацию документов известной юрфирмы с упоминанием Трампа
Группа хакеров REvil начала выкладывать в сеть документы, полученные в ходе взлома компьютерной системы Grubman Shire Meiselas & Sacks. Это одна из ведущих в мире юридических фирм, которая занимается делами звезд шоу-бизнеса. Как сообщает Business Insider, первым делом хакеры выложили в сеть целый архив электронной переписки фирмы с клиентами. Причем только тех писем, где по разным поводам упоминается имя президента США Дональда Трампа.
Взломав на прошлой неделе компьютерную сеть Grubman Shire Meiselas & Sacks, хакеры потребовали выкуп за возвращение информации. Они угрожали выложить в открытый доступ личные данные звезд шоу-бизнеса, которых обслуживала эта фирма, а также договоры с клиентами и другие конфиденциальные документы.
Grubman Shire Meiselas & Sacks отказалась платить деньги. В минувший четверг хакеры повысили сумму выкупа. Теперь она составляет $42 млн. Они пообещали начать выкладывать данные в Dark Net, причем начать «с самой невинной информации», связанной с Дональдом Трампом. В первой партии выложенных писем имя президента упоминается в связи с обсуждением разных юридических моментов, например, использования в рекламе выдержек из давнего интервью господина Трампа. Как пообещали хакеры, следующие порции уже не будут такими невинными. У Grubman Shire Meiselas & Sacks, по словам хакеров, есть неделя на то, чтобы начать выплачивать выкуп.

WSJ: власти США могут предъявить Google обвинения в нарушении антимонопольного законодательства
Минюст США и генпрокуроры нескольких американских штатов в ближайшие месяцы могут предъявить обвинения компании Google в нарушении антимонопольного законодательства, сообщила газета The Wall Street Journal со ссылой на источники.
Источники издания ожидают иска Минюста США летом. Осенью, как предполагается, его также подадут генпрокуроры ряда штатов во главе с Техасом. Министерство имеет претензии к несправедливым преимуществам Google в рекламном бизнесе, генпрокуроры считают, что у компании чрезмерно большой контроль в этой сфере. Будут ли они готовить иск совместно, не уточняется.
Проверки в отношении Google подтвердил министр юстиции США Уильям Барр в марте. Генпрокурор Техаса Кен Пакстон сообщил, что у Google запрошены документы, расследование завершится осенью.

E-commerce sales rose by 49 percent in the United States in April. ... ne-orders/

Крупный американский ритейлер JC Penney объявил о банкротстве

Число нефтегазовых буровых установок в США упало до исторического минимума
Число действующих нефтегазовых буровых установок в США упало до минимума с 1944 года, когда начались подсчеты, свидетельствуют данные компании Baker Hughes.
По данным нефтесервисной компании, количество буровых в США сократилось на прошлой неделе на 35, до 339. Из них действующих нефтяных установок — 258, это самый низкий показатель с июля 2009 года. Год назад в стране насчитывалось 987 нефтегазовых буровых, из них нефтяных — 802.
Сокращение добычи нефти в США происходит из-за падения спроса на нее на фоне пандемии коронавируса COVID-19. Кроме того, сказываются ценовые войны между основными поставщиками сырья на мировой рынок. В апреле цена нефти марки WTI достигла отрицательных значений. Президент Дональд Трамп поручил разработать план помощи нефтяным компаниям США.

Stay-at-home orders face lawsuits across the nation
Stay-at-home orders aimed at reducing the spread of coronavirus are now facing legal challenges from residents and state officials alike, alleging that some measures – mostly put in place by Democrats -- go too far while the country gradually moves toward reopening.
California alone is facing at least a dozen lawsuits that include claims that the state has unjustly closed down gun shops and religious services, infringed on freedoms of speech and assembly by restricting protests, and one case where a resident alleges that being forced to remain at home constitutes forced detention without due process.
“We’re being challenged,” California Gov. Gavin Newsom, a Democrat, told CNN’s “State of the Union” on Sunday. “All across this country, every single day, governors are being challenged, local health officials are being challenged, and it’s a spirit of collaboration. Those that continue to pursue things that put people in harm’s risk, you have to have stepped up efforts and enforcement and sanctions.”
That reference to “collaboration” was with regard to Tesla founder Elon Musk, who reopened business in Alameda County, stating in advance on the Internet that he would be disobeying an order requiring him to remain closed. Newsom said that by the time the Tesla facility was open for business, it was with permission following negotiations with the county government.
“They came together and they were able to work out a framework of modifications to keep their workers safe,” Newsom said.
Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is up against a lawsuit from Republicans in her state’s House and Senate over her extension of an already-strict emergency order that has regulated residents’ movement and closed businesses. The GOP lawsuit claims that Whitmer overstepped her authority by extending her previous shutdown order, saying she needs the legislature’s approval to extend it beyond 28 days.
Whitmer responded by calling the lawsuit “a political bluff” and “power grab” by the Republican lawmakers.
In Wisconsin, the state Supreme Court struck down the state's “safer at home” on Wednesday, saying the administration of Gov. Tony Evers, a Democrat, overstepped its authority when it extended the order through the end of May. The ruling said any future orders must be approved by the state’s legislature.
Kentucky protesters sued officials including Gov. Andy Beshear, also a Democrat, for allegedly violating the First Amendment by banning mass protests. In another lawsuit a federal judge temporarily blocked Beshear’s ban on in-person church services.
... ... the-nation

Federal judge halts Kentucky governor's ban on in-person church services after lawsuit ... -gov-judge

Kentucky man accused of threatening governor, state troopers on social media arrested ... cial-media

Michigan barber defying Gov. Whitmer’s coronavirus shutdown has license stripped ... e-stripped

Protesters carrying guns, getting haircuts and dressed as Santa Claus gather outside the Pennsylvania state capitol to demand Gov. Wolf reopen the state
Hundreds demanded Democratic Governor Tom Wolf lift statewide lockdown in Pennsylvania on Friday
Demonstrators waved American flags and held pro-Trump banners near Capitol building in Harrisburg
One woman offered protesters free hair cuts while another protester dressed up as Santa Claus
Protesters also demanded resignation of Pennsylvania secretary of health, Dr. Rachel Levine
One demonstrator held a sign which read 'Fire Fauci' while another compared him to a Nazi ... eopen.html

California's Newsom says fed help to states 'not charity,' but 'moral and ethical obligation' to Americans
California Gov. Gavin Newsom said Sunday that his state is facing a major budgetary crisis as a “direct result” of the coronavirus pandemic and called on federal lawmakers to provide some sort of relief funding to states across the nation as they struggle with the economic fallout that has accompanied the public health emergency.
Newsom, a Democrat, said that funding from the federal government to states hard-hit by the virus was “not charity” and that lawmakers in Congress have a “moral and ethical obligation” to help Americans across the country.
“We’re not looking for charity,” Newsom said on CNN’s “State of the Union.” “It’s social responsibility at a time when people all across the country are facing unprecedented budgetary stress.”
He added: “It’s incumbent of the federal government to support these states.” ... -americans

Colorado Gov. Polis pushes back against CDC's coronavirus death counts
Colorado Gov. Jared Polis, a Democrat, pushed back against recent coronavirus death counts, including those conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], days after his own state’s health department acknowledged that its numbers had been inflated by including people who had the virus but died from other causes.
Colorado previously had reported 1,150 people died from COVID-19, but late Friday, officials changed that number to 878.
“The CDC criteria include anybody who has died with COVID-19, but what the people of Colorado and the people of the country want to know is how many people died of COVID-19,” Polis told “Fox News Sunday.” ... ath-counts

Trump calls into charity golf tournament
Trump calls into charity golf tournament and promises speedy return to normalcy that sounded far more optimistic than most experts say is realistic.
Trump called into a charity golf tournament broadcast Sunday and promised Americans a speedy return to normalcy that sounded far more optimistic than most experts say is realistic.
Trump hailed the event — broadcast on NBC — and said he’d like to see crowds packing into sports venues by this fall, whether or not a cure for the coronavirus is developed.
He said, “We’re looking at vaccines, we’re looking at cures and we are very, very far down the line,” adding: “I think that’s not going to be in the very distant future. But even before that, I think we’ll be back to normal.”
Experts, however, say finding a cure that fast is far from certain and have warned that easing restrictions too quickly could cause the virus to rebound.
Trump said events would likely resume with small crowds — if any — but hopes that by the time The Masters is played in November, the crowds can return.
“We want to get it back to where it was. We want big, big stadiums loaded with people,” he said. “We want to get sports back. We miss sports. We need sports in terms of the psyche, the psyche of our country.” ... 275787.php

Rory McIlroy Won’t Golf With Trump Again After Ripping President’s Leadership
Rory McIlroy is just one of many professional golfers who have hit the links with President Trump in the past.
But, unlike Tiger Woods, Brooks Koepka or Jack Nicklaus, McIlroy has no shot at playing golf with the president in the future after criticizing Trump’s leadership throughout the pandemic during an appearance on the McKellar Golf Podcast.
“We’re in the midst of something that’s pretty serious right now and the fact that he’s trying to politicize it and make it a campaign rally and say we’re administering the most tests in the world like it is a contest — there’s something that just is terrible,” McIlroy said. “It’s not the way a leader should act. There’s a sort of diplomacy that you need to have, and I don’t think he’s showing that — especially in these times.”
McIlroy also told the podcast he’d been invited to play with Trump again but declined the offer “out of choice” despite the president being “nice and personable” when they played the first time.
“That doesn’t mean that I agree with everything — or in fact anything — that he says,” McIlroy told the podcast. ... 273127.php

Trump still confident in virus test despite false negatives
Trump expressed no concerns Friday about a rapid coronavirus test that the White House has been relying on to ensure his safety, despite new data suggesting the test may return an inordinate share of false negatives.
Trump expressed his confidence in the test from Abbott Laboratories after a preliminary study by New York University researchers reported problems with it. Trump and his deputies have promoted the 15-minute test as a “game changer" and have been using it for weeks now to try to keep the White House complex safe.
The Food and Drug Administration announced late Thursday it was investigating preliminary data suggesting the Abbott test can miss a large number of COVID-19 cases, falsely clearing infected patients.
“Abbott is a great test; it’s a very quick test,” Trump said at a Rose Garden event to highlight his administration's efforts to develop a vaccine for the virus. “And it can always be very rapidly double checked.”
... ... 272259.php

Трамп заявил о сильном снижении роста зараженных коронавирусом в США
Президент США Дональд Трамп заявил, что прирост заразившихся коронавирусом снижается по всей стране. США находятся на первом месте по числу заболевших в мире.
«Число случаев заражения коронавирусом сильно снижается на всей территории Соединенных Штатов, за некоторыми исключениями. Это действительно очень хорошие новости!»,— написал господин Трамп в Twitter.
По данным Университета Джонса Хопкинса, число заразившихся коронавирусом в США составляет более 1,48 млн. Умерли свыше 89 тыс., выздоровели более 272 тыс. Как отмечает AFP, в воскресенье, 17 мая, в этой стране было зарегистрировано 820 смертельных случаев за сутки. Это самое низкое значение после 10 мая: тогда было 776 летальных исходов.

Эксперт заявил о медленной реакции властей США на эпидемию COVID-19
Правительство США очень медленно реагировало на ситуацию с эпидемией коронавирусной инфекцией в стране. Об этом заявил директор американской Коалиции учреждений долгосрочного ухода за пожилыми людьми Ричард Моллот в интервью RT.
«К сожалению, федеральное правительство некоторым образом проигнорировало, что происходит, и в целом реагировало очень и очень медленно, а на ситуацию в домах престарелых особенно», — сказал Моллот.
По его словам, государство могло бы снизить риски среди пациентов домов престарелых, смертность от COVID-19 среди которых достигает 50% в некоторых учреждениях США.
Моллот утверждает, что заразившиеся коронавирусом постояльцы пансионатов нередко делят комнаты со здоровыми людьми. Им также могут отказать в госпитализации из-за инвалидности или преклонного возраста. По словам эксперта, власти говорят, что «заниматься лечением пожилых нецелесообразно
Подробнее на РБК: ... m=newsfeed

WASHINGTON — One of President Donald Trump’s top economic advisers is criticizing the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s early response to the coronavirus outbreak, saying it “let the country down” after initial delays with testing.
White House trade adviser Peter Navarro declined to say when asked Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press” whether Trump had confidence in the CDC to lead the U.S. pandemic response, saying that was a question for the president.
But Navarro says the CDC “set us back” in the early weeks of the outbreak.
CDC struggled to develop its own diagnostic test for the coronavirus in January, later discovering problems in its kits sent to state and county public health labs in early February.
It took the CDC more than two weeks to come up with a fix, leading to delays in diagnoses as the virus rapidly spread.
Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar on Sunday said he disagreed the CDC had let the nation down. He told CBS’ “Face the Nation”: “I believe the CDC serves an important public health role.” ... 275787.php

Trump aide raises tension with CDC after criticizing health agency publicly
Tensions between the White House and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention spilled out into public view on Sunday as a top adviser to President Donald Trump criticized the public health agency's response to the novel-coronavirus pandemic.
The comments by White House trade adviser Peter Navarro are the latest signal of how the Trump administration has sought to sideline the CDC. The agency typically plays the lead role in public health crises, but in recent weeks it's had its draft guidance for reopening held up by the White House, leaving states and localities to largely fend for themselves.
Speaking on NBC News' "Meet the Press," Navarro criticized the CDC production of a flawed coronavirus test kit that contributed to a nationwide delay in testing.
"Early on in this crisis, the CDC - which really had the most trusted brand around the world in this space - really let the country down with the testing," Navarro said. "Because not only did they keep the testing within the bureaucracy, they had a bad test. And that did set us back."
The CDC did not respond to a request for comment. Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar, whose agency oversees the CDC, pushed back against Navarro's criticism in an interview on CBS's "Face the Nation."
"I don't believe the CDC let this country down," Azar said in response to Navarro's comments. "I believe the CDC serves an important public health role. And what was always critical was to get the private sector to the table" on testing.
With the coronavirus pandemic in the United States now in its third month, some in the White House are increasingly taking aim at the CDC and the leadership of its director, Robert Redfield, as The Washington Post has previously reported.
In addition to the issue of testing, White House officials say they are also frustrated by what they consider the agency's balky flow of data and information and the leak of an early version of its reopening recommendations, according to three administration officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal disagreements.
Appearing remotely at a Senate committee hearing Tuesday, Redfield detailed the CDC's efforts to combat the pandemic, including expert assistance for state health authorities, disease surveillance and testing and contact tracing strategy. But he also sounded an alarm that the nation's public health resources have been insufficient to meet the challenge that covid-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus, has posed.
"We need to rebuild our nation's public health infrastructure: data and data analytics, public health laboratory resilience and our nation's public health workforce," he said.
Navarro on Sunday also criticized China, escalating the Trump administration's attacks on that country for its handling of the virus. In an interview on ABC News' "This Week," Navarro said he holds the country's leaders responsible for the global outbreak.
"The virus was spawned in Wuhan province," Navarro said. "Patient zero was in November. The Chinese, behind the shield of the World Health Organization, for two months hid the virus from the world, and then sent hundreds of thousands of Chinese on aircraft to Milan, New York and around the world to seed that. They could have kept it in Wuhan. Instead, it became a pandemic."
Beijing has responded to such attacks by accusing the Trump administration of "shifting blame" in an effort to distract from its own failures amid the pandemic.
While they were at odds over the CDC, Navarro and Azar were in agreement Sunday as they defended the Trump administration's push for states to reopen their economies.
Navarro argued that "some of the people in the medical community want to just run and hide until the virus is extinguished," an approach that he argued, without evidence, would "kill many more people" than covid-19 would.
He also said loosening restrictions on businesses is not a "question of lives vs. jobs."
"What President Trump realized early on is that, if you lock people down, you may save lives directly from the China virus, but you indirectly are going to kill a lot more people" through suicide or substance abuse, Navarro said.
Azar declared that it's safe to reopen the country because half of the counties reporting "haven't had a single death," and that more than 60% of all covid-19 cases are in 2% of the reporting counties.
"That's why the local leaders need to lead this," he said on CNN's "State of the Union."
Azar also saidhe was not overly concerned by images of people congregating at bars and other places without staying six feet apart or wearing masks.
"I think in any individual instance you are going to see people doing things that are irresponsible," he said, emphasizing that "we've got to get this economy open and our people out and about, working and going to school again."
Trump made brief remarks Sunday as he returned to the White House from Camp David. In an exchange with reporters, he maintained that "tremendous progress is being made on many fronts, including coming up with a cure for this horrible plague that has beset our country."
But statistics from some states paint a less-than-rosy picture.
Texas reported its largest single-day jump in coronavirus cases Saturday, with 1,801 newly confirmed cases. According to the Texas Department of State Health Services, 734 of the new cases were reported in the Amarillo area, where there has been an outbreak tied to the region's meatpacking facilities.
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, a Republican, has allowed some businesses - including hair salons, restaurants and retail stores - to reopen at reduced capacity, and beginning Monday, gyms, offices and nonessential manufacturing facilities will be allowed to do so as well, according to the Dallas Morning News.
New York, the state hardest hit by the pandemic, has seen a decline in new cases since April, but officials remain wary of a potential increase as parts of the state begin to reopen. Gov. Andrew Cuomo, a Democrat, on Sunday received a covid-19 swab test on live TV in an effort to convince residents to get tested if they are experiencing symptoms.
"It is so fast and so easy that even a governor can take this test," Cuomo said shortly before a doctor swabbed his nose during his daily briefing in Albany.
After photos and videos emerged over the weekend of people in New York City crowding the sidewalks outside restaurants and bars, many carrying open containers and not wearing masks, Mayor Bill de Blasio, a Democrat, scolded those disregarding quarantine measures.
"We're feeling the pull of the outdoors, we're feeling the seasons changing, we all want to be out there," de Blasio said, noting that the warm weather has exacerbated pent-up New Yorkers' "quarantine fatigue" after two months in isolation. "But we all understand we're in the middle of a pandemic, and we have to do things differently."
In California, Gov. Gavin Newsom, a Democrat, said he is moving forward based on the best guidance to control the spread of the virus: social distancing. He also said reopening schools will be predicated on data and science, not just observations on the ground.
"I think some schools will not be [open this fall] and many schools will be," Newsom told host Jake Tapper on CNN's "State of the Union."
Seventy-five percent of California's economy is now open, including manufacturing, warehouses and restaurants, Newsom said. Business owners and individuals are encouraged to wear face coverings and maintain physical distance from others. Opening sports arenas, he said, is not an option at this time.
Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine, a Republican, said reopening his state's economy was necessary, but he noted that the state was still wrestling with the outbreak and that the danger remains. "I've said to Ohioans that so much is in every individual's control. I encourage people to wear masks when they go out in public," he said on CNN.
DeWine said he was concerned when he saw images of a reopened Ohio bar crowded with people. But he added that the people running the bar got the situation under control.
"Ultimately, it's going to come to Ohioans doing what Ohioans have done the last two months - keep their distance and wear masks," he said.
DeWine said that 90% of the state's economy is open but that he wasn't sure about reopening schools. He said they were closed "not because you [are] specifically worried about the kids," but to keep students from going home and infecting their parents.
"You have 30 kids go into a classroom, one kid is in there, and he's got no symptoms, but he's carrying it - now you got maybe 25 kids . . . going back to their families," DeWine said. "And it just spreads and multiplies. So, that's the concern."
In an interview on CBS News' "Face the Nation," House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., warned that "time is of the essence" for Congress and the White House to approve an additional round of coronavirus relief, including funds for additional testing and job protections.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., has sought to expand liability protections for employers that reopen during the pandemic, but Pelosi on Sunday declined to say whether Democrats are open to such a move.
"Time is very important. We have lost time," Pelosi said, adding: "People are hungry across America. Hunger doesn't take a pause. People are jobless across America. That doesn't take a pause." ... 276645.php

HHS Secretary Azar says people going to bars despite coronavirus pandemic is 'part of the freedom we have'
Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar said Sunday he understands that while it may be “irresponsible” for people to gather in large groups during the coronavirus pandemic, it is also “part of the freedom” Americans have as states begin to ease their social distancing guidelines.
Responding to a question on CNN’s “State of the Union” about reports of people crowding into bars in Ohio and other parts of the country, Azar said that while federal officials can offer “guidance,” it’s up to local leaders to implement it in their communities.
“I think in any individual incidence you're going to see people doing things that are irresponsible, that’s part of the freedom we have in America,” Azar said.
He added: “Part of this is going to be if you're in crowded areas and if you’re in an area that has ongoing spread of community spread of disease, there's steps you should take. That's where our guidance is there for, and we count on local leaders to implement and interpret that according to the local situation.”
Azar also echoed Trump’s concerns that keeping the economy closed will lead to “serious health consequences.” Trump has consistently said that the closed economy – which has been accompanied by drastic financial strain for many Americans – can lead to both mental and physical health problems.
The HHS secretary’s comments come amid reports from Columbus, Ohio, and other cities in states that have eased their stay-at-home orders of people crowding into bars despite the ongoing public health crisis. ... om-we-have

In next phase of pandemic, Trump appears poised to let others take the lead
WASHINGTON - President Donald Trump has proclaimed the latest phase of pandemic response the "transition to greatness." But Trump appears poised to preside over the eventual transition more as a salesman and marketer than a decider.
Many consequential actions are being done by others. The nation's governors are overseeing their states' plans to reopen their economies. Business leaders are making their own choices about how their employees can safely and responsibly return to work. Treasury officials are negotiating with Congress the details of financial stimulus packages. And scientists and public health officials are leading the race for a vaccine.
The United States under Trump has also retreated from its historic position of global leadership, declining, for instance, to participate in a coronavirus summit with other nations earlier this month.
Amid a once-in-a-century deadly pandemic, Trump has inserted his ego squarely into the U.S. response while simultaneously minimizing his own role - deferring critical decisions to others, undermining his credibility with confusion and misinformation, and shirking responsibility in what some see as a shrinking of the American presidency.
Historian Doris Kearns Goodwin, who studies presidential leadership, said Trump has diminished the influence of his office relative to the outsized responsibilities past presidents have taken on during crises, most notably Franklin Roosevelt amid the Great Depression and World War II.
"You just yearn for that kind of leadership coming from the presidency," Goodwin said. "Right now, we're looking to the leaders in the states for carrying the major burden of how to deal with both the science and the economics. We're looking to private industries about how to reopen."
White House spokesman Judd Deere said "the media refuses to acknowledge or report accurately the incredible work of this president to protect and support the American people throughout this pandemic," including a newly announced initiative aimed at developing and distributing a vaccine by the end of the year, ahead of most predictions.
"The president has been leading every step of the way, and his actions, not only to protect public health but also the economy and workforce, will ensure we emerge stronger than ever before," Deere said.
Many Democrats disagree. "It seems that the most important decision the president makes every day is whether he does a press conference and, if so, what time," Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., said.
But with the U.S. death toll at more than 87,000 and rising, Murphy said he prefers a leadership vacuum in the West Wing to what he views as Trump's unhelpful meddling.
"At this point, I think the president has proved to be so incompetent that most of us in Connecticut don't want him or the people that work for him micromanaging our response," Murphy said.
Though Trump has repeatedly attacked Gretchen Whitmer, the Democratic governor of Michigan said she has forged solid relationships with others in the administration, including Vice President Mike Pence, whom she described as "accessible and cordial."
"It doesn't mean every single thing we need comes on time and perfectly and when we need it, but they're good to work with and they're doing their best," she said.
Asked what she would like from the president, Whitmer said, "I would love to see a consistent, science-based message, and imploring people to keep their guard up and keep doing the right thing." And, she added with a small laugh, "I would like swabs!"
Unlike former president Barack Obama - who made a point of getting photographed receiving an H1N1 vaccine to encourage the public to do similarly - Trump has largely modeled poor public health behavior. He refuses to a wear a mask, despite his own administration's recommendation to do so, and until recently he did not practice social distancing.
Some of Trump's other decisions, meanwhile, have seemed rooted in part in public relations calculations. In an unprecedented move, the president suggested that his name be printed on all Internal Revenue Service stimulus checks, a decision that threatened to slow their delivery by several days.
And before daily coronavirus press briefings were eventually curtailed, Trump co-opted them as freewheeling, virtual campaign rallies. The ensuing dynamic ultimately transformed the coronavirus task force meetings in the Situation Room largely into planning sessions for what the president and other officials would present to the media that evening, aides said.
Now, in pushing the nation to reopen, Trump is running anew up against his own limitations. A recent CNN poll found that while Trump's approval rating remains largely unchanged at 45 percent, a smaller 36 percent of the public considers the president a trusted source of information about the coronavirus outbreak.
This trust deficit, said Richard Curtin, director of Surveys of Consumers at the University of Michigan, makes it even harder for Trump to accomplish a task that would be daunting for any leader.
"To convince consumers to go out and purchase - or to just go out - is a significant challenge because it involves their most closely held emotions about life," Curtin said. "Consumers started staying at home long before they were forced to by government regulations, because they knew that was the right thing to do, and I think the president has limited ability to change that."
Peter Wehner, who served in the past three Republican administrations and is an outspoken Trump critic, was more blunt, arguing Trump's "extreme narcissism" has impeded his administration's pandemic response.
"There's no question that he has miniaturized the office," Wehner said. "He's shrunken it, he's degraded it and he's defaced it. It's a kind of civic vandalism he's inflicted on the office."
For Trump, sometimes the message seems more important than the policy. During a Rose Garden news conference Monday, Trump announced that his administration was sending $11 billion to the states and territories to help them with testing. But when a reporter asked him why every American who wants a test still can't get a test, two months after Trump first promised they could, the president was exasperated.
"That's the problem with a question like that," Trump said. "We go through a whole announcement saying, 'We're No. 1 in the world by far,' by a factor of two, and even three and four depending on where you're looking, and I get a question, 'When will everybody be able to get tested?' "
The focus, he implied, should be on his ceremonial announcement, not the continued lack of what experts say is sufficient mass testing.
Meanwhile, Trump played a supporting role, at best, in negotiations to produce the four bipartisan bills enacted so far to address the pandemic. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin was a constant presence on Capitol Hill running point for the administration on a series of relief measures, while the president's suggestions - such as a payroll tax cut - were shrugged off and gained little traction, even among Republican allies.
At one point in mid-March, as a particularly hard-fought negotiation reached resolution, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., was asked if she'd spoken with Trump. "There was no need for that," she replied.
Trump and his allies stress that he deserves credit for some of the decisions he did make. Trump announced some restrictions on travel from China in late January - which he cites in claiming he took the virus seriously early on, despite having spent all of February dismissing its threat and ignoring calls to prepare for the worst.
Trump, habitually loathe to share the spotlight, helped elevate public health officials to near celebrity status, including physicians Deborah Birx and Anthony Fauci. Despite some tensions and frustrations, Birx and Fauci insist that Trump listens to their advice, even if he doesn't always heed it.
While critics see Trump's hyper-focus on public relations as a detriment, Jason Miller, a former Trump campaign adviser, said it is evidence of savvy leadership.
"Every president who has faced a global crisis - whether it be a kinetic war or a viral war or even an economic war - has become the face of that crisis, whether they like it or not, and I think it's smart for President Trump to realize that his presidency will ultimately be defined by the successful recovery from coronavirus," Miller said.
Other personalities, from medical doctors to governors, have emerged as influential. For example, the daily news conferences of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, a Democrat, became must-watch viewing for many Americans.
"The governors with the highest approval ratings are those who acted most quickly and seemed to listen most closely to the advice of the health care experts," said Whit Ayres, a Republican pollster.
Also drawing attention is Obama, who on Saturday joined a star-studded group - including basketball player LeBron James and education activist Malala Yousafzai - to deliver a prime-time televised commencement for graduates of 74 historically black colleges and universities across the United States.
Obama took sharp aim at the Trump administration's handling of the pandemic, saying the crisis has "finally torn back the curtain on the idea that so many of the folks in charge know what they're doing. A lot of them aren't even pretending to be in charge."
Ben Rhodes, a deputy national security adviser to Obama, said that were Trump to think more creatively, the president could easily craft a weekly schedule that helps both steady the nation and underscore his policy goals. For instance, Rhodes sketched out a Monday briefing alongside Fauci with "just the facts you need to know about fighting the disease"; a Tuesday video call on Zoom with small businesses to discuss guidelines for safely reopening; and a Wednesday photo opportunity at a local D.C. restaurant to help with curbside pickup.
"This would be politically hugely popular, to make people feel like they're getting usable information from the government and like they're being shown by the president about how they might go about resuming their lives," Rhodes said. "This is one of those moments where doing the job well would have political benefit." ... 276173.php

Trump’s Son Pushes Dimwitted Rigged Election Conspiracy: Virus ‘Will Magically Go Away’ After Nov. 3
Eric Trump says Democrats are in the midst of a concerted effort to stop America from reopening in order to derail his father’s rallies, thus hurting the president’s reelection chances
Trump’s son Eric wants people to believe that the Democrats are in the midst of a concerted effort to stop America from reopening so his dad can’t hold arena rallies, all in an attempt to hurt his reelection chances.
On Saturday, Eric Trump told Fox News host Jeannine Pirro that following November’s presidential election, the “coronavirus will magically… disappear and everybody will be able to reopen.” Because, you know, the Democrats will make that happen.
“They think they are taking away Donald Trump’s greatest tool, which is being able to go into an arena and fill it with 50,000 people every single time,” he said. “You watch, they’ll milk it every single day between now and November 3. And guess what, after November 3, coronavirus will magically all of a sudden go away and disappear and everybody will be able to reopen.”
There is nothing surprising about anyone connected to the Trump campaign making wild conspiracy claims. The president himself manufactures a new one seemingly on a daily basis. But the lack of respect for his father’s supporters’ and Fox News viewers’ intelligence is rather astounding here, and that’s putting aside the fact that more than 40 states will have some sort of reopening in place by next week — obviously, months before the election. In addition, Eric Trump’s conspiracy implicates a political party that is often so disorganized that pulling off a monumental task like this would be a tougher task than herding cats. And this heartless conspiracy would not only hurt an untold amount of American citizens but would have to include Democratic governors and mayors across the country who would be willing to chance their own political futures all in the name of electing Joe Biden and dethroning Donald Trump.
These grifters have sold so many on so little they don’t feel the need to take the time to submit plausible false scenarios to their followers. It’s a cult with lazy leaders. ... 276370.php

ФРС не исключает нового обвала на финансовых рынках
Обвал на финансовых рынках может снова повториться, говорится в отчете Федеральной резервной системы (ФРС) США по финансовой стабильности (.pdf). Цены на активы остаются уязвимыми на фоне пандемии коронавируса COVID-19.
«Неопределенность все еще остается высокой, и рынки остаются волатильными по сравнению с историческими нормами, что предполагает возможность дальнейшего снижения цен, если ситуация будет развиваться хуже, чем ожидалось»,— говорится в документе.
Ведомство отметило, что рынку недвижимости, в том числе коммерческой, нужно больше времени для того, чтобы отреагировать на изменения в экономической ситуации. Эта отрасль может оказаться под серьезным давлением.
Ранее глава ФРС Джером Пауэлл заявил, что американская экономика может испытать «продолжительное воздействие» от негативных последствий пандемии коронавируса. По его словам, «масштабы и темпы экономического спада не имеют прецедентов со времен Второй мировой войны».

Глава ФРС допустил падение ВВП США на 20% и безработицу на уровне 25%
ВВП США во втором квартале 2020 года может рухнуть на 20%, а уровень безработицы — подняться до 25%. Такой прогноз озвучил глава Федеральной Резервной Системы (ФРС) Джером Пауэлл в интервью телеканалу CBS.
При этом в конце апреля министерство труда США относительно прогнозируемой безработицы называло в полтора раза меньшие цифры.
Пауэлл предположил, что прямую финансовую поддержку американцам придется оказывать еще от трех месяцев до полугода. Кроме того, он добавил, что для поддержки населения конгрессу и Центробанку придется приложить еще больше усилий.
В то же время глава ФРС опроверг предположение, что экономика страны может столкнуться с кризисом, подобным Великой депрессии. По мнению Пауэлла, после пандемии предстоит «постепенное восстановление», однако его темпы будут зависеть от открытия вакцины, сокращения числа инфицированных и преодоления последствий медицинского кризиса.

Top investor predicts 'pendulum'-like, 'uncertain' economic recovery
The White House predicted that despite the sharp economic decline in the U.S. due to the coronavirus pandemic, there will be an equally sharp turnaround, comparing it to a V-shaped curve, but Mohamed El-Erian, chief economic adviser at Allianz, does not believe it will be that easy. ... c-recovery

Более трети американцев отказались покупать товары «Сделано в Китае»
Разногласия двух стран и жесткая риторика Вашингтона приводит к тому, что все меньше американцев готовы покупать товары, произведенные в Китае. Это происходит на фоне попыток Белого дома добиться переноса производств обратно в США
Более трети жителей США не намерены покупать какие-либо товары китайского производства. Это следует из данных исследования FTI Consultig (*pdf), на которые обратил внимание Bloomberg.
40% респондентов ответили, что не купили бы товар, произведенный в КНР. Еще 34% сообщили, что готовы купить товары под лейблом «Сделано в Китае», но они не испытывают большого удовольствия от этого. Только 26% заявили, что китайское происхождение товара не оказало бы никакого влияния на их выбор.
Знак «Сделано в Китае» оказывает на покупательские предпочтения американцев максимальное влияние по сравнению с другими, следует из опроса. Меньше всего американцев смущает происхождение товаров, сделанных в Европе — только 12% заявили, что не готовы покупать вещи, сделанные в этой части света. На втором месте — продукты из стран Латинской Америки — сделанные там вещи с той или иной степенью готовности готовы купить 84% респондентов, и только 16% отказались от такой возможности.
78% американцев готовы поддержать экономический протекционизм своими деньгами. Они заявили, что готовы заплатить больше за товар, если им известно, что его производство перенесено из Китая в США. 55% опрошенных не считают, что Китаю можно доверять в выполнении взятых в январе обязательств по торговой сделке с Соединенными Штатами.
Bloomberg отмечает, что подобная точка зрения кажется не характерной для американцев, которые обычно выступают за свободу торговли и против радикального протекционизма. Агентство ссылается на данные опроса Gallup, согласно которым почти четыре пятых американцев воспринимают международную торговлю как возможность, а не как угрозу, причем доля граждан США, считающих так, постоянно росла последнее десятилетие. Однако разногласия в отношениях двух стран, возникшие в последнее время, оказывают свое влияние на позицию американцев. Подстегивают такие настроения и высказывания властей страны. О необходимости экономического протекционизма неоднократно заявлял Дональд Трамп. «Огромное количество денег было украдено Китаем у Соединенных Штатов, год за годом, десятилетие за десятилетием. Наши великие американские компании отныне получают приказ: немедленно ищите способы найти альтернативу Китаю и перевозите производство домой», — заявлял президент США в Twitter в августе 2019 года. В комментариях к посту некоторые пользователи отмечали, что именно в Китае производится агитационная продукция в поддержку Дональда Трампа, в том числе кепки с надписью Make America Great Again.
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Трамп «потерял вкус» к торговой сделке с Китаем
Трамп заявил, что потерял вкус к американо-китайской торговой сделке.
Как передает ТАСС, Трамп заявил, что не хочет разговаривать с председателем Китая Си Цзиньпином. Американский лидер ответил, что КНР тратит очень много в рамках торговой сделки, однако глава США потерял к ней вкус.
Его также спросили, готов ли он вернуть ряд таможенных пошлин на китайские товары. В ответ Трамп заявил, что не готов сейчас про это говорить. «Могу сказать, что Китай покупает много наших товаров», — сказал Трамп, напомнив, что в скором времени после заключения первой фазы соглашения Китай сообщил о вспышке коронавируса в стране. «Так что мы не в восторге», — сказал он
Ранее сообщалось, что Трамп отказался от пересмотра условий первой фазы торговой сделки с Китаем. По информации проправительственной китайской газеты The Global Times, неназванные советники предполагают, что китайские власти вновь рассматривают возможность признания торговой сделки с США недействительной и обсуждения более выгодных для Поднебесной условий. Однако Трамп заявил, что не заинтересован в этом.

Советник Трампа: Китай позволил своим туристам распространить коронавирус по всему миру
Власти Китая два месяца скрывали информацию о коронавирусе и позволили «сотням тысяч» своих туристов разнести инфекцию по всему миру, заявил советник Белого дома по торговой политике Питер Наварро.
Как передает телеканал ABC News, Наварро отметил, что нулевой пациент появился в Ухане в ноябре, однако Китай «прикрываясь щитом ВОЗ», скрывал эти данные от всего мира и «отправил сотни тысяч китайцев на самолетах в Милан, Нью-Йорк и по всему миру, чтобы посеять [вирус]».
Политик предположил, что при другом образе действий китайские власти могли «оставить вирус в Ухане». Он подчеркнул, что Китай должен нести ответственность за то, что «сделал это с американцами».
Ранее Питер Наварро высказывал мнение, что КНР ради собственной выгоды поставляет в другие страны некачественные тесты на антитела к коронавирусу, дающие ложный результат.

Помпео: После пандемии Трамп будет добиваться от Китая компенсации для американцев
Президент США Дональд Трамп намерен добиваться от Китая компенсаций для пострадавших от коронавируса американцев. Он займется этим, «когда наступит подходящий момент», заявил глава Госдепа Майк Помпео в интервью изданию Washington Examiner.
Помпео подчеркнул, что сперва необходимо справиться с пандемией. После этого следует «проинформировать весь мир» о том, что власти Китая не предоставили необходимую для борьбы с вирусом информацию. По мнению Помпео, мир «должен сплотиться, чтобы заставить Китай платить по счетам». Когда эти два этапа будут пройдены, Дональд Трамп решит, какими путями добиваться компенсаций от Китая для тех, кто пострадал от вируса в США.
По словам Помпео, в число пострадавших входят не только те, кто заболел или потерял близких в результате пандемии, но и те, кто понес финансовые убытки из-за воздействия вируса на экономику страны.

Trump: We have a lot of information on Wuhan lab and it’s not good

В боксерскую секцию его привела мизантропия.

 Post subject: Re: США сегодня - снаружи и изнутри
PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2020 10:55 pm 

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Рябков рассказал о проработке вопроса поставок ИВЛ из США
Заместитель главы МИД России Сергей Рябков сообщил, что вопрос поставок американских аппаратов искусственной вентиляции легких (ИВЛ) прорабатывается. По его словам, все ранее отправленные в США российские ИВЛ используются в стране. Ранее госсекретарь США Майк Помпео сообщил, что оборудование для России «уже в пути». Федеральное агентство США по чрезвычайным ситуациям сообщило об отказе от российских аппаратов после пожаров в Москве и Санкт-Петербурге, причиной которых могли стать ИВЛ.
«Трамп говорил, что после того, как США наладят массовое производство аппаратов ИВЛ, они будут готовы с нами поделиться. С нашей стороны такая возможность была встречена с признательностью, сейчас эта тема прорабатывается»,— сказал господин Рябков на лекции в МГИМО (цитата по «Интерфаксу»). По его мнению, взаимопомощь стран — это «нормальное дело».
Заместитель главы МИДа напомнил, что 1 апреля в Нью-Йорк из России направили самолет Ан-124 с гуманитарной помощью. Среди медицинского груза было 45 аппаратов ИВЛ, 15 тыс. респираторов и 1 млн масок. «Американская сторона искренне поблагодарила за этот жест солидарности, все эти средства, как позднее сообщили американские коллеги, используются для лечения заболевших»,— сказал господин Рябков.
По словам заместителя главы внешнеполитического ведомства, интенсивность в российско-американском диалоге не снижается. Президент России Владимир Путин разговаривал с президентом США Дональдом Трампом шесть раз с 30 марта. По его мнению, такие контакты позволили согласовать решения на нефтяном рынке.
Господин Помпео ранее в интервью Washington Examiner рассказал, что США направили в Россию аппараты ИВЛ и тесты на коронавирус. «Это оборудование уже в пути»,— сказал он. По словам госсекретаря, пандемия коронавируса — это один из вопросов, по которому США и Россия могут взаимодействовать, несмотря на разногласия.
Напомним, в США после получения гуманитарной помощи из России сообщили, что им выставили счет в $659 тыс. МИД РФ утверждает, что половина стоимости была оплачена РФПИ, а половина — со стороны США.
Кроме того, в США ранее решили отказаться от аппаратов ИВЛ «Авента», которые Россия передала в качестве гуманитарной помощи. Представитель Федерального агентства США по чрезвычайным ситуациям сообщал, что их еще не использовали в американских больницах. Отказ связан с двумя пожарами в Москве и Санкт-Петербурге — предполагается, что причиной могли стать аппараты ИВЛ.

США подарили России 200 аппаратов ИВЛ
США направят в Россию 200 аппаратов ИВЛ
США поставят в Россию 200 аппаратов искусственной вентиляции легких (ИВЛ) для помощи в борьбе с коронавирусом COVID-19, сообщил высокопоставленный представитель администрации США. По его словам 20 мая будут отправлены первые 50 аппаратов, остальные — 26 мая. Ранее президент США Дональд Трамп заявил, что президент РФ Владимир Путин принял его предложение о поставках аппаратов.
«В ответ на просьбу президента Путина о помощи президент Трамп предложил передать в дар и отправить 200 аппаратов ИВЛ российскому народу. Эта отправка представляет собой быструю реализацию этого предложения»,— сказал представитель Белого дома (цитата по «РИА Новости»). ... ov-ivl/rrr

В конгрессе раскритиковали планы бесплатно поставить ИВЛ в Россию
Поставка американских аппаратов ИВЛ в Россию на безвозмездной основе является нецелесообразной. Об этом заявила спикер палаты представителей конгресса США Нэнси Пелоси в интервью Андерсону Куперу на телеканале CNN.
«Россия вполне может позволить себе оплатить эти аппараты. Это неприемлемая сделка», — сказала Пелоси, добавив, что администрация президента Дональда Трампа намерена поставить в Россию аппараты ИВЛ более чем на $5 млн.
Ранее в апреле Трамп заявлял, что готов помочь Москве аппаратами ИВЛ. «В Москве сложная обстановка, мы им поможем», — говорил он.
До этого в начале апреля Россия отправила отечественные аппараты ИВЛ «Авента-М», а также другое медицинское оборудование и средства защиты в США, При этом Вашингтон заплатил за поставку.
После возгораний аппаратов в больницах Москвы и Санкт-Петербурга, американские штаты решили вернуть их в Агентство по чрезвычайным ситуациям (FEMA), которое распределяло приборы.
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Dems tell Supreme Court of 'ongoing' new impeachment inquiry in effort to obtain Mueller materials
House Democrats told the Supreme Court on Monday that they are in the midst of an "ongoing Presidential impeachment investigation" as part of their "weighty constitutional responsibility" -- and, the Democrats argued, grand-jury material from Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s now-completed Russia probe must be turned over as a result. ... -materials

Генпрокурор США раскритиковал Apple за сотрудничество с Россией и Китаем
Генпрокурор США обвинил Apple в сотрудничестве с Россией и Китаем
По его словам, власти этих стран с помощью Apple пытаются организовать масштабную слежку. Спецпредставитель Путина заявил, что подобные высказывания вызывают лишь снисходительную улыбку
Генеральный прокурор США Уильям Барр заявил, что корпорация Apple не желает помогать американским правоохранительным органам в поимке преступников, но при этом содействует «цензуре и притеснениям» со стороны России и Китая. Запись выступления Барра опубликована на YouTube.
«Было много сообщений о том, что Apple работает с Коммунистической партией Китая и российским режимом, чтобы переместить центры [обработки] данных для того, чтобы правительства этих [стран] могли организовать масштабную слежку», — сказал он.
По словам главы Минюста США, ввиду того, что Apple сотрудничает с «авторитарными режимами», у нее не будет оправданий в случае отказа от совместной работы с государствами, где есть верховенство права и которые уважают приватность и гражданские свободы.
Комментируя заявление Барра, специальный представитель российского президента по вопросам международного сотрудничества в области информационной безопасности, глава департамента международной информбезопасности МИДа Андрей Крутских сказал, что подобные высказывания вызывают только снисходительную улыбку. «Масштаб антироссийских обвинений достиг в США очередной фазы, а именно: бей своих, чтобы чужие боялись. Это плохо их характеризует», — считает он (цитата по «РИА Новости»).
По словам дипломата, Россия уже на всех уровнях предлагала США сесть за стол переговоров и прояснить взаимные претензии, чтобы выработать алгоритм конструктивного разбора всех возникающих ситуаций. «Однако пока США до этого не созрели. Но зато созрели до того, что даже на своих бизнесменов в киберсфере начинают поднимать руку», — отметил Крутских.
Подробнее на РБК: ... m=newsfeed

В Apple ответили на обвинения генпрокурора США в сотрудничестве с Россией
В Apple назвали ложными обвинения в нежелании помогать правоохранительным органам США в поимке преступников. Об этом говорится в заявлении компании, которое приводит агентство Bloomberg.
«Ложные заявления о нашей компании — это повод ослабить шифрование и другие меры безопасности, которые защищают миллионы пользователей и нашу национальную безопасность», — говорится в заявлении.
В Apple отметили, что компания считает своей обязанностью поддерживать работу правоохранителей и работает с Федеральным бюро расследований (ФБР) и другими органами, которые обеспечивают безопасность американцев.
В компании заявили, что, в частности, помогали правоохранительным органам после террористического нападения на военнослужащих на военно-морской авиабазе в Пенсаколе в декабре 2019 года. Apple предоставила властям всю доступную информацию, в том числе резервные копии iCloud, данные об учетных записях и транзакциях, отметили в компании.
В Apple сообщили, что из-за того, что компания серьезно относится к своей ответственности за национальную безопасность, она не верит в создание бэкдора, то есть намеренно создаваемого дефекта, который позволяет получить доступ к данным и удаленному управлению компьютером.
В компании заявили, что американцам не нужно выбирать между ослаблением шифрования и эффективными расследованиями преступлений, так как «нет такого понятия, как бэкдор только для хороших людей».
В Apple отметили, что компания не хранит коды доступа клиентов и не может разблокировать защищенные паролем устройства, и все методы защиты применяются в любой стране мира.
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Генпрокурор США усомнился в перспективах "Обамагейта
Генеральный прокурор США Уильям Барр выразил сомнение в том, что против бывшего президента Обамы и бывшего вице-президента Байдена будут возбуждены уголовные дела по результатам работы федерального прокурора Джона Дарема, который проверяет были ли основания для начала расследования о "российском вмешательстве" в президентские выборы 2016 года, которое начало ФБР, а затем продолжил специальный прокурор Роберт Мюллер.
Расследование Джона Дарема началось в прошлом году по указанию генпрокурора Уильяма Барра. Генеральный прокурор решил, что необходимо убедиться, что первоначальное расследование подозрений о связях людей из предвыборного штаба Дональда Трампа с Россией, было начато на законных основаниях, что оно не стало результатом политического давления на ФБР. В понедельник Уильям Барр пояснил , что в фокусе внимания прокурора Дарема находятся не бывшие президент и вице-президент, а "другие" официальные лица, которые могли совершить незаконные действия в ходе "российского расследования".
Президент Трамп в последние недели несколько раз упоминал о скандале, который он называет "Обамагейт" и считает "крупнейшим политическим преступлением в истории США". Агентство Reuters, отмечает, что, обвиняя политичеких противников в преступлениях, Трамп не затрудняет себя никакими конкретными примерами "преступных деяний", якобы совершённых Бараком Обамой и Джо Байденом.
Трамп выразил удивление тем, что Генеральный прокурор США Уильям Барр отказывается расследовать действия Обамы.
Трамп усиливает нападки на оппонентов в то время, когда в США раздаётся всё более жёсткая критика в адрес его администрации по поводу беспрецедентных в мирное время жертв эпидемии коронавируса. 88 тысяч американцев умерли от Covid-19 всего через несколько месяцев после того, как Трамп назвал "выдумкой" предупреждения экспертов об угрозе эпидемии. Агентство Reuters отмечает, что критика Трампа в адрес демократов тем сильнее, чем ближе прямое противоборство Трампа с Байденом в ходе ноябрьских президентских выборов.
Генпрокурор Барр предупредил, что предвыборная борьба двух кандидатов должна проходить в русле политических дебатов. По словам генпрокурора, любое расследование политической деятельности кандидатов сможет начаться только после персонального согласия самого Уильяма Барра. "Мы не может допустить, чтобы выборный процесс был заглушён обвинительной риторикой любого из кандидатов".

Barr says he does not expect criminal investigation of Obama or Biden as result of Durham probe
Attorney General Bill Barr said Monday he does not expect U.S. Attorney John Durham’s review into the origins of the Russia probe will lead to a “criminal investigation” of either former President Barack Obama or former Vice President Joe Biden -- while noting that their concern of “potential criminality” in the conduct of that probe is “focused on others.”

Barr says he doesn't envision investigations of Biden, Obama
Attorney General William Barr said Monday that he did not expect an investigation into the origins of the FBI's Russia investigation to lead to criminal probes of either President Donald Trump's Democratic opponent, Joe Biden, or former President Barack Obama.
Trump has stated without evidence that he believes Obama committed unspecified crimes as president, repeatedly tweeting, “OBAMAGATE!” The claims have become a rallying cry among Trump supporters, while Democrats view it as a desperate attempt to shift the focus from the president's handling of the coronavirus outbreak and the nation's soaring unemployment.
Barr, speaking Monday at an unrelated news conference and responding to a question about Trump's allegations, insisted that the Justice Department would not be swayed by political pressure to investigate the president's opponents and that the “criminal justice system will not be used for partisan political ends.”
Barr's comments come as Democrats and some former law enforcement officials have accused the attorney general of politicizing decisions and doing Trump's bidding at the Justice Department. That criticism was stepped up two weeks ago when the department moved to dismiss charges against Trump's former national security adviser Michael Flynn, who had pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI.
“We live in a very divided country right now, and I think that it is critical that we have an election where the American people are allowed to make a decision, a choice, between President Trump and Vice President Biden based on a robust debate of policy issues," Barr said. “And we cannot allow this process to be hijacked by efforts to drum up criminal investigations of either candidate.”
Barr repeated his belief that “what happened to the president" as a result of the FBI's investigation into whether his 2016 campaign conspired with Russia was “abhorrent” and a “grave injustice.” He has appointed John Durham, the U.S. Attorney for Connecticut, to investigate whether crimes were committed as intelligence and law enforcement officials examined Russian election interference.
But his comments Monday seemed designed at least in part to temper expectations among some Trump supporters that the investigation could ensnare Biden or Obama. He also pointedly noted that, as attorney general, he must approve any effort to pursue a criminal investigation of a presidential candidate, and that the U.S. Supreme Court held just this month that not all abuses of power are criminal in nature.
“Whatever their level of involvement, based on the information I have today, I don’t expect Mr. Durham’s work will lead to a criminal investigation of either man,” Barr said, referring to Obama and Biden. "Our concern over potential criminality is focused on others."
He added: "This cannot be and it will not be a tit-for-tat exercise. We are not going to lower the standards just to achieve a result."
Demands by Trump allies for investigations into Biden and Obama escalated in the last week after the president's top intelligence official declassified a list related to the Flynn investigation. The list showed requests from Biden and other senior Obama administration officials to disclose to them the identity of an American whose name had been concealed in intelligence reports documenting surveillance of foreign targets. That American was revealed to be Flynn.
Trump supporters have cast the requests, known as unmaskings, as evidence of criminal conduct. But umaskings are a common procedure, done when officials believe that receiving the concealed identity is vital to understanding the intelligence report. Thousands of requests are made each year, and the first few years of Trump's administration have featured more requests than the final stretch of Obama's tenure.
Asked later about Barr's comments about Obama and Biden, Trump told reporters he was surprised because he believed the men “knew everything that was happening" and were involved in the “takedown of a president."
“He’s a great, honorable man and he’s going to do a very honorable job," Trump said of Barr, “but I am surprised only in that I have no doubt. Personally, I have no doubt. But he may have another feeling. I have no doubt that they were involved in it." ... 278036.php

Florida’s Demings blasts AG Barr: 'If you are in his circle, then you're above the law and that's just plain wrong'
Rep. Val Demings, D-Fla talks to Fox News about being on the list of potential running mates for presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, former Vice President Joe Biden. She also shares her insights as a career law enforcement officer of 27 years and Orlando’s first female Chief of Police into the shooting deaths of unarmed 25-year-old Ahmaud Arbery and 26-year-old Louisville EMT Breonna Taylor.

GOP attorneys general unite to file amicus brief in support of Flynn ahead of brewing court fight
A total of 15 Republican state attorneys general, led by Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost, filed an "amicus" brief in support of former national security adviser Michael Flynn on Monday, Fox News has learned. ... case-alive

Brennan says he’s willing to be interviewed by Durham, has ‘nothing to hide’
Former CIA Director John Brennan says he is willing to be interviewed by John Durham, the U.S. attorney from Connecticut investigating the origins of the Russia probe, while maintaining that he has “nothing to hide.”
Brennan, speaking with MSNBC, said he has yet to be contacted by Durham but said he would appear for an interview with him and his team of investigators.“I feel very good that my tenure at CIA and my time at the White House during the Obama administration ... that I was not engaged in any type of wrongdoing or activities that cause me to worry about what this investigation may uncover,” Brennan said Friday. “So, I welcome the opportunity to talk with the investigators.”
He added: “I have nothing to hide. I have not yet been interviewed by any of those individuals involved in this matter but I’m willing to do so.”
Brennan went on to say that he believes "the American public have been misled by Donald Trump, by William Barr and others.”
“And so I look forward to the day when the truth is going to come out and the individuals who have mischaracterized what has happened in the past will be shown to have deceived the American people,” he said.
Brennan called Durham a “well-respected individual from the Justice Department.”
"I'd like to think that John Durham and the other DOJ and FBI investigators will continue to honor their oath of office and to carry out their responsibilities without any consideration of political interests of Donald Trump,” Brennan said.
Brennan’s comments come amid widespread speculation about the status of Durham's probe, especially after the Justice Department moved to dismiss the case against former national security adviser Michael Flynn amid concerns about the handling of his FBI interview.
Durham is investigating the origins of the FBI’s original Russia probe, which began in July 2016, through the presidential transition period and the appointment of former Special Counsel Robert Mueller.
Last week, a list of top Obama administration officials who purportedly requested to “unmask” the identity of Flynn during the presidential transition period was declassified and released to the public. ... ng-to-hide

Sen. Graham plans vote to subpoena Russia probe officials
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham is scheduling a vote that would allow him to subpoena more than 50 current and former officials who were involved in the Justice Department’s investigation of Russian involvement in the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign, as President Donald Trump and his allies have launched a broad, election-year attack on the investigation as a “deep state” conspiracy.
Graham, a close ally of Trump, is effectively turning the investigation on the investigators, asking the officials for documents, communications and testimony about the FBI’s investigation into ties between Russia and the 2016 Trump campaign. Republicans in Congress have already been probing the probe for several years, and many of the officials have already sat for extensive testimony about their roles. The Justice Department has also investigated the investigation, and an internal report released last year documented a series of problems with it.The newest probe, though, could be the most extensive so far. Trump has focused on Barack Obama, but Graham has made clear that he won’t call in the former president. Still, Graham said last week he wanted to know “why and how the system got so off the rails,” and he announced Monday that the panel will hold a vote in early June to authorize it to compel information from those involved.
Among the officials on the list are former FBI Director James Comey, former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and former CIA Director John Brennan. The list also includes some current officials who have dealt with the probe, including Attorney General William Barr and FBI Director Christopher Wray. The June vote would not be to subpoena the officials but to authorize Graham to do so.
The vote is a rare move for the panel, which has traditionally issued bipartisan subpoenas. Aware that the top Democrat, California Sen. Dianne Feinstein, would oppose the move, Graham said he would hold a vote instead. Acknowledging that the committee doesn’t normally send partisan subpoenas, a statement from Graham’s office points to a 2008 partisan committee vote as precedent.
The Russia investigation began within the FBI during the 2016 election and was taken over by special counsel Robert Mueller a year later. After a two-year investigation, Mueller issued a report in April 2019 that identified substantial contacts between Trump associates and Russia but did not allege a criminal conspiracy between his campaign and the Kremlin. Mueller also examined about a dozen possible instances of obstruction of justice and said he could not exonerate the president on that point.
Now, Trump and his allies are working reframe the entire investigation. In recent weeks, the Justice Department has decided to end its prosecution of former Trump administration national security adviser Michael Flynn, who pleaded guilty to lying about a conversation with the Russian ambassador. Republicans on Capitol Hill released a list of Obama administration officials who they say may have learned Flynn’s identity from intelligence reports in 2016 and 2017. Among the names is Trump’s Democratic opponent, Joe Biden, who was vice president when the Russia probe began.
Such requests are common, including during the Trump administration, which has made thousands of “unmasking” requests.
Graham has said the committee also will look into potential abuses of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, or FISA, during a probe of former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page. The FBI identified Page during the early days of its investigation and secretly targeted his electronic communications.
The inspector general’s report released last year concluded that the FBI made significant errors and omissions in applications it made to the FISA court for the authorization to eavesdrop on Page. Those mistakes prompted internal changes within the FBI and spurred a congressional debate over whether the bureau’s surveillance tools should be reined in. ... 279304.php

Senate Republicans take major steps toward full-scale probe of FBI misconduct in Trump-Russia investigation
After weeks of bombshell revelations highlighting apparent FBI misconduct in the cases of former Trump aide Carter Page and former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, the Republican-controlled Senate on Monday took two major steps toward launching its own comprehensive probe into the matter -- even as the Justice Department's separate criminal investigation, led by U.S. Attorney John Durham, continues.
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., specifically announced Monday that his panel will soon vote on a subpoena authorization related to the FBI's apparent surveillance abuses. In a contentious interview, Graham recently told Fox Business' Maria Bartiromo that Republicans would conduct a proper investigation, but he was wary of interfering with the DOJ's "ongoing criminal matter," referring to Durham's review.
Graham's office announced in a statement that his subpoena authorization "covers a number of documents, communications and testimony from witnesses, including [former FBI Director] James Comey, [former FBI Deputy Director] Andrew McCabe, [former Director of National Intelligence] James Clapper, [former CIA Director] John Brennan, [former Deputy Attorney General] Sally Yates and others."
A total of 53 other names were on the list of potential subpoena recipients, including: "Trisha Anderson, Brian Auten, James Baker, William Barr, Dana Boente, Jennifer Boone, Kevin Clinesmith [the FBI lawyer who allegedly falsified a CIA email to secure the Carter Page FISA warrant], Patrick Conlon, Michael Dempsey, Stuart Evans, Tashina Gauhar [a top DOJ deputy when classified details of Flynn's calls with the Russian ambassador were illegally leaked to The Washington Post], Carl Ghattas, Curtis Heide, Kathleen Kavalec, David Laufman [who arranged a key meeting with a Steele dossier source], Stephen Laycock, Jacob Lew, Loretta Lynch, Mary McCord, Denis McDonough, Arthur McGlynn, Jonathan Moffa, Sally Moyer, Mike Neufield, Sean Newell, Victoria Nuland, Bruce Ohr, Nellie Ohr, Stephanie L. O’Sullivan, Lisa Page, Joseph Pientka [who interviewed Flynn at the White House while also playing a key role in the Carter Page probe, and whom the FBI has hidden from scrutiny], John Podesta, Samantha Power, E.W. “Bill” Priestap [who authored the memo debating whether the bureau simply wanted Flynn "fired"], Sarah Raskin, Steve Ricchetti, Susan Rice, Rod Rosenstein, Gabriel Sanz-Rexach, Nathan Sheets, Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall, Glenn Simpson, Steve Somma [an FBI case agent who apparently was involved in several key FISA omissions], Peter Strzok, Michael Sussman, Adam Szubin, Jonathan Winer, and Christopher Wray."
Priestap authored a handwritten memo that openly questioned if the FBI's "goal" in interviewing Flynn was "to get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired" -- a document that the feds turned over earlier this month, even though the DOJ had been under an obligation to turn over potentially exculpatory materials to Flynn for more than two years.
Documents also revealed that Strzok, the anti-Trump FBI agent who also participated in the Flynn interview, pushed to keep the Flynn probe alive even though the FBI's Washington field office wanted to close the case.
The DOJ revealed late Monday that it has produced the bureau's May 5 interview of Preistap, although the interview notes have remained under seal for now.
Fox News previously determined that Pientka, who is on Graham's subpoena list, also was intimately involved in the Carter Page case, which the DOJ has since acknowledged was riddled with fundamental errors and premised on a discredited dossier that the bureau was told could be part of a Russian disinformation campaign.
Pientka conspicuously was removed from the FBI's website after Fox News contacted the FBI about his extensive role in Crossfire Hurricane Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act [FISA] matters -- a change first noticed by Twitter user Techno Fog -- but sources said Pientka remained in a senior role at the agency's San Francisco field office. Republicans previously sought to question Pientka, beginning in 2018. On Monday, the FBI declined to provide any additional comment.
Debate on Graham's measure is set to start May 21, and a vote is expected June 24. Judiciary Committee subpoenas would require either the consent of the ranking Democrat or a full vote of the committee.
Also Monday, Senate Homeland Security Chairman Ron Johnson, R-Wis., requested that the Justice Department turn over an unredacted copy of the email that former National Security Adviser Susan Rice sent to herself on Inauguration Day -- a document that could shed light on the secretive January 5, 2017 White House meeting in which then-President Obama shocked a top DOJ official with his knowledge of the FBI's Flynn probe.
"I understand your office is currently reviewing a January 20, 2017, email from former National Security Adviser Susan Rice," Johnson wrote to Attorney General Bill Barr. "In that email, Ambassador Rice summarized an Oval Office meeting with President Obama and other administration officials that occurred on January 5, 2017."
Johnson continued: "A majority of Ambassador Rice's email was declassified but a portion of the email remains classified. The significance of that meeting is becoming increasingly apparent as more and more information is declassified. For these reasons, it is essential that Congress and the American people understand what occurred during that January 5, 2017, meeting and how it was later characterized by administration officials. The declassification of Ambassador Rice's email, in whole, will assist these efforts."
Obama was aware of the details of Flynn's intercepted December 2016 phone calls with Russia's then-Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, apparently surprising Sally Yates in the Oval Office meeting, according to documents released this month as exhibits to the government's motion to dismiss the Flynn case.
Obama personally had warned the Trump administration against hiring Flynn, and made clear he was "not a fan," according to multiple officials. Obama had fired Flynn as head of the Defense Intelligence Agency in 2014; Obama cited insubordination, while Flynn asserted he was pushed out for his aggressive stance on combating Islamic extremism.
On January 5, 2017, Yates attended an Oval Office meeting with Comey, then-Vice President Joe Biden, Brennan and Clapper, according to the newly declassified documents, including an FD-302 FBI witness report. They were discussing Russian election interference, along with Rice and other members of the national security council.
After the briefing, Obama asked Yates and Comey to "stay behind," and said he had "learned of the information about Flynn" and his conversation with Russia's ambassador about sanctions. Obama "specified that he did not want any additional information on the matter, but was seeking information on whether the White House should be treating Flynn any differently, given the information."
... ... misconduct

'Where is Christopher Wray?' GOP lawmakers say FBI director ignoring them -- and push ahead for key interviews
Reps. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, and Mike Johnson, R-La., on Monday night said FBI Director Christopher Wray "has declined to respond" to their May 4 letter seeking information and interviews with key FBI officials after the bombshell revelations in the Michael Flynn case -- prompting the lawmakers to take matters into their own hands. ... ke-johnson

Pompeo's moves against inspector general leave trail of questions, department divided
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and his top aides criticized the State Department's ousted internal watchdog Monday, accusing him of mishandling leaks to the media and failing to promote Pompeo's mission statement to employees.
The remarks were an attempt to fill in the gaps in the mysterious firing of Steve Linick by President Donald Trump late Friday night, but they also raised new questions about the dismissal and exposed a divide among State Department employees.
Many career officials viewed Linick as a dogged investigator of malfeasance who cultivated a reputation for diligence and relentlessness. But for the secretary's handpicked advisers who found themselves on the wrong end of his investigations, the former prosecutor could be a source of frustration and embarrassment, said four U.S. officials familiar with the matter.
Pompeo told The Washington Post that he advised Trump to fire Linick because he was not "performing a function" that was "additive for the State Department."
One of Pompeo's top aides, Brian Bulatao, said concern over Linick had grown because of a "pattern of unauthorized disclosures, or leaks," to the news media about investigations that were in their early stages. Bulatao said officials had no evidence that Linick was personally responsible for the leaks but believed that they could taint the outcome of ongoing probes.
Bulatao also said the secretary was frustrated with Linick's indifference to an "ethos statement" Pompeo formulated for employees last year that includes mottos such as "I am a champion of American diplomacy."
The terms of Linick's exit remain contentious. In a letter sent to Congress on Friday, Trump said Linick's removal would be effective in "30 days," giving him time to wind down his investigations. But Linick has since been told that he is physically barred from returning to the State Department even to collect his belongings, complicating his ability to finish his work, said a U.S. official who like others spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal policies.
Linick did not respond to requests for comment sent to his State Department email address.
Pompeo's vague criticisms of Linick have left questions about whether one of the inspector's past or current investigations agitated Pompeo enough to prompt the decision to remove him. Pompeo denied that it was possible for him to retaliate for that reason, because, he said, he is not told about an investigation until just before it is released.
"I simply don't know. I'm not briefed on it," he said.
U.S. officials, including Republican members of Congress, are demanding answers for what they view as an extraordinary punitive measure.
On Monday, Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, said in a letter to Trump that his explanation of the firing is "not sufficient" to fulfill the Inspector General Reform Act, a law that enshrines the rights of internal investigators. "Please provide a detailed reasoning for the removal of Inspector General Linick no later than June 1," he said.
The nature of Linick's work, which involved interviewing officials and uncovering acts of wrongdoing, means that any investigation could be suspected of causing his downfall - and that his list of enemies is long.
Before he was fired, Linick was investigating an emergency declaration Trump made last year to approve an arms sale to Saudi Arabia, a decision Pompeo approved, said Rep. Eliot Engel, D-N.Y., the top Democrat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee.
The arms transfer had been blocked by a bipartisan group of lawmakers who opposed the killing of Yemeni civilians at the hands of a Saudi-led coalition operating in that country. Engel, who had requested that Linick look into the order, said it was "another reason" Trump may have fired the inspector general.
But there are other potential triggers. Linick, for instance, had also been investigating allegations that a staffer for Pompeo was performing domestic errands and chores for him, such as handling dry cleaning, walking the family dog and making restaurant reservations, said a congressional official familiar with the matter.
Pompeo told The Washington Post that he was not aware that Linick had been investigating that issue. When asked whether the allegations were true, he declined to comment. "I'm not going to answer the host of unsubstantiated allegations about any of that," he said.
Linick also took aim at powerful and connected individuals within the Trump administration, including Robert Pence, a Republican Party donor with close ties to Vice President Mike Pence whom Trump nominated for U.S. ambassador to Finland. Last year, Linick's office wrote that Robert Pence, who is not related to the vice president, had a conflict with his deputy that was not managed "in an appropriate manner, which resulted in a breakdown of trust and communication that complicated the chain of command and contributed to a stressful work environment for Embassy Helsinki staff," among other things.
Another well-connected official Linick took aim at was Brian Hook, the special envoy for Iran, who maintains good relations with Jared Kushner, Trump's son-in-law and adviser. Linick's office found that an Iranian American career civil servant, Sahar Nowrouzzadeh, was retaliated against because of her ethnicity and a prceived political bias. Hook came under scrutiny in the probe because at the time she worked in his office.
The probe's findings were released last fall, which is when Bulatao said the department became particularly frustrated with leaks about inspector general investigations, in particular a Daily Beast report in September focusing on Hook that cited "two government sources involved in carrying out the investigation."
Bulatao said the report deepened the department's skepticism of Linick, though there was no evidence that he was involved in leaking to the website. "You know the IG is normally charged with carrying out the investigation," he said. "It certainly was a very strong finger-pointing at IG Linick's way."
If Linick was targeted because of an investigation, nonpartisan analysts have said, his ouster would probably constitute a violation of laws protecting inspectors.
"If the president has removed the inspector general because of any investigation he is carrying out, that would be contrary to the law," said Ron Neumann, the president of the American Academy of Diplomacy.
Neumann's organization on Monday called for a "more detailed and more complete" explanation of Linick's firing "consistent with the law."
At the State Department, where many diplomats are working from home while trying to juggle personal responsibilities, some diplomats said Linick's ouster further dampens morale.
"It doesn't touch most people directly. But it undermines confidence the rules apply equally to everyone," one official said.
Trump, who is the only official legally capable of firing the inspector general, has largely let Pompeo explain the decision.
"I never heard of him. But I was asked to by the State Department, by Mike," Trump told reporters at the White House.
He suggested that if Pompeo was using his staff to do house chores, it would not be a significant breach.
"Do you mean that he is under investigation because he had someone walk his dog from the government? I don't know. I don't think it sounds like that important," Trump said. "Maybe he's negotiating with Kim Jong Un, OK, about nuclear weapons. They say: 'Please, can you walk my dog? You mind walking my dog? I'm talking to KJU or President Xi [Jinping of China]. Please walk my dog.' . . . The priorities are really screwed up when I read this." ... 279185.php

Pompeo says he wasn't aware State Department watchdog was investigating him
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo revealed he asked President Trump to fire State Inspector General Steve Linick, accusing him of "undermining" his department's mission, but denied knowing that Linick was probing Pompeo's potential misuse of office funds for personal errands.
Linick was removed from his post on Friday in the midst of investigating the State Department's $7 billion arms sale to Saudi Arabia despite congressional objections.
The former IG was also probing whether Pompeo misused department funds for personal errands such as walking his dog, making dinner reservations and picking up his dry cleaning.
“It is not possible that this decision, or my recommendation rather, to the president rather, was based on any effort to retaliate for any investigation that was going on or is currently going on,” Pompeo said in a phone interview with the Washington Post on Monday. “Because I simply don’t know. I’m not briefed on it. I usually see these investigations in final draft form 24 hours, 48 hours before the IG is prepared to release them.
“So it’s simply not possible for this to be an act of retaliation. End of story," he said, refusing to comment on whether or not he used government employees to run his errands.
“I’m not going to answer the host of unsubstantiated allegations about any of that,” he said.
Still, Pompeo did not delve into Linick's shortcomings that made up the grounds for his dismissal.
A bipartisan group of congressional members, led by Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, wrote a letter to Trump on Monday urging the administration to provide a more fulsome account of what led to Linick's ousting.
“I went to the president and made clear to him that Inspector General Linick wasn’t performing a function in a way that we had tried to get him to, that was additive for the State Department, very consistent with what the statute says he’s supposed to be doing,” Pomepo said. “The kinds of activities he’s supposed to undertake to make us better, to improve us.
“I actually know how that works,” he added. “I had an IG at the CIA, not the IG that I had chosen but an IG that was there before me. He did fantastic work. He made us better. Linick wasn’t that.”
During Linick's first five years as a federal watchdog for the State Department, his office issued more than 600 reports in which they identified $1.7 billion in potential savings, according to his testimony before the House Appropriations Committee last year.
“The president obviously has the right to have an inspector general,” the secretary of state said. “Just like every presidentially confirmed position, I can terminate them. They serve at his pleasure for any reason or no reason.”
The Inspector General Reform Act of 2008 requires a high bar for removing an IG and stipulates the president notify and explain to Congress the decision 30 days before their removal from office.
Grassley's letter to Trump expressed doubts that the president's reasoning meets the standard. ... estigation

Trump defends Pompeo after firing State Department watchdog: 'They're bothered he was having somebody walk his dog?'
President Trump defended Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Monday following the removal of the agency's independent watchdog who was looking into allegations he had staffers perform his personal errands that included walking his dog, making dinner reservations and picking up his dry cleaning. ... lk-his-dog

Key GOP senator, Pelosi ask Trump for details about State Department inspector general's removal
Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, on Monday called on President Donald Trump to detail the reasons behind his removal of Steve Linick as the State Department's inspector general, as most Republicans remained silent about the firing.
"Inspectors General help ensure transparency and accountability, both of which are critical for taxpayers to have confidence in their government," Grassley said in a letter to Trump. "They should be free from partisan political interference, from either the Executive or Legislative branch."
The letter from Grassley came amid criticism from Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., who accused the Iowa Republican and other GOP senators of staying quiet out of fear of Trump.
"Where are my Republican colleagues in the Senate?" Schumer said in Senate floor remarks "My friends on the other side, especially the senior senator from Iowa, have long defended and even sought to pass legislation to further empower inspectors general."
"What are my Republican colleagues are going to do about it?" he added. "Nothing, it seems. Nothing. They are so afraid of President Trump they ... cling, almost, to his ankles."
The president, meanwhile, told reporters at the White House Monday that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had asked him to fire Linick.
"I don't know the gentleman," Trump said of Linick. "I was happy to do it. Mike requested that I do it."
Trump abruptly terminated Linick late Friday night and replaced him with Stephen Akard, a trusted ally of Vice President Mike Pence and the diplomat who directs the Office of Foreign Missions.
The reason for Linick's removal remains unclear. A congressional official familiar with the matter told The Washington Post Sunday that Linick had been investigating allegations that a staffer for Pompeo was performing domestic errands and chores such as handling dry cleaning, walking the family dog and making restaurant reservations.
But House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Eliot Engel, D-N.Y., said in a statement Monday that "there may be another reason for IG Linick's firing," The Post's Greg Sargent reported.
"His office was investigating - at my request - Trump's phony emergency declaration so he could send Saudi Arabia weapons," Engel said. "We don't have the full picture yet, but it's troubling that Secretary Pompeo wanted Linick pushed out."
Democrats have launched an investigation into Linick's ouster, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., sent a letter to Trump Monday asking for more information on the grounds for Linick's removal.
"It is alarming to see news reports that your action may have been in response to Inspector General Linick nearing completion of an investigation into the approval of billions of dollars in arms sales to Saudi Arabia," she said in the letter.
Grassley, a longtime champion of the independence of inspectors general, initially issued a tepid response to Linick's firing, saying in a statement Saturday that Trump should further justify his decision beyond citing "a general lack of confidence."
In his letter to Trump Monday, Grassley went further, arguing that Trump's claim that he lost confidence in Linick "is not sufficient" to fulfill the requirements of the 2008 Inspector General Reform Act.
Grassley also noted that he and other senators "still have received no official response" to their concerns about the president's recent firing of the intelligence community's inspector general, Michael Atkinson.
He called on Trump to provide a "detailed reasoning" for Linick's removal by June 1 and a written response to his and other senators' concerns about Atkinson "as soon as possible."
"I want to work with you to ensure that the enemy here is wasteful government spending, not the government watchdogs charged with protecting the taxpayer," Grassley said.
Asked later Monday by reporters at the Capitol whether any other Republicans were supporting the letter, Grassley declined to say.
"I wanted to get it out so fast that I'm not asking anybody to support it," he said.
Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, also mildly critiqued Trump for not giving a full explanation of his reasons for removing Linick.
"As the co-author of the 2008 law, it's very clear that the president has to provide a justification 30 days prior to the removal of an inspector general," Collins told reporters at the Capitol. "It is not a sufficient justification to say that he simply lost confidence." ... 278709.php

Trump calls Romney a 'LOSER' following sharp criticism for firing inspectors general
Following sharp criticism by Sen. Mitt Romney over firing inspectors general, President Donald Trump on Monday attacked the Utah Republican as a "LOSER" and shared a video montage of contrasting news coverage of their respective presidential election nights.
Romney apparently drew Trump's ire for speaking out in the wake of Trump's Friday night firing of the State Department's inspector general, who had played a minor role in the president's impeachment proceedings and was said to have begun investigating alleged misconduct by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.
Trump's firing of Steve A. Linick was his fourth dismissal of an internal government watchdog during the coronavirus pandemic. It drew swift condemnations from Democrats as well as Romney, the only GOP senator to vote for Trump's conviction in his impeachment trial.
"The firings of multiple Inspectors General is unprecedented; doing so without good cause chills the independence essential to their purpose," Romney said in a Saturday night tweet. "It is a threat to accountable democracy and a fissure in the constitutional balance of power."
The video included in Trump's Monday morning tweet showed news coverage of a dejected Romney as results rolled in on election night in 2012, when then-President Barack Obama won reelection over his GOP challenger.
The video also included coverage of Trump prevailing four years later against Democrat Hillary Clinton, and later being sworn into office.
"LOSER!" Trump wrote in the tweet, referring to Romney.
Romney has also been critical in recent weeks of the federal government's readiness for the coronavirus, describing it as not a "great moment in American leadership."
The Washington Post reported Sunday night that Linick was looking into allegations that a staffer for Pompeo was performing domestic errands and chores such as handling dry cleaning, walking the family dog and making restaurant reservations, according to a congressional official familiar with the matter.
Linick, whose job it was to expose waste and malfeasance within the agency, investigated a number of issues at the State Department that agitated senior Trump administration officials, but it remained unclear what specifically triggered his ouster Friday night. ... 277977.php

Trump dismisses Biden as factor in 2020 race, says he's running against the media instead

Biden’s new nickname for Trump: ‘President Tweety’ ... ent-tweety

Biden says he would revoke permit for Keystone pipeline ... 279330.php

Цены на золото растут на фоне негативных прогнозов главы ФРС США
Мировые цены на золото растут на фоне негативных прогнозов по ситуации в экономике США, следует из данных торгов на нью-йоркской бирже Comex. Цена июньского фьючерса на золото выросла на 0,97% (на $17), до $1773,3 за тройскую унцию. В ходе торгов цена достигала $1774,8 — это максимум с сентября 2012 года.
Цена на золото растет на фоне последнего заявления главы Федеральной резервной системы (ФРС) США Джерома Пауэлла о том, что безработица в США по итогам второго квартала 2020 года может достигнуть 25%, а ВВП может сократиться на 20%. «Данные... будут очень и очень плохими. Будет большой спад экономической активности, большой рост безработицы»,— сказал господин Пауэлл в эфире телеканала CBS.
Ранее Джером Пауэлл заявил, что «масштабы и темпы экномического спада не имеют прецедентов со времен Второй мировой войны». ФРС также не исключила нового обвала на американских финансовых рынках.

Фондовые индексы США выросли на новостях о тестировании фирмой Moderna вакцины от COVID-19

В МВФ ожидают полного восстановления экономики не раньше, чем через 1,5 года
Мировой экономике потребуется гораздо больше времени, чтобы полностью восстановиться после коронавируса, чем предполагалось ранее. Международный валютный фонд (МВФ) планирует пересмотреть свой прогноз по спаду мирового ВВП до 3% в этом году и его восстановительному росту на 5,8% в следующем.
Ранее международное рейтинговое агентство Fitch понизило прогноз по спаду мирового ВВП в этом году с 1,9% до 3,9%.
Последствия экономического кризиса во всем мире оказались серьезнее, чем изначально прогнозировали в МВФ. «Очевидно, это означает, что нам потребуется гораздо больше времени для полного восстановления после этого кризиса», - рассказала в интервью Reuters глава МВФ Кристалина Георгиева.
Ранее Георгиева говорила о том, что последствия экономического кризиса в этом году станут самыми существенными со времен Великой депрессии 30-х годов прошлого века, однако текущий спад указывает на «более плохие новости». Новые прогнозы МВФ опубликует в июне этого года.
В текущей ситуации нет места для напряженных отношений между странами, в частности США и Китаем – двух глобальных экономических лидеров. По мнению Георгиевой, сейчас не время для международных конфликтов, единственный шанс пережить пандемию – поддерживать торговые отношения между странами, которые были залогом глобального экономического роста на протяжении последних десятилетий. «Мы не должны отворачиваться от того, что работало: разделение труда, сотрудничества и торговли, которые позволяют снизить стоимость товаров и услуг, увеличить доходы и бороться с бедностью», - сказала она. ... z-1-5-goda

Texas Gov. Abbott tweets shaky chart showing Texas superior to California ... 278727.php

Judge rules that Oregon virus restrictions are invalid ... 278562.php

Defiant Whitmer slams anti-lockdown protests, questions political motives behind demonstrations ... nstrations

Trump Blasts L.A.’s Extended Stay-at-Home Orders: ‘A Death Wish’ ... 279278.php

Trump says COVID-19 cases are strongly trending downward as he renews push to reopen America
John Roberts reports from the White House ahead of the president's meeting with governors and restaurant executives.

В США число заболевших коронавирусом превысило 1,5 млн человек

Трамп рассказал о приеме лекарства против малярии для профилактики COVID-19
Трамп заявил в понедельник, что принимает лекарство от малярии для защиты от коронавируса. Он делает это, несмотря на предупреждения о том, что препарат следует использовать от COVID-19 только в больнице или исследовательском учреждении из-за потенциально смертельных побочных эффектов.
Господин Трамп сказал журналистам, что он принимает этот препарат, гидроксихлорохин, ежедневно «уже около полутора недель». Он сообщил, что его врач не рекомендовал ему этот препарат, но он попросил его у врача Белого дома.
«Я начал принимать его, потому что думаю, что это хорошо»,— сказал президент США.— Я слышал много хороших историй» (цитата по AP). ... i-covid-19

Pelosi says 'morbidly obese' Trump should not be taking hydroxychloroquine ... 279305.php

As Trump says he's taking hydroxychloroquine, many experts urge seeking medical advice first ... hloroquine

Fox's Cavuto urges viewers not to take drug like Trump
Neil Cavuto gives strong warning after Trump's hydroxychloroquine revelation: 'A life and death point' ... 279302.php ... oronavirus

Dr. Alvarez: Trump's 'irresponsible' hydroxychloroquine announcement overshadows good virus news ... oronavirus

Infectious disease expert slams study that panned hydroxychloroquine as COVID-19 treatment: 'It's a sham' ... -treatment

Trump blasts ’60 Minutes,’ ‘creep’ HHS whistleblower after broadcast
President Trump late Sunday accused CBS’ “60 Minutes” of putting the spotlight on yet another “Fake Whistleblower” who is intended on damaging his administration's coronavirus response in order to benefit the "Radical Left Democrats." ... -broadcast

HHS Secretary Azar hits back at Navarro’s criticism of CDC: ‘Inaccurate and inappropriate'
Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar hit back Monday at White House trade adviser Peter Navarro for his coronavirus-related criticism of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in a striking public spat between two wings of the Trump administration. ... ppropriate

China used air travel to ‘seed’ virus in early stage, top WH official says
Peter Navarro, the White House trade adviser, said in an interview Sunday suggested that China “sent hundreds of thousands” on aircraft throughout the world to “seed” the spread of the virus. ... icial-says

Глава Минздрава США назвал ВОЗ ответственной за смерть людей от коронавируса
Министр здравоохранения США Алекс Азар возложил на Всемирную организацию здравоохранения (ВОЗ) ответственность за большое количество жертв во время пандемии коронавируса, передает "Интерфакс".
"Мы должны быть честны по поводу того, почему эта вспышка (коронавируса. - Прим. "Интерфакса") вышла из-под контроля. Эта организация оказалась неспособна получить информацию, которая была нужна миру, и эта неспособность обернулась многими жертвами", - сказал Азар в ходе выступления на сессии Всемирной ассамблеи здравоохранения ВОЗ.
Он отметил, что ВОЗ "не смогла выполнить свою основную миссию, которая заключается в распространении информации и транспарентности".
Не называя никакую страну конкретно, министр указал, что "как минимум одна страна-член организации выставила на посмешище обязательства относительно транспарентности". В прошлом США такую критику неоднократно адресовали Китаю.

ВОЗ раскритиковала позицию США по коронавирусу и похвалила Китай
Представитель Всемирной организации здравоохранения (ВОЗ) в РФ Мелита Вуйнович назвала неконструктивной позицию США по борьбе с пандемией коронавируса.
По ее словам, вместо взаимоподдержки перед лицом общей беды Вашингтон слишком занят «борьбой за расширение политического влияния в ВОЗ».
Вуйнович подчеркнула в интервью «Российской газете», что США «ищут виновного» в начале эпидемии и якобы «заранее уготовили эту роль своему основному геополитическому сопернику — Китаю».
При этом Китай, в отличие от США, ведет себе «конструктивно» и представляет предложения по борьбе с распространением вируса, отметили в ВОЗ.
«Вашингтон упустил главное — страдающим от COVID-19 людям по всему миру сегодня нужны не политические дрязги, а эффективные способы коллективной борьбы со смертельным недугом», — заключила Вуйнович.

Трамп назвал ВОЗ марионеткой Китая
Трамп в понедельник назвал Всемирную организацию здравоохранения (ВОЗ) китайской «марионеткой» и подтвердил, что он рассматривает возможность сокращения или отмены поддержки США. Он заявил, что Вашингтон ежегодно выплачивает ВОЗ около $450 млн — самый большой взнос из всех стран. Разрабатываются планы, чтобы сократить это, потому что «с нами обращаются неправильно», сказал господин Трамп.
«Они марионетка Китая, они ориентированы на Китай, если говорить точнее», — сказал он.
Трамп отметил, что организация дала «очень много плохих советов, ужасных советов», была неправа и всегда оказывалась на стороне КНР, передает BBC News.
Кроме того, американский лидер добавил, что ВОЗ «в последнее время работала плохо».
Трамп также сообщил, что отказался выступать с заявлением на Всемирной ассамблее здравоохранения, организованной ВОЗ, и пообещал сделать собственное заявление независимо от ассамблеи «в ближайшем будущем». ... m=newsfeed

Трамп: США выйдут из ВОЗ, если требования страны не выполнят в течение 30 суток
США дает Всемирной организации здравоохранения 30 суток на то, чтобы она гарантировала проведение реформ в своей структуре и управлении, которых добивается Вашингтон. В противном случае, страна прекратит финансирование организации и пересмотрит своей членство в ней, написал президент США Дональд Трамп в письме директору ВОЗ Тедросу Аданому Гебрейесусу, которое опубликовал у себя в Twitter.
«Если ВОЗ в течение 30 дней не гарантирует осуществление основных значительных улучшений, я сделаю временную заморозку финансирования ВОЗ Соединенными Штатами постоянной и пересмотрю наше членство в организации», — написал Трамп.
Он также добавил, что не может позволить «американским налогоплательщикам» продолжать финансировать организацию, которая «не служит интересам Америки».
Трамп отметил, что «необходимые реформы» будут обозначены в ходе совместных консультаций между ВОЗ и его администрацией.
По его словам, чтобы США не вышли из организации, «ей нужно действовать быстро».

Почти половина жителей США на фоне торговой войны и пандемии отказывается покупать китайские товары
Подробнее: ... ovary.html

США ужесточили санкции в отношении Huawei

Huawei: санкции США отразятся на бизнесе, но компания найдет решение

В боксерскую секцию его привела мизантропия.

 Post subject: Re: США сегодня - снаружи и изнутри
PostPosted: Tue May 19, 2020 11:04 pm 

Joined: Wed Sep 19, 2007 4:41 pm
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Трамп рассказал, зачем США отправляют в другие страны аппараты ИВЛ
США поставляют аппараты ИВЛ в другие страны для спасения жизней, а не для выполнения дипломатических задач, заявил президент США Дональд Трамп во время брифинга с журналистами в Белом доме.
Таким образом американский лидер ответил на вопрос о том, не рассчитывает ли он благодаря этим поставкам наладить отношения с другими странами. Трамп добавил, что «вероятно, это поможет дипломатии», однако подчеркнул, что это не является целью американских властей.

Trump 'looking to save lives' on ventilator shipments abroad
Once short on ventilators but now awash with extras, the United States has delivered 1,271 ventilators to seven countries, with the latest shipment going to El Salvador.
A senior administration official said Tuesday that the ventilators had been sold and delivered to Australia, Canada, Mexico, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. Ventilators were donated to South Africa and El Salvador.
The official was not authorized to speak publicly on the matter and spoke on condition of anonymity. The official said the Trump administration has committed to providing more than 15,000 ventilators to more than 60 countries.
Russia is on that list. Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said Tuesday the U.S. will send two planes with ventilators to Russia as a donation. According to Russian media, the shipment will include 200 breathing machines, 50 of which may be dispatched to Moscow on Wednesday.
Russia had sent a planeload of medical supplies, including ventilators, to the U.S. last month.
President Donald Trump was asked Tuesday if he sees ventilator shipments as a way to strengthen ties with other countries.
“I'm looking to save lives," Trump said. “If we can save lives in another country, that's a great thing. So, I'm only looking to save lives. Probably that's good diplomatically, but I'm not looking at that."
Trump said the U.S. had “gotten some very unusual calls from people that would not normally be calling us" asking for help with ventilators. He did not go into detail about specific countries that have requested the machines.
The State Department and the U.S. Agency for International Development are providing assistance to some countries to pay for the ventilators.
The senior official said the administration was balancing needs inside the United States with requests from abroad to ensure that providing supplies to other nations “will in no way impact the American people. ... 281697.php

Trump slams 'double standard' after Barr says it's unlikely Obama, Biden will be investigated

Declassified Susan Rice email shows Comey suggested 'sensitive' info on Russia not be shared with Flynn
Former FBI Director James Comey suggested to then-President Barack Obama in a January 2017 meeting that the National Security Council [NSC] might not want to pass "sensitive information related to Russia" to then-incoming National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, according to a newly declassified email that Flynn's predecessor sent herself on Inauguration Day.
The note from Susan Rice was declassified by Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell and transmitted to the Justice Department. Fox News obtained a copy Tuesday from GOP Sen. Ron Johnson's office, which had sought access to the document.
The email Rice sent to herself on Jan. 20, 2017, documented a Jan. 5 Oval Office meeting with Obama and others, during which he provided guidance on how law enforcement needed to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 presidential race. Parts of it were released previously, but the section on Comey's response had been classified as "TOP SECRET" until now.The section showed that Comey affirmed to Obama he was proceeding "by the book," and went on to discuss concerns about Flynn's known conversations with Russia's ambassador at the time -- conversations that would play a role later in the criminal case against Flynn.
Rice continued: "From a national security perspective, Comey said he does have some concerns that incoming NSA Flynn is speaking frequently with Russian Ambassador [Sergey] Kislyak. Comey said that could be an issue as it relates to sharing sensitive information. President Obama asked if Comey was saying that the NSC should not pass sensitive information related to Russia to Flynn."
Rice then wrote, "Comey replied, 'potentially.' He added that he has no indication thus far that Flynn has passed classified information to Kislyak, but he noted that 'the level of communication is unusual.'"
In a statement Tuesday evening about the email's release, a representative for Rice stressed that “no discussion of law enforcement matters or investigations took place, despite accusations to the contrary.” The spokeswoman also insisted the Obama administration did not change the way it briefed Flynn, saying Rice briefed Flynn for more than 12 hours on four separate occasions during the transition.
“Ambassador Rice did not alter the way she briefed Michael Flynn on Russia as a result of Director Comey’s response,” Rice representative Erin Pelton said.
Republicans have zeroed in on the Rice email amid heightened questions over the handling of the Russia probe and top-level awareness inside the Obama administration.
Johnson, R-Wis., and Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, had requested the Trump administration declassify Rice's entire email late Monday.
Rice’s email to herself was first flagged in 2018 by Grassley, the former Senate Judiciary Committee chairman, and Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., the current chairman. The email was partially unclassified at the time and appeared to detail the Jan. 5, 2017, meeting, which included Obama, Rice, Comey, then-CIA Director John Brennan, then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and then-Vice President Joe Biden. ... ent-source

Sen. Cotton: We need to get to the bottom of 'gross abuses of power' by the Obama administration
Republican Sen. Tom Cotton says he stands behind Sen. Lindsey Graham seeking broad authority to subpoena former Obama officials on the Russia probe.

Ernst backs Graham bid to subpoena Obama officials in unmasking probe: 'We need to get to the bottom of this'
Senate Judiciary Committee member Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, told "Bill Hemmer Reports" Tuesday that she would support issuing subpoenas to Obama-era Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and FBI Director James Comey, as well as former CIA Director John Brennan and former National Security Adviser Susan Rice.
"What happened to the Trump Administration and the unmasking of people within the transition, within the administration, and within his family was reprehensible," Ernst told host Bill Hemmer. "Utilizing federal government agencies to spy on American citizens, and especially political opponents, is absolutely wrong and we need to get to the bottom of this." ... king-flynn

Flynn's lawyers ask appeals court to force dismissal of case
Flynn attorneys ask court to order judge to dismiss conviction
Michael Flynn's attorneys asked an appeals court on Tuesday to order a federal judge to dismiss the conviction of President Donald Trump's former national security adviser. Flynn's lawyers also asked the appeals court in Washington to reverse the judge's order allowing outside groups and a retired federal judge to argue against the Justice Department's request to toss the case.
U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan last week paused Flynn's case to hear from interested parties and appointed former New York federal judge John Gleeson to argue against the government request. Sullivan also asked Gleeson to examine whether the former three-star general may have committed perjury while pleading guilty to lying about his pre-inauguration contacts with Russia's ambassador.
In a 44-page filing to the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, Flynn's lawyers accused Sullivan of bias and acting at "loggerheads" with recent Supreme Court precedent. Sidney Powell and Flynn's other attorneys also asked that the case be reassigned for any future proceedings. ... 281787.php

Trump's firing of the inspector general investigating Mike Pompeo grows even more suspicious
In the growing series of President Donald Trump's controversial removals of inspectors general, the firing of State Department IG Steve Linick might be the most problematic. Linick, we've come to find out, had been investigating Attorney General Mike Pompeo personally, as well as a major decision Pompeo had approved on an arms deal with Saudi Arabia. And both the White House and Pompeo have said the removal of Linick was Pompeo's call.
On Monday, Pompeo's office made the case for why Linick deserved to be removed. But, at least at this point, it's pretty thin gruel.
As The Washington Post's John Hudson and Carol Morello report, Pompeo and his office are spotlighting two key issues with Linick: that he didn't mesh with the State Department's goals, and that there were leaks involving his investigations.
Here's the crux of the case they made for Linick's removal:
"Pompeo told The Washington Post that he advised Trump to fire Linick because he was not 'performing a function' that was 'additive for the State Department.'
"One of Pompeo's top aides, Brian Bulatao, said concern over Linick had grown because of a 'pattern of unauthorized disclosures, or leaks,' to the news media about investigations that were in their early stages. Bulatao said officials had no evidence Linick was personally responsible for the leaks but believed that they could taint the outcome of ongoing probes.
"Bulatao also said the secretary was frustrated with Linick's indifference to an 'ethos statement' Pompeo formulated for employees last year that includes mottos such as 'I am a champion of American diplomacy.'"
Let's take the leaks first. The story highlighted is from the Daily Beast, which reported in September that Linick was investigating the State Department's special envoy to Iran, Brian Hook, who is close to White House senior adviser and Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner. The investigation involved alleged retaliation against an aide for her Iranian American ethnicity and perceived political bias. (The story came shortly after Linick had similarly released a report that alleged harassment and retaliation against other State Department employees who were perceived as disloyal to Trump.)
The Daily Beast cited as its source "two government sources involved in carrying out the investigation."
While acknowledging no evidence to link Linick to the leaks, Bulutao says: "You know the IG is normally charged with carrying out the investigation. It certainly was a very strong finger-pointing at IG Linick's way."
Firing someone based upon suspicion and inference, though, isn't generally a satisfactory reason. What's more, it's not clear what Linick might have had to gain by leaking this, even if he had. The report naming Hook did indeed come out several weeks later.
At least if that were true, though, it might hold some water. As for the other allegation against Linick - that he wasn't performing an "additive" function and that he didn't sufficiently subscribe to Pompeo's "ethos statement" - that's even more puzzling.
An inspector general is tasked with independent oversight of their department and questioning the powerful. Their adherence to the slogans of the department leaders - in this case, Pompeo's "I am a champion of American diplomacy" - wouldn't seem to be one of their chief concerns. Indeed, you could argue that it would be counterproductive for an IG to align with their department leaders' respective slogans as if they are there to promote the leaders' defined agenda and vision for the department that they are supposed to be holding to account.
The other thing about IGs is that their "additive" function is, by definition, to root out wrongdoing and problems within the department. Linick has, by all accounts, produced a series of very serious reports alleging problems within the State Department. His willingness to investigate Pompeo personally is also a rather bold move by an inspector general and suggests he was hardly a wallflower declining to carry out his defined duties.
Pompeo, for what it's worth, has said he was unfamiliar with the investigations involving him. But he would have been well familiar with the other two completed investigations mentioned above that cast his department and powerful White House allies in a negative light.
Whether any of those investigations was warranted, of course, is a valid question. Maybe the argument could be that Linick's actions were frivolous, wrongly concluded or politically motivated. That's what Trump has suggested about other IGs he's removed, including intelligence community inspector general Michael Atkinson (whose firing Trump made clear was tied to Atkinson forwarding the whistleblower complaint that led to Trump's impeachment) and acting Health and Human Services inspector general Christi Grimm (whose report alleging "severe shortages" of hospital equipment during the coronavirus outbreak Trump cited).
But that's not even the argument that Pompeo and his office are making. Perhaps that's because they recognize saying that would only reinforce the apparent retaliatory nature of the firing, as Trump's comments have. But saying this was about leaks that Linick hasn't even been connected to and about Linick's lack of adherence to Pompeo's messaging doesn't exactly suggest a strong basis for firing.
And when you overlay that on what Linick had investigated - Pompeo, the arms deal Pompeo signed off on, a Kushner ally and a well-connected GOP donor named Robert Pence (no relation to the vice president) - it should only raise more questions about how all this went down. ... 280475.php

GOP senators demand answers on Trump's firing of State Department inspector general
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says he didn't know fired Inspector General Steve Linick was investigating him; reaction and analysis on 'Outnumbered.'

Democrats protest removal of Transportation watchdog
Congressional Democrats are protesting President Donald Trump's decision to remove the Transportation Department's acting inspector general, the latest in a string of actions by Trump to fire or replace government watchdogs.
The Democratic chairs of three House panels on Tuesday demanded that Mitch Behm be reinstated immediately as acting inspector general.
The lawmakers also demanded that the Trump administration turn over information about current investigations that might have played a role in Behm's removal, including a review of whether Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao has given preferential treatment to Kentucky. Her husband, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, a Kentucky Republican and a top Trump ally, is seeking reelection this year.
Behm's removal “is the latest in a series of politically motivated firings of inspectors general by President Trump,'' the lawmakers wrote. "This assault on the integrity and independence of inspectors general appears to be an intentional campaign to undermine their ability to expose corruption and protect taxpayer dollars from waste, fraud and abuse.”
The letter was signed by Rep. Peter DeFazio of Oregon, chairman of the House Transportation Committee; Oversight Committee Chair Carolyn Maloney of New York; and Virginia Rep. Gerald Connolly, who leads an Oversight subcommittee.
A spokesman for Chao said Behm was not fired and continues to serve as deputy inspector general. Howard Elliott, administrator of the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, is replacing Behm while continuing to lead the pipeline agency.
"Mr. Elliott will bring decades of valuable expertise to the role of acting inspector general, both in safety and in law enforcement,'' the spokesman said, noting that Elliott came out of retirement to lead the pipeline agency after serving as safety chief for CSX Transportation, a large freight rail company.
The removals of Linick and Behm are part of a pattern of Trump taking aim at inspectors general.
In April, he fired Michael Atkinson, the inspector general for the intelligence community, for his role in the whistleblower complaint that led to Trump’s impeachment.
Then Trump removed Glenn Fine as acting inspector general at the Defense Department. The move stripped him of his post as chairman of the Pandemic Response Accountability Committee, one of several watchdog groups overseeing the vast economic relief law passed by Congress in response to the coronavirus crisis.
Trump also has moved to replace an inspector general of the Department of Health and Human Services who wrote a report that found hospitals faced severe shortages of coronavirus tests and supplies. Trump questioned the veracity of the report and the independence of the HHS official, Christi Grimm. a career employee who has served as acting inspector general since January. Trump has nominated a permanent replacement, an appointment that requires Senate confirmation.
Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, called Trump’s firings of Linick and other officials a “threat to accountable democracy.”
“The firings of multiple Inspectors General is unprecedented; doing so without good cause chills the independence essential to their purpose. It is a threat to accountable democracy and a fissure in the constitutional balance of power,” Romney tweeted Saturday.
Romney is the only Senate Republican who voted to convict Trump of abuse of power in his impeachment trial earlier this year. Trump responded to Romney's tweet by calling him a “LOSER” on Twitter.
Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, has called for the White House to explain the dismissals of Linick and Atkinson, the intelligence community watchdog.
Grassley, a Trump ally, said Congress intended that inspectors general only be removed when there is clear evidence of unfitness, wrongdoing or failure to perform the duties of the office. “An expression of lost confidence, without further explanation, is not sufficient,” he said.
Trump has designated Howard Elliott, head of a Transportation Department agency that oversees pipeline safety, to replace Behm as acting inspector general. Elliott will keep his job at the pipeline agency, reporting to Chao, which the three House Democrats said was a conflict of interest.
The DOT spokesman said officials expect Elliott to recuse himself from audits or investigations of the pipeline agency.
Still, the lawmakers asked for information regarding ongoing audits, inspections, investigations, evaluations, reviews and other communications regarding Behm's removal and Elliott’s qualifications to be inspector general. Any attempt by Chao or her office to interfere with an inspector general’s investigation “is illegal and will be thoroughly examined by our committees," they wrote. ... 281750.php

Democrats open investigation into replacement of acting Transportation Department inspector general
Three leading House Democrats said Tuesday they plan to open an investigation into the replacement of the Transportation Department's acting inspector general, concerned that the move was tied to an ongoing investigation of Secretary Elaine Chao's dealings with the state of Kentucky.
Chao is married to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and has faced questions aboutwhether her department has given preferential treatment to projects in the state. ... 281315.php

Apple отказалась предоставить властям США полный доступ к данным

Онлайн-продажи Walmart подскочили на 74% из-за ажиотажного спроса во время эпидемии


Коронавирус в Техасе – вооружённые добровольцы против полиции
В городе Одесса штата Техас появились вооружённые патрули из местных граждан для охраны от полиции общественных заведений, которые открылись вопреки запрету, введённому властями штата из-за распространения инфекции коронавируса.
Крепкие парни с полуавтоматическими винтовками ходят по улицам или дежурят возле кафе, парикмахерских и клубов, чьи владельцы обратились к ним за помощью. В их задачу входит не позволить полицейским закрыть заведение. Патрульные заявляют, что заниматься частной коммерций – это неотъемлемое право граждан США. Охраняя частные заведения, они охраняют конституцию, которую, по их словам, нарушают техасские власти.
Вооружённые патрули замечены также в Далласе, главном городе Техаса. Полиция установила, что такие патрули рассеяны по всему штату, при этом некоторые противники карантина действуют в одиночку.
Первые патрули появились, невзирая на противостояние с полицейским спецназом, в начале мая. Тогда к одному из баров приехал полицейский бронеавтомобиль, спецназ навёл на патрульных оружие и потребовал сдаться. Были арестованы шесть вооружённых мужчин, обвинённых в незаконной демонстрации оружия, и владелица бара.
Несколько дней назад подобная ситуация произошла в г. Овоссо (Owosso), штат Мичиган. Там группа вооружённых добровольцев встала у дверей парикмахерской, чтобы не дать полицейским арестовать владельца, отказавшегося закрыть своё заведение. Жители Овоссо развернули в социальных сетях информационную кампанию в поддержку владельца парикмахерской. ... 50890.html ... -guns.html

Hunker down: Some states say no full-scale reopening until coronavirus vaccine, treatment is ready
As most states begin to move forward with measures to reopen their economies, some governors and big-city mayors are now saying the restrictions will not fully be lifted until a vaccine or treatment for the disease is available -- a timeline that could take a year or more. ... e-is-ready

Вице-президент США Майк Пенс заявил, что «замороженная» из-за коронавируса экономика страны начала процесс восстановления.По его словам, к поэтапной отмене карантина приступили во всех 50 штатах, стратегически важные предприятия запущены в работу.
На заседании кабинета под руководством президента Дональда Трампа Пенс отчитался о том, что местные власти прислушались к призывам главы Белого дома.
Кроме того, постепенно снимаются ограничения для граждан, благодаря чему они могут вновь «дышат свободным воздухом».
«Рад сообщить кабинету министров сегодня, что, по имеющейся у нас информации, все 50 штатов частично открывают свою экономику», — сказал Пенс.

Trump 'announces' Bay Area transit funding that occurred weeks ago
On Tuesday morning, President Donald Trump "announced" on Twitter that three Bay Area agencies would receive over $700 million in federal funds. In an email sent to SFGATE, BART Chief Communications Officer Alicia Trost confirmed that the president was referring to funds already allocated weeks ago from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act.
"I am proud to announce the San Francisco Bay Area will receive over $700M in federal funds to support continued operations and support workers at
@flySFO Intl Airport and for transit on @sfmta_muni & @SFBart," Trump tweeted. "This money will aid in economic recovery!"
In successive tweets, the President also "announced" federal funds for other public transit agencies around the country, suggesting that Trump was referring to initial allocations from the federal CARES Act, which was passed in late March and included $25 billion in support for public transit agencies. In early April, the Department of Transportation detailed the specific allocation for each region.
"Over" $700 million was a confusing number. In late April, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission — the agency in charge of Bay Area regional transit planning — allocated $780 million of the CARES Act funding to various local transit agencies, including those Trump named. The $780 million represented the first installment of "roughly $1.3 billion" in funds that will eventually be distributed to Bay Area transit agencies. ... 280911.php

В США падает суточная смертность от коронавируса
За последние сутки в США зафиксировали 785 летальных исходов, связанных с коронавирусом, — это один из самых низких показателей за два меяца.
По данным университета Джонса Хопкинса, суточная смертность снижается несколько дней подряд, накануне сообщалось о 808 умерших.
Вместе с тем, прирост новых случаев заражения остается высоким, вирус распространяется по разным штатам. За сутки выявили более 21,5 тыс. случаев (накануне было около 19 тыс.), общее число зараженных в стране превысило уже 1,5 млн.
Общее число жертв эпидемии в США превысило 90 тыс. человек, страна лидирует в мире по этому показателю.

Трамп пообещал «раздавать» вакцину от коронавируса по всей стране

Трамп для профилактики COVID-19 пьет гидроксихлорохин, от употребления которого предостерегают врачи

My 'decision to make': Trump defends criticized use of drug ... 279556.php

Trump defends taking hydroxychloroquine, hits back at Pelosi as 'sick'
Trump on Tuesday defended his use of hydroxychloroquine in an attempt potentially to ward off the coronavirus, saying the unproven COVID-19 drug "gives you an additional level of safety." ... ack-pelosi

Вице-президент США отказался принимать те же таблетки, что и Трамп

Trump tells governors feds 'will step in' if government disagrees with state reopening plans
President Trump largely expressed satisfaction with how the governors are moving to lift coronavirus restrictions in their individual states. ... ning-plans

49 of 50 governors have better coronavirus poll numbers than Trump
Last week, President Donald Trump responded to governors' positive coronavirus poll numbers by citing his own federal government's help.
"Remember this," Trump tweeted, "every Governor who has sky high approval on their handling of the Coronavirus, and I am happy for them all, could in no way have gotten those numbers, or had that success, without me and the Federal Governments help."
Americans, though, don't seem to be crediting Trump nearly as much as he would like.
New polling data from SurveyMonkey, which were shared with The Washington Post, show that fully 49 of 50 governors have significantly higher approval ratings for their coronavirus responses than Trump does in recent polls. A Washington Post-Ipsos poll last week showed 43 percent of Americans approved of Trump's handling of the outbreak.
The one governor on Trump's level is Georgia Republican Gov. Brian Kemp, whose efforts to reopen his state have proved controversial. In the Post-Ipsos poll, Kemp's approval rating was 39 percent; in the new one, it's a similar 43 percent - the same as Trump's.
Apart from Kemp, the governor closest to Trump is Hawaii Democratic Gov. David Ige, at 54 percent. No other governor falls below half of their constituents supporting their response.
The data show Democratic governors with an average coronavirus approval rating of 70 percent, while Republican governors are lower, at 63 percent.
But interestingly, most of the highest and lowest approval ratings belong to Republicans.
Among the highest are a trio of moderate Republicans who have distanced themselves from Trump - Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan at 85 percent, Vermont Gov. Phil Scott at 82 percent, and Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker at 82 percent. They occupy three of the top five slots, and six of the top seven are Republicans.
On the other end of the scale, though, are many of their fellow GOPers. Of the 11 governors with the lowest approval ratings on coronavirus, nine are Republicans.
Along with Kemp, they including Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott at 58 percent. Both governors have pushed forward with among the most aggressive reopening plans.
Also among the 11 at the lowest end are four Republican governors of Midwestern states - Iowa's Kim Reynolds, South Dakota's Kristi Noem, Missouri's Mike Parson and Nebraska's Pete Ricketts - all at 58 percent. All were among the latest holdouts on issuing statewide stay-at-home orders or were among the few to never issue them at all.
The only other Democrat to rank among the lowest 11 besides Ige is Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers, at 60 percent ... 280020.php

Biden leads Trump by 12 points in Virginia: poll
A new survey in the swing state of Virginia indicates Democratic challenger Joe Biden topping President Trump by double digits
. ... ginia-poll

Trump tells Senate GOP to 'be tough' on Democrats
Trump implored Senate Republicans to “be tough" on Democrats heading into the fall election, touting his own poll numbers against rival Joe Biden during a free-wheeling private lunch on Capitol Hill.
With top White House advisers in tow, Trump attended what was perhaps one of the largest social gatherings still happening in locked-down Washington as officials consider next steps in the coronavirus response.
“We had a great meeting -- all of the Republican senators were there,” Trump told reporters.
The private luncheon at the nearly closed U.S. Capitol complex was billed as an opportunity for Trump to thank senators for their work in fighting the virus outbreak and shoring up the economy, officials said.
But as senators from the 53-seat GOP majority convened behind closed doors, the discussion swiftly turned to politics and Trump's “enthusiasm” for the campaign against Biden, the presumed Democratic nominee, senators said.
“He admonished all of us to be tough, fight back,” Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, told reporters afterward.
Democrats are eager to flip control of the Senate from Republicans as voters assess Trump’s handling of the pandemic crisis. Cornyn said the president explained to the senators, “It’s going to be a pitched battle.”
The president’s visits are often free-flowing conversations and Republicans said various topics were discussed.
But the hour-long session did not change the GOP position to hold off, until June, on a new round of virus aid for states and struggling Americans.
"We need to assess what we've already done, take a look at what worked and what didn’t,” said Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., afterward. “We’ll discuss the way forward in the next couple of weeks.”
Tuesday brought a full day of administration appearances on Capitol Hill. Earlier, Vice President Mike Pence and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin huddled with McConnell and House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy for a previously scheduled meeting.
They discussed the COVID-19 response and the economy, said a person unauthorized to describe the meeting and granted anonymity.
But it did not appear to change Republicans' outlook that more funds are needed for the pandemic response.
“I don’t see the need right now," McCarthy told reporters at the Capitol.
He said they discussed different items, “the economy, the number of states that are opening back up,” and the outlook for virus testing. "Getting a lot of updates.”
While House Democrats passed a new virus aid package last week, Senate Republicans say they're not interested in providing more funds until they assess how the $2 trillion in already approved money to fight the virus and improve the economy is being spent.
McConnell has said there's no urgency to act on the latest $3 trillion bill from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. He has declared the package a “seasonal catalogue” of liberal programs.
Pelosi's package includes $900 billion to states and cities to shore up their budgets during the crisis and prevent mass layoffs of state and local government workers. Regional tax revenues have plummeted during the shutdown. There's also money for more virus testing, a fresh round of $1,200 rebate checks for cash-strapped Americans and other aid.
Republicans prefer to wait to see if efforts to open up the economy can provide a kick-start and lessen the need for more aid.
“Very helpful,” said Mnuchin as he exited the meeting on his way to testify before the Senate Banking Committee. “Good update.” ... 280476.php

Трамп считает, что можно продлить программу помощи малому бизнесу

Евросоюз встал на сторону ВОЗ на фоне ее конфликта с США

As Trump attacks WHO in a letter, member states remain loyal amid coronavirus pandemic ... s-response

Trump on China trade deal: 'I feel differently now about that deal than I did three months ago'
President Trump on Tuesday said that although the China trade deal is just kicking in, he feels "very differently" about it since global coronavirus outbreak. ... ifferently

Трамп: Китай эффективно остановил коронавирус в Ухане, но допустил пандемию
Власти Китая эффективно остановили распространение коронавируса в Ухане, но при этом не воспрепятствовали его распространению в мире, заявил президент США Дональд Трамп, добавив, что хотел бы выяснить, почему это произошло.
Выступая перед членами своей администрации в Белом доме, Трамп также задался вопросом, почему Китай не пустил к себе экспертов из других стран, в том числе США. «Мы бы помогли решить проблему», — подчеркнул он.
Американский лидер добавил, что в связи с этой ситуацией его мнение по поводу торгового соглашения, заключенного с Китаем, меняется не в лучшую сторону. При этом Трамп назвал соглашение «одним из крупнейших в истории» и отметил, что Китай закупает товары в США в больших объемах.

Китай обвинил США в попытке переложить ответственность за коронавирусный кризис ... sha-krizis

USS Theodore Roosevelt returning to sea as China steps up coronavirus-era 'harassment' of US spy planes, ships
The aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt will return to sea later this week before Memorial Day after a coronavirus outbreak sidelined the massive warship for nearly two months after more than 1,000 sailors tested positive, Navy officials said Tuesday. Since heading into port, China appears to have taken advantage of the situation and ramped up its harassment of the U.S. military and its regional allies amid the global pandemic.
With the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier moored on the Pacific island of Guam, Chinese forces have “continued risky and escalatory behavior,” according to a senior Pentagon official.
Since mid-March, about the same time the U.S. aircraft carrier pulled into Guam, Chinese fighter jets have harassed U.S. reconnaissance aircraft “at least nine times” in the South China Sea, according to Reed B. Werner, deputy assistant secretary of defense for Southeast Asia, in an nterview with Fox News.
The provocative behavior has not been limited to the skies.
Werner also cited “harassment” of the Japan-based guided-missile destroyer USS Mustin last month near a Chinese aircraft carrier strike group that was patrolling through the South China Sea. A Chinese escort ship maneuvered in an “unsafe and unprofessional way” without being specific.
The recent confrontations between the Chinese and American militaries have not been previously reported.
“We do find the current trend line very worrisome,” Werner said, adding that did not know if the harassment since mid-March represented an uptick.
The U.S. government has lodged formal complaints over the unsafe interactions as well as through “private channels” in one case, he added.
“We’ve made démarches... on a regular basis,” Werner said.
He elaborated, “We continue to see Chinese destabilizing behavior in the South China Sea” during the middle of the coronavirus pandemic. “As countries are focused inward, China continues to push forward.”
This included harassment of U.S. allies in the region, including Association of Southeast Asian Nations [ASEAN] member states, Werner added. Last week, the U.S. Navy dispatched the littoral combat ship Gabrielle Giffords near an oil-and-gas platform off Malaysia after harassment by a Chinese government-owned research vessel and other warships. ... harassment

В боксерскую секцию его привела мизантропия.

 Post subject: Re: США сегодня - снаружи и изнутри
PostPosted: Wed May 20, 2020 11:19 pm 

Joined: Wed Sep 19, 2007 4:41 pm
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Компания США прокомментировала поставки деталей для аппаратов ИВЛ заводу «Ростеха
В российском представительстве американской Honeywell заявили, что компания «соблюдает все применимые законы стран, в которых ведет свою деятельность». Так в компании отреагировали на расследование и волонтерского проекта RAVEN о том, что аппараты ИВЛ, которые собирают на Уральском приборостроительном заводе (УПЗ, входит в КРЭТ госкорпорации «Ростех»), состоят в основном из импортных комплектующих. В том числе, согласно таможенным данным и данным сайта госзакупок, УПЗ использовал датчики давления и потока производства Honeywell, причем в 2019 году поставки шли через китайскую Harbin Magic Lantern Trading Limited Company. При этом про компанию Harbin Magic Lantern Trading Limited Company не удалось найти никакой дополнительной информации, кроме таможенных данных. Такую же схему поставок через китайские и гонконгские компании использовали и некоторые другие производства, расположенные в США.
Американские компании не могут напрямую сотрудничать с УПЗ без разрешения Министерства финансов США: уральское предприятие входит в КРЭТ, который находится под санкциями США с 2014 года.
«Отечественные» аппараты ИВЛ завода «Ростеха» состоят преимущественно из импортных деталей
Впрочем, согласно таможенным данным за период с 2015 по 2019 год, большинство импортных комплектующих для аппарата ИВЛ «Авента-М», который активно используется в российских больницах в период пандемии коронавируса, закупалось у китайских и тайваньских производителей. ... du_rosteha

США загрузили в самолет аппараты ИВЛ для России
В Россию из США направляется самолет с партией аппаратов искусственной вентиляции легких (ИВЛ). Об этом сообщает американский Совет национальной безопасности в Twitter.
«Эта гуманитарная помощь направляется в Москву и спасет жизни в наиболее пострадавшем [от пандемии] российском городе», — говорится в сообщении.
Видео погрузки аппаратов для России в самолет C-17 опубликовало Транспортное командование американской армии. По данным источника ТАСС в Агентстве по международному развитию, которое входит в структуру Госдепартамента, самолет с оборудованием для России уже вылетел из США.
Ранее о решении США доставить в Россию аппараты ИВЛ сообщил портал Voice of America со ссылкой на имеющиеся в распоряжении редакции документы. По информации портала, американские власти планировали направить в Россию 200 аппаратов. Из них 50 будут готовы к отправке уже в среду, 20 мая, а еще 150 — 26 мая, говорилось в публикации.
Накануне информацию об отправке аппаратов в Россию подтвердил высокопоставленный представитель администрации США, писало накануне «РИА Новости». По его словам, США доставят технику в дар, стоимость партии аппаратов составляет около $4,7 млн.
Подробнее на РБК: ... m=newsfeed

Глава пилотируемых программ NASA покинул пост за 10 дней до запуска корабля Crew Dragon с двумя астронавтами
Заместитель руководителя NASA по пилотируемым программам Дуглас Ловерро покинул свой пост за 10 дней до намеченного на 27 мая запуска корабля Crew Dragon с двумя астронавтами на борту к Международной космической станции (МКС). Исполняющим обязанности руководителя пилотируемых программ был назначен заместитель Ловерро и бывший астронавт Кеннет Бауэрсокс.
Как отмечает The Verge, Ловерро ушел с должности менее чем через полгода после назначения на нее (он стал главой пилотируемых программ NASA в декабре 2019 года).
В обращении к сотрудникам NASA говорится, что покинувший пост 18 мая Ловерро добился существенных успехов за время работы в этой должности, что позволило агентству приблизиться к реализации плана по возвращению на Луну в 2024 году. Сам Ловерро в письме коллегам отметил, что его уход связан с неким риском, который он принял ранее в этом году. По мнению Ловерро, это было ошибкой, и поэтому он решил подать в отставку. Никаких деталей о совершенной ошибке Ловерро в своем письме не привел.
В NASA подчеркнули, что уход Ловерро никак не скажется на миссии корабля Crew Dragon, а сам Ловерро сказал The Verge, что его уход никак не связан с программой полетов к МКС, но отказался раскрыть какие-либо подробности.

Неожиданная отставка в NASA вызвала скандал
Заместитель руководителя NASA по пилотируемым полетам Дуглас Ловерро ушел в отставку. В пресс-службе NASA лишь подтвердили отставку господина Ловерро, отказавшись комментировать ее обстоятельства или причины.
Отставка привлекла внимание прессы сразу по нескольким обстоятельствам. Для начала об отставке сотрудникам Национального агентства по аэронавтике и изучению космического пространства США было объявлено буквально за несколько дней до запланированного возобновления американских пилотируемых полетов. 27 мая на борту корабля Crew Dragon от компании SpaceX на Международную космическую станцию должны отправиться астронавты Роберт Бенкен и Дуглас Хёрли. Более того, за несколько дней до отставки господин Ловерро участвовал в заседании одного из профильных комитетов NASA и, по словам его участников, никак не выглядел человеком, собирающимся в отставку. А 19 мая господин Ловерро участвовал по видеосвязи в заседании Национального комитета по космосу, в котором участвовал и глава NASA Джим Брайденстайн. И там об отставке господина Ловерро ничего не было сказано даже притом, что, по официальной версии, он прекратил исполнять свои обязанности 18 мая, то есть накануне.
Наконец, в прессу просочились отрывки письма господина Ловерро сотрудникам NASA, в котором он называет причиной своей отставки некоторую «ошибку», за которую он должен «заплатить сам». Предполагается, впрочем, что эта «ошибка» не имеет отношения к коммерческому полету Crew Dragon. Позже это подтвердил и сам господин Ловерро, заметив корреспонденту The Washington Post, что эта ошибка связана со скоростью реализации проекта «Артемида» — возвращения астронавтов на Луну. Известно, что господин Ловерро был активным сторонником отправки астронавтов на Луну в 2024 году и даже носил значок, на котором было указано количество дней до конца 2024 года. В свое время на вопрос журнала Space News, не лежит ли у него дома необходимое количество значков на каждый день, господин Ловерро заметил: «Процесс генерации значков — коммерческая тайна».

AP source: Ex-Trump lawyer Cohen to be released from prison
Trump’s longtime personal lawyer and fixer Michael Cohen will be released from federal prison Thursday and is expected to serve the remainder of his sentence at home, a person familiar with the matter told The Associated Press.
Cohen has been serving a federal prison sentence at FCI Otisville in New York after pleading guilty to numerous charges, including campaign finance fraud and lying to Congress.He will be released on furlough with the expectation that he will transition to home confinement to serve the remainder of his sentence at home, the person said. Cohen, 53, began serving his sentence last May and was scheduled to be released from prison in November 2021. ... 284423.php

Rice memo confirms Comey briefed Obama, Biden on Flynn concerns in January 2017
The Trump administration declassifies a memo then-Obama official Susan Rice emailed to herself on briefing new National Security Adviser Michael Flynn

Declassified Susan Rice email shows Comey suggested 'sensitive' Russia info not be shared with Flynn

Comey mum on email suggesting move to freeze out Flynn, as Rice says she ignored advice
A newly declassified email that former National Security Adviser Susan Rice sent herself on President Trump’s inauguration day has raised new questions about James Comey’s role in the outgoing Obama administration’s treatment of Michael Flynn -- but the former FBI director has not yet publicly commented on the contents of the memo. ... red-advice

15 Republican state attorneys general call for dismissal of Flynn case

Pompeo defends IG firing: Not retaliation for investigation
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo rejected allegations that he recommended the firing of State Department Inspector General Steve Linick as retaliation for an investigation; State Department correspondent Rich Edson reports.

Pompeo defends IG firing: 'Should have done it some time ago'
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Wednesday rejected allegations that he recommended the firing of State Department Inspector General Steve Linick as retaliation for an investigation, calling the idea "patently false" while defending Linick's ouster ... e-time-ago

McConnell defends Trump move to can State Department IG: 'Certainly within his authority'
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., on Tuesday defended President Trump's move to fire the State Department inspector general (IG), as Democrats and even some Republicans demand more information on the controversial move. ... -authority

Senate Homeland Security Committee approves subpoena for Burisma-linked consulting firm in Biden investigation
The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee on Wednesday voted to subpoena Blue Star Strategies — a company connected to the Ukrainian natural gas firm Burisma Holdings -- as part of the panel’s investigation into Hunter Biden’s role on the board of the firm. ... estigation

Biden widens Q Poll lead, nicks Trump on economy
Quinnipiac University: “Former Vice President Joe Biden leads President Trump 50 - 39 percent in a head-to-head matchup in the election for president, according to a Quinnipiac University national poll of registered voters released today. That's up from the 49 - 41 percent lead Biden held in an April 8th national poll, but the change is within the margin of error. Democrats go to Biden 88 - 5 percent, Republicans go to Trump 87 - 8 percent, and independents go to Biden 47 - 36 percent. … 42 percent of voters approve of the job President Trump is doing, while 53 percent disapprove. … Voters are split on who they think would do a better job handling the economy, with 48 percent saying Biden and 47 percent saying Trump. In April, Trump led Biden on this question 49 - 44 percent. Voters also say 57 - 37 percent that Biden would do a better job than Trump handling health care compared to 53 - 40 percent in April.” ... on-economy

As president’s coronavirus approval drops, Biden’s lead over Trump grows: poll
A new national survey indicates flagging support for the job President Trump is doing combating the coronavirus pandemic.
And a Quinnipiac University Poll released Wednesday also suggests that presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s lead over Trump in the November general election showdown has increased to 11 points.
The former vice president tops the GOP incumbent in the White House by a 50-39 percent margin among registered voters nationwide, according to the survey. That’s up slightly from a 49-41 percent lead Biden held over Trump in Quinnipiac’s previous poll, which was conducted in April.
Biden’s double-digit lead in the Quinnipiac survey is higher than the single-digit advantage he holds in most other national polls. Biden tops the president by 5.6 points in the latest Real Clear Politics average of national head-to-head polling between the two major-party candidates.
As expected, the Quinnipiac survey indicates Democrats overwhelmingly supportive of Biden and Republicans overwhelmingly backing Trump. The survey suggests independents breaking for the Democratic challenger by a 47-36 percent margin, with five and a half months to go until Election Day.
The president has a seven-point advantage among male voters, but Biden trounces Trump by 28 points among all women – including an 11-point lead among white women.
"What does the 11-point Biden lead tell us? At best for Team Trump, it says voter confidence in President Trump is shaky. At worst for them, as coronavirus cases rise, Trump's judgment is questioned – and November looms," Quinnipiac University polling analyst Tim Malloy highlighted.
The president’s overall approval rating stands at 42 percent approval and 53 percent disapproval, down slightly from a month ago. The president’s approval on steering the federal response to the coronavirus stands at 41 percent this month, down five points from April. Disapproval jumped five points, to 56 percent. And by a 16-point margin – 55 to 39 percent – voters say they think Biden would do a better job than the president handling the coronavirus response. The Biden campaign touted that number on Twitter.
Two-thirds of those questioned – but only 38 percent of Republicans – say that Trump should wear a face mask when he is out in public.
On the president’s polling strong suit – the economy – 50 percent approve of the job he’s doing handling the economy, with 47 percent disapproving. Voters were split on whether Trump or Biden would do a better job on the economy.
Biden’s favorable rating in the survey stands at 45-41 percent favorable, with the president underwater, at 40-55 percent unfavorable.
The Quinnipiac University Poll was conducted May 14-18, with 1,323 self-identified registered voters nationwide questioned by live telephone operators. The survey’s sampling error is plus or minus 2.7 percentage points.
The Trump campaign didn’t appear to mention the Quinnipiac poll but took to Twitter to highlight a new CNBC poll which indicated the president with the edge over Biden in an average of six crucial general election battleground states. ... grows-poll

Biden denounces left-wing anti-Semitism - NYT: “Former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. told donors on a call on Tuesday that it was important to condemn criticism of Israel that drifts toward anti-Semitism, including on the political left, even as he acknowledged that he had ‘gotten in trouble’ for such calls in the past. ‘Criticism of Israel’s policy is not anti-Semitism,’ Mr. Biden said. ‘But too often that criticism from the left morphs into anti-Semitism.’ Mr. Biden, who was answering a question about anti-Semitism on the left in the United States and England… The remarks came as Mr. Biden works to unite the Democratic Party and appeal to progressives, especially younger ones, who viewed him with suspicion during the primary race. … Mr. Biden did not cite any specific examples of anti-Semitic comments on the left or specifically identify individuals or groups that he was concerned about.” ... on-economy

Trump argues Sanders gave up in primaries ‘too easy’
President Trump is criticizing Sen. Bernie Sanders for giving up “too easy” in this year’s Democratic presidential nomination race. ... s-too-easy

Kamala Harris introduces Senate resolution saying phrase ‘Wuhan virus’ is ‘anti-Asian’
Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., introduced a resolution condemning “anti-Asian sentiment as related to COVID-19,” including use of the phrase “Wuhan Virus.” ... anti-asian

Glassdoor lays off 300 employees ... 283300.php

Inside the Trump fight with California over opening churches amid coronavirus
California’s stay-at-home order, which is credited with slowing the spread of the coronavirus, has upended the economy and changed the lives of millions. But it has also caused special pain for people of faith, who no longer can worship in person as churches and other religious institutions have been closed.
The religious aspect of the shutdown has been much debated, though the vast majority of houses of worship have gladly complied with the rules to keep their members safe. Still, some churches have filed lawsuits, and a few have defied the order.
But now, the issue has become a point of dispute between the Trump administration and California.
The Justice Department warned in a letter Tuesday that the measures California Gov. Gavin Newsom enacted to slow the spread of the coronavirus and his plans to unwind them might discriminate against religious groups and violate their constitutional rights.
Q: What is the Justice Department’s complaint?
A: Eric S. Dreiband, an assistant attorney general and the head of the Justice Department’s civil rights division, said Newsom had shown “unequal treatment of faith communities” in restricting their ability to gather and ultimately reopen.
“Simply put, there is no pandemic exception to the U.S. Constitution and its Bill of Rights,” Dreiband wrote.
Dreiband raised issues both with California’s stay-at-home order and Newsom’s plan to roll it back. Although worshipers cannot gather in person, even while following social distancing protocols, California deemed employees in the entertainment and e-commerce industries essential and allowed them to continue working in person, “regardless of whether the product they are selling and shipping are life-preserving products or not,” Dreiband said.
Moreover, Dreiband wrote, the governor has permitted restaurants, shopping malls and offices to resume operations in the second phase of his plan to reopen California’s economy, but houses of worship cannot hold in-person services until its third phase.
“The Constitution calls for California to do more to accommodate religious worship,” Dreiband said, “including in Stage 2 of the reopening plan.”
Q: How have the courts ruled?
A: Newsom has been victorious so far in the few legal challenges to stay-at-home rules governing churches.
Several churches and parishioners have asked federal judges to keep Newsom from enforcing the restrictions on worship. None have been successful so far.
The South Bay United Pentecostal Church sued Newsom and other state and county officials over the orders and Newsom’s plan to put churches in Stage 3 of his reopening plans for the state.
Wendy Gish, a parishioner at the Shield of Faith Family Church in Fontana, asked a judge in Los Angeles to strike down the prohibition. “My sincerely held religious belief is that God commands me, and other believers, to regularly come together to worship him,” Gish said in a declaration.
U.S. District Judge Jesus G. Bernal ruled against her.
“An in-person religious gathering is not analogous to picking up groceries, food or medicine, where people enter a building quickly, do not engage directly with others except at points of sale, and leave once the task is complete,” he wrote. “Instead, it is more analogous to attending school or a concert — activities where people sit together in an enclosed space to share a communal experience.”
In Sacramento, a federal judge denied a similar request from Cross Culture Christian Center, a church in Lodi.
... ... 283638.php

Protest against virus restrictions held at Montana Capitol ... 284682.php

Worst day for COVID-19 cases doesn't slow Texas reopening ... 284102.php

GOP fronts 'pro-Trump' doctors to prescribe rapid reopening
Republican political operatives are recruiting “extremely pro-Trump” doctors to go on television to prescribe reviving the U.S. economy as quickly as possible, without waiting to meet safety benchmarks proposed by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to slow the spread of the new coronavirus.
The plan was discussed in a May 11 conference call with a senior staffer for the Trump reelection campaign organized by CNP Action, an affiliate of the GOP-aligned Council for National Policy. A leaked recording of the hourlong call was provided to The Associated Press by the Center for Media and Democracy, a progressive watchdog group.
CNP Action is part of the Save Our Country Coalition, an alliance of conservative think tanks and political committees formed in late April to end state lockdowns implemented in response to the pandemic. Other members of the coalition include the FreedomWorks Foundation, the American Legislative Exchange Council and Tea Party Patriots.
A resurgent economy is seen as critical to boosting President Donald Trump’s reelection hopes and has become a growing focus of the White House coronavirus task force led by Vice President Mike Pence.
Tim Murtaugh, the Trump campaign communications director, confirmed to AP that an effort to recruit doctors to publicly support the president is underway, but declined to say when the initiative would be rolled out.
“Anybody who joins one of our coalitions is vetted,” Murtaugh said Monday. “And so quite obviously, all of our coalitions espouse policies and say things that are, of course, exactly simpatico with what the president believes. ... The president has been outspoken about the fact that he wants to get the country back open as soon as possible.”
During an emergency such as the current pandemic, it's important that the government provide consistent science-based information to the public, said Dr. Wafaa El-Sadr, an epidemiology professor at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health. Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious disease expert and a member of the White House's coronavirus task force, has been among the most visible government experts warning that lifting lockdowns too quickly could lead to a spike in deaths.
El-Sadr said having doctors relay contradictory information on behalf of the president is “quite alarming."
“I find it totally irresponsible to have physicians who are touting some information that’s not anchored in evidence and not anchored in science,” El-Sadr said. “What often creates confusion is the many voices that are out there, and many of those voices do have a political interest, which is the hugely dangerous situation we are at now.”
Murtaugh said the campaign is not concerned about contradicting government experts.
“Our job at the campaign is to reflect President Trump’s point of view,” Murtaugh said. “We are his campaign. There is no difference between us and him.”
On the May 11 call, Nancy Schulze, a GOP activist who is married to former Rep. Dick Schulze, R-Pa., said she had given the campaign a list of 27 doctors prepared to defend Trump’s reopening push.
“There is a coalition of doctors who are extremely pro-Trump that have been preparing and coming together for the war ahead in the campaign on health care,” Schulze said on the call. “And we have doctors that are … in the trenches, that are saying ‘It’s time to reopen.’”
The idea quickly gained support from Mercedes Schlapp, a Trump campaign senior adviser who previously served two years as the president’s director of strategic communications.
“Those are the types of guys that we should want to get out on TV and radio to help push out the message,” Schlapp said on the call.
“They’ve already been vetted. But they need to be put on the screens,” Schulze replied.
Schlapp’s husband agreed the president is getting criticized for not appearing to follow the advice of public health experts. Matt Schlapp is chairman of the American Conservative Union, which hosts the annual Conservative Political Action Conference attended by conservative luminaries.
“The president’s going to get tagged by the fake news media as being irresponsible and not listening to doctors,” Matt Schlapp said on the call. “And so we have to gird his loins with a lot of other people. So I think what Nancy’s talking about … this is the critical juncture that we highlight them.”
Matt Schlapp told AP on Monday tht he stood behind what he said on the leaked call.
“There is a big dynamic in the national media that will not give President Trump any credit,” he said. “It’s important to get the message out there that most people recover from corona. Most people are not in mortal danger with corona and that we can safely open up the economy.”
As several Republican governors moved last week to lift their state lockdowns, the National Ensemble Forecast used by the CDC to predict COVID-19 infections and deaths saw a corresponding increase. The CDC now forecasts the U.S. will exceed 100,000 deaths by June 1, a grim milestone that previously was not predicted to occur until late in the summer.
As of Tuesday, more than 1.5 million Americans had tested positive for COVID-19, with more than 91,000 deaths reported nationwide.
Experts, including Fauci, have said that is likely an undercount, with the true number being much higher. Meanwhile, Trump has suggested, without providing evidence, that the official death toll from the virus is being inflated.Schulze, who was working to organize the pro-Trump doctors, did not respond to messages from AP seeking comment. But after the AP contacted the Trump campaign seeking comment for this story, a Washington public relations firm that frequently works for conservative groups distributed an open letter to Trump signed by more than 400 doctors calling the state coronavirus lockdowns a “mass casualty event" causing “millions of casualties" from alcoholism, homelessness, suicide and other causes.
“It is impossible to overstate the short, medium, and long-term harm to people’s health with a continued shutdown,” the letter said. “Losing a job is one of life’s most stressful events, and the effect on a person’s health is not lessened because it also has happened to 30 million other people. Keeping schools and universities closed is incalculably detrimental for children, teenagers, and young adults for decades to come.”
The first signature on the letter was Dr. Simone Gold, an emergency medicine specialist in Los Angeles who is listed as a member of the Save Our Country Coalition on the group's website. She has recently appeared on conservative talk radio and podcast programs to advocate for the use of hydroxychloroquine, an anti-malaria drug that Trump says he is taking because he believes it can prevent COVID-19 even though his own administration has warned it can have deadly side effects. Gold said she has prescribed the drug to two of her patients with good results.
The Food and Drug Administration warned health professionals last month that the drug should not be used to treat COVID-19 outside of hospital or research settings due to sometimes fatal side effects.
Gold told AP on Tuesday she started speaking out against shelter-in-place and other infection control measures because there was “no scientific basis that the average American should be concerned” about COVID-19. Like the president, she is advocating for a fast reopening, and argues that because the majority of deaths so far have been the elderly and people with preexisting conditions, younger people should be working.
Gold denied she was coordinating her efforts with Trump's reelection campaign.
“But put this in there: I'm honored to be considered," she said. ... 281597.php

Doctors raise alarm about health effects of continued coronavirus shutdown: 'Mass casualty incident'
More than 600 doctors signed onto a letter sent to President Trump Tuesday pushing him to end the "national shutdown" aimed at slowing the spread of the coronavirus, calling the widespread state orders keeping businesses closed and kids home from school a "mass casualty incident" with "exponentially growing health consequences."
The letter outlines a variety of consequences that the doctors have observed resulting from the coronavirus shutdowns, including patients missing routine checkups that could detect things like heart problems or cancer, increases in substance and alcohol abuse, and increases in financial instability that could lead to "[p]overty and financial uncertainty," which "is closely linked to poor health."
"We are alarmed at what appears to be the lack of consideration for the future health of our patients," the doctors say in their letter. "The downstream health effects ... are being massively under-estimated and under-reported. This is an order of magnitude error."
... ... s-shutdown

Birx touts coronavirus data showing decline in cases, hospitalizations
Dr. Deborah Birx, the coordinator of the White House's coronavirus task force, is encouraged by the latest statistics of new coronavirus cases -- which she said shows sharp declines in both deaths and hospitalizations in recent weeks. ... alizations

Trump attacks study, defends using malaria drug for COVID-19
Trump emphatically defended himself against criticism from medical experts that his announced use of a malaria drug against the coronavirus could spark wide misuse by Americans of the unproven treatment with potentially fatal side effects.
Trump's revelation a day earlier that he was taking hydroxychloroquine caught many in his administration by surprise and set off an urgent effort by officials to justify his action. But their attempt to address the concerns of health professionals was undercut by the president himself.
He asserted Tuesday without evidence that a study of veterans raising alarm about the drug was “false" and an “enemy statement,” even as his own government warned that the drug should be administered for COVID-19 only in a hospital or research setting.
“If you look at the one survey, the only bad survey, they were giving it to people that were in very bad shape,” Trump said. That was an apparent reference to a study of hundreds of patients treated by the Department of Veterans Affairs in which more of those in a group who were administered hydroxychloroquine died than among those who weren’t.
“They were very old. Almost dead,” Trump said. “It was a Trump enemy statement.” During a Cabinet meeting, he elicited a defense of his practice from other officials, including VA Secretary Robert Wilkie, who noted the study in question wasn't conducted by his agency.
But the drug has not been shown to combat the virus in a multitude of other studies as well. Two large observational studies, each involving around 1,400 patients in New York, recently found no COVID benefit from hydroxychloroquine. Two published last week in the medical journal BMJ reached the same conclusion.
No large, rigorous studies have found the drug safe or effective for preventing or treating COVID-19.
Trump said he decided to take hydroxychloroquine after two White House staffers tested positive for the disease, but he already had spent months promoting the drug as a potential cure or preventive despite the cautionary advice of many of his administration’s top medical professionals.
“This is an individual decision to make," Trump told reporters during a visit to Capitol Hill to meet with Senate Republicans. He later claimed, “It’s gotten a bad reputation only because I’m promoting it.”
Many studies are testing hydroxychloroquine for preventing or limiting coronavirus illness but “there’s absolutely no evidence that this strategy works,” said Dr. Carlos del Rio, an infectious-disease specialist at Emory University in Atlanta.
“My concern is, the president has a big bully pulpit ... maybe people will think there’s some non-public evidence” that the drug works because Trump has chosen to use it, del Rio said. “It creates this conspiracy theory that something works and they’re not telling me about it yet.”
The veterans study Trump slammed was an analysis by researchers at several universities of hydroxychloroquine with or without azithromycin in COVID-19 patients at veterans hospitals. It found no benefit and more deaths among those given hydroxychloroquine versus standard care alone. The work was posted on a site for researchers and has not been reviewed by other scientists. Grants from the National Institutes of Health and the University of Virginia paid for the work.
Addressing concerns Trump’s example could lead people to misuse the drug, White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said “tens of millions of people around the world have used this drug for other purposes,” including malaria prophylaxis. She emphasized, "You have to have a prescription.”
The drug is also prescribed for some lupus and arthritis patients.
Trump said that his doctor didn't recommend hydroxychloroquine to him but that he requested it from the White House physician.
That physician, Dr. Sean Conley, said in a statement that, after “numerous discussions” with Trump, “we concluded the potential benefit from treatment outweighed the relative risks.”
The Food and Drug Administration warned health professionals last month the drug should not be used to treat COVID-19 outside hospital or research settings because of sometimes-fatal side effects. Regulators issued the alert, in part, based on increased reports of dangerous side effects called in to U.S. poison control centers.
Calls to centers involving hydroxychloroquine increased last month to 96, compared with 49 in April 2019, according to data from the American Association of Poison Control Centers provided to the AP. It was the second month of elevated reports involving the drug, following 79 calls in March. The problems reported included abnormal heart rhythms, seizures, nausea and vomiting.
Trump dismissed reports of side effects, claiming, “What has been determined is it doesn’t harm you. Very powerful drug, I guess, but it doesn’t harm you.”
FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn said in an emailed statement Tuesday: “The decision to take any drug is ultimately a decision between a patient and their doctor."
As research started to emerge that hydroxychloroquine was not helpful, and even potentially harmful, in battling COVID-19, the president’s public rhetoric in support of the drug had faded. But his private hopes had not, according to three White House officials and Republicans close to the White House not authorized to speak publicly about private discussions.
Trump also lashed out at House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, calling her a “sick woman” who has “a lot of mental problems” after she questioned Trump's use of the drug because he is 73 and falsely labeled him “morbidly obese.” Her comments were followed by Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer, who told MSNBC that Trump’s move was “reckless, reckless, reckless.“
Trump's presumptive Democratic opponent in the 2020 election, Joe Biden, chastised the president for being irresponsible in taking hydroxychloroquine.
“What in God’s name is he doing?” Biden said during a Yahoo News town hall Tuesday night.
After two staffers were known to test positive for COVID-19 this month, the White House mandated that those in the West Wing wear face coverings and introduced daily testing for the president, vice president and those they come in close contact with.
Pence told Fox he wasn't taking the drug because his doctor didn't recommend it. ... 282291.php

Трамп пообещал прекратить принимать препарат гидроксихлорохин
Президент США Дональд Трамп в ближайшее время намерен прекратить принимать противомалярийный препарат гидроксихлорохин (плаквенил). Об этом говорится в сообщении пресс-пула Белого дома.
В частности, лидер США планирует остановить прием лекарства «через день или два».
Подробнее на РБК: ... m=newsfeed

Пелоси после слов об ожирении Трампа обвинили в его травле
Спикера Палаты представителей США Нэнси Пелоси, заявившую об ожирении президента Трампа, обвинили в травле и «фэтшейминге», передает ВВС News.
Пелоси прокомментировала заявление Трампа о ежедневном приеме препарата гидроксихлорохина для «профилактики коронавируса», подчеркнув его вес и возраст. По ее словам, опасно принимать то, что не одобрено специалистами, особенно в возрасте Трампа и в его «весовой группе с болезненным ожирением».
Общественность сочла высказывание одного из лидеров Демократической партии дискриминацией полных людей.

Amid hydroxychloroquine uproar, real studies of drug are suffering
Trump’s enthusiastic embrace of a malaria drug that he now says he takes daily — and the resulting uproar in the news media — appears to be interfering with legitimate scientific research into whether the medicine might work to prevent coronavirus infection or treat the disease in its early stages.
The drug, hydroxychloroquine, which is also widely used to treat lupus and other autoimmune diseases, has shown no real benefit for hospitalized coronavirus patients and may have contributed to some deaths, recent studies show. Some bioethicists are even calling for the Food and Drug Administration — which has warned that the drug can cause heart problems — to revoke an emergency waiver it granted in March to accept millions of doses of hydroxychloroquine into the national stockpile for use in hospitals.
But specialists — including Dr. Anthony Fauci, the government’s top infectious disease expert — say the jury is still out on whether the drug might help prevent infection or help patients avoid hospitalization. Trump’s frequent pronouncements and misstatements — he has praised the drug as a “game changer” and a “miracle” — are only complicating matters, politicizing the drug and creating a frenzy in the news media that is impeding research.
“The virus is not Democrat or Republican, and hydroxychloroquine is not Democrat or Republican, and I’m just hopeful that people would allow us to finish our scientific work,” said Dr. William O’Neill, an interventional cardiologist at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, who is studying hydroxychloroquine as a prophylactic in health care workers.
“The worst thing in the world that would happen,” he added, “is that at the end of this epidemic, in late September, we don’t have a cure or a preventive because we let politics interfere with the scientific process.”
On Tuesday, Trump added to the uproar. Addressing reporters on Capitol Hill, he called the research on hospitalized patients “a Trump enemy statement.” Later, at the White House, he said he decided to take hydroxychloroquine after his valet tested positive for COVID-19 — and intended to do so for “a little while longer” because he viewed it as a “worthwhile line of defense” and was “very curious” about it.
“It’s gotten a bad reputation only because I’m promoting it,” the president added. “If anybody else were promoting it, they would say it’s the best thing ever.”
Last week, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, which Fauci leads, announced a 2,000-patient study to determine whether hydroxychloroquine, when combined with the antibiotic azithromycin, “can prevent hospitalization and death from COVID-19,” joining more than 50 other clinical trials involving hydroxychloroquine that are continuing in the United States.
“Although there is anecdotal evidence that hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin may benefit people with COVID-19, we need solid data,” Fauci said in making the announcement.
Other researchers around the country said the controversy was depressing enrollment in their clinical trials.
“People who had already enrolled would say, ‘Now I’m afraid, I want to disenroll,’ ” said Deneen Vojta, the executive vice president for research and development at UnitedHealth Group, the insurance giant, which is conducting a smaller study of hydroxychloroquine alone.
In a draft letter to the Journal of the American Medical Association, obtained by The New York Times, members of a research consortium complained that “negative media coverage” of hydroxychloroquine — in particular the studies showing it might have harmed hospitalized patients — “directly correlated” with a drop in enrollment in trials run by institutions including the University of Minnesota, the University of Washington, Columbia University in New York and Henry Ford Hospital.
Inside the White House, the president’s trade adviser, Peter Navarro, who is an enthusiast for hydroxychloroquine and has worked with the Federal Emergency Management Agency to steer 19 million pills from the stockpile to 14 coronavirus hot zones around the country, said “hydroxy hysteria” in the news media — not Trump — was to blame.
“Has the media’s war of hysteria on hydroxychloroquine killed people?” Navarro asked in an interview. “If the scientific evidence does indeed prove that the medicine has both prophylactic and therapeutic value, the answer is yes.”
While Navarro complained that “fake news and bad reporting” had resulted in a “dramatic drop in demand for hydroxy at hospitals,” Dr. Mitchell Katz, president and chief executive of NYC Health and Hospitals, the nation’s largest municipal health system, said hospitals and doctors became less interested in hydroxychloroquine after the FDA approved another medicine, remdesivir, for treatment of COVID-19.
Scientists have worried about politics impeding their research since long before Trump took office. But perhaps no president in modern history has gone to the lengths that Trump has to promote a specific, unproven medicine — and then announce he is taking it himself.
Even Trump’s favorite television network, Fox News Channel, has been critical. Its senior managing editor for health news, Dr. Manny Alvarez, called the president “highly irresponsible” for taking the drug.
In doing so, Trump “may lead people to overestimate the potential that it would help them — which is entirely unproven — and to underestimate the risks, which are known,” said Jesse L. Goodman, a former chief scientist at the FDA who is calling for the agency to revoke its waiver. “I think that right now this drug should be used really only in the context of clinical trials.”
But the president’s promotion of the drug is making even that difficult.
Dr. Adrian Hernandez, who directs the Clinical Research Institute at the Duke University School of Medicine and has enrolled 550 health care workers in a clinical trial to study whether hydroxychloroquine is effective as a prophylactic, said Trump’s promotion of hydroxychloroquine “may have hurt public health.”
When Trump first began talking up hydroxychloroquine, Hernandez said, he faced questions about whether his study should be weighted toward giving the drug to more people than were receiving placebo.
When he started, he said, two-thirds of more than 12,000 health care workers who have signed up for a coronavirus registry were willing to participate in his study. Now, only half are.
“When we have this playing out in the media instead of the scientific and clinical communities, people don’t know what the right answer is, and so they will use what they hear the most through the media,” Hernandez said. “So it’s a pingpong match, in terms of, is it good one day? Is it bad one day?”
Hernandez and others, including O’Neill, say that no study — even those conducted in hospitalized patients — has produced definitive results about hydroxychloroquine for the coronavirus, although several have suggested it could be harmful especially to patients with underlying heart conditions.
An analysis of veterans treated with hydroxychloroquine found that 28% of them died, compared with 11% who had routine care. A small study in Brazil was halted after patients taking a high dose of chloroquine — a predecessor to hydroxychloroquine that researchers consider less safe — developed irregular heart rates that increased their risk of a potentially fatal heart arrhythmia.
Dr. Christine Johnston, an associate professor of medicine at the University of Washington who is hoping to enroll 630 people in a trial examining the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine in those recently infected, said many of her patients conflated the Brazil study with her drug. She, too, has seen a dip in enrollment.
“People put these things together in their minds, but they are actually very different,” she said.
On April 24, the FDA issued a warning about hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine, cautioning against their use “outside of the hospital setting or a clinical trial due to risk of heart rhythm problems.” An FDA spokesman, Michael Felberbaum, said in a statement that the agency was continuing to evaluate all emergency use authorizations issued during the coronavirus crisis “to determine whether they continue to meet the statutory criteria for issuance.”
More recently, a large observational study of 1,446 patients at NewYork-Presbyterian-Columbia University Hospital in New York City, published this month in the New England Journal of Medicine, found no clear benefit or risk to hydroxychloroquine.
The authors concluded that randomized controlled clinical trials — studies in which half the patients are given placebo, half are given the drug, and neither the patients nor doctors know who is getting what — are needed.
“Studying it is exactly the right thing to do,” said Aaron S. Kesselheim, a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School who is among those calling for the FDA to revoke the waiver. “And heck, if it turns out there is some activity, then great.” ... 282144.php

Trump threatens funding for Michigan, Nevada over absentee, mail-in voting plans ... 283333.php

As Trump lashes out at push to expand voting by mail, Democrats fire back ... -fire-back

Trump Is Treating Michigan the Way He Treated Ukraine. Well Done, Senate Republicans
Nice state you've got there. It'd be a shame if something were to happen to it …
A few weeks before President Trump was impeached last December for attempting to blackmail Ukraine into investigating Joe Biden, Stanford law professor Pamela Karlan warned the House Judiciary Committee of a future in which the president used similar tactics on his own country:
“Imagine living in a part of Louisiana or Texas that’s prone to devastating hurricanes and flooding. What would you think if you lived there and your governor asked for a meeting with the president to discuss getting disaster aid that Congress has provided for? What would you think if that president said, ‘I would like you to do us a favor? I’ll meet with you, and send the disaster relief, once you brand my opponent a criminal.’
Wouldn’t you know in your gut that such a president has abused his office? That he’d betrayed the national interest, and that he was trying to corrupt the electoral process? I believe the evidentiary record shows wrongful acts on those scale here.”
It didn’t take long for Karlan’s hypothetical to sidle up next to reality. Trump has repeatedly criticized Democratic governors throughout the coronavirus crisis, the implication being that there could be repercussions if they fail to cooperate with the administration or show their gratitude to the president. In late March, Trump came pretty close to laying out a quid pro quo during an interview with Fox News. “It’s a two-way street,” the president said while discussing states in need of federal assistance. “They have to treat us well, also.”
On Wednesday, Trump’s demands grew more specific. As part of his morning Twitter movement, he posted that he will withhold funding from Michigan and Nevada, two key swing states, if they expand voter access ahead of the 2020 election.
... ... 284209.php

Trump threatens funds for states easing voting in pandemic
Trump on Wednesday threatened to hold up federal funds for two election battleground states that are trying to make it easier and safer to vote during the coronavirus pandemic. He backed away from that threat but stuck with his unsupported claim that widespread voting by mail promotes “a lot of illegality.”
The president targeted Michigan with a false tweet on its voting plans and also went after Nevada in the latest — and the most confused — episode in his campaign against voting by mail, though the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends it as a safe option during the pandemic.
Trump has said repeatedly, without evidence, that mailed ballots allow widespread fraud and has worried publicly that wide availability could lead so many people to vote that Republicans would lose in November. GOP allies have fought changes to voting in court, and opposed funding to expand mail-in voting in Congress.
Wednesday marked the first time Trump has tried to use federal aid money to beat it back.
Trump began by going after Michigan, misstating Democratic Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's announcement that she would send applications for absentee ballots to every voter in the state. Though Republican secretaries of state have taken this step elsewhere, Trump pounced on the move in a state key to his re-election hopes.
“Michigan sends absentee ballots to 7.7 million people ahead of Primaries and the General Election,” Trump tweeted Wednesday morning. That brought strong criticism from Democrats in Michigan and elsewhere, pointing out that the state was sending applications, not actual ballots, an error the president corrected in a subsequent tweet six hours later. He stuck with the rest of his tweet: “This was done illegally and without authorization by a rogue Secretary of State. I will ask to hold up funding to Michigan if they want to go down this Voter Fraud path!”
Trump later tweeted a similar threat to pull back funds from Nevada, which has sent ballots to voters for its June 9 state primary. A federal judge recently cleared Nevada's decision to mail ballots, which were sent by the Republican secretary of state.
It was not clear exactly what funds Trump was referencing, but the states are paying for the voting changes with federal aid intended to support elections during the pandemic. By Wednesday evening Trump told reporters he had spoken with Democratic Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and did not think it would be necessary to cut any funding.
“I don't think it's going to be necessary,” he said, adding that he stood by his opposition to mail voting: “Voting is an honor. It shouldn’t be something where they send you a pile of stuff and you send it back."
“If people mail in ballots there’s a lot of illegality,” he said at the White House.
Trump himself has requested an absentee ballot to vote in Florida.
Trump did not threaten Republican-dominated states that are doing the same thing as Michigan. West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice, an ally of the president, said he’s not concerned about Trump’s threats even though his administration approved mailing absentee ballot applications to all registered voters in the state.
“I can’t imagine that the president is going to withhold funding in any way to West Virginia; that’s not going to happen,” Justice told reporters.
Trump's tweets and statements came the day before he is slated to visit Michigan to tour Ford’s ventilator assembly plant in Ypsilanti. The state is one of three Rust Belt states that helped deliver his 2016 victory. In recent months, it has become a national hotspot for the coronavirus and watched its economy collapse, both factors contributing to what T rump's advisers see as a shift toward Democrats.
The president's comments appeared to reflect growing GOP concerns that Democrats' swift embrace of mail-in voting will give them an edge in November. Some key Democratic areas have moved to make it easier for voters to request ballots, while Republican areas have not. And even though Trump's campaign encourages absentee voting, along with several state Republican party officials, GOP voters, like Trump, have expressed growing skepticism.
On Monday, before Trump's twitter threat, the Republican National Committee sought to clarify its position on vote by mail, arguing that the party opposes mailing ballots to every voter, as Nevada has done, but does not oppose mailing applications, as Michigan did.
“I don’t really have an issue with absentee requests forms being sent to voters,” RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel said on Monday.
On Wednesday, Trump's threats scrambled that distinction.
Republicans’ claims that mailing ballots to all voters creates widespread fraud is not backed up by evidence from the five states that use this method. None has had significant voter fraud cases. Trump himself has voted absentee in previous elections.
The White House referred questions about the president’s tweets to Trump’s reelection campaign. Trump campaign spokesman Tim Murtaugh asserted “there is no statutory authority for the secretary of state in Michigan to send absentee ballot applications to all voters" — an argument some Michigan Republicans have also made. Murtaugh did not address whether Republican secretaries of state elsewhere were similarly constrained.
The GOP-controlled U.S. Senate has so far stopped Democrats from mandating expanded mail and early voting as part of coronavirus relief bills, arguing states should make decisions on their own election systems. The battle has largely moved to the courts, with Democrats filing at least 17 lawsuits to force states to expand their programs.
Hours after Trump tweeted Wednesday, he sent another message to Michigan. The state is grappling with severe flooding in one county after two dams failed, forcing thousands to evacuate.
Three hours after threatening to hold up federal funding to the state, Trump tweeted: “My team is closely monitoring the flooding in Central Michigan – Stay SAFE and listen to local officials. Our brave First Responders are once again stepping up to serve their fellow citizens, THANK YOU!” ... 282854.php

"Упущенные возможности". Дональд Трамп предъявил ультиматум ВОЗ

Ультиматум Трампа
Президент США потребовал от ВОЗ доказать свою независимость. Никто в мире его не поддержал ... tum-trampa

Трамп: Китай ведет дезинформационную кампанию, чтобы выборы в США выиграл Байден
Президент США Дональд Трамп связал «дезинформационную кампанию» Китая по поводу коронавируса и выборы американского президента.
Как написал Трамп в сети микроблогов Twitter, Китай «отчаянно хочет», чтобы президентом США стал демократ Джо Байден, чтобы Китай смог «продолжать грабить Соединенные Штаты, как они делали это десятилетиями».
Кроме того, президент США в очередной раз заявил, что власти Китая «могли бы легко остановить чуму, но не сделали этого».
Претензии к Китаю по поводу недостаточной или некорректной информации о коронавирусе американский президент выдвигал уже неоднократно.

В боксерскую секцию его привела мизантропия.

 Post subject: Re: США сегодня - снаружи и изнутри
PostPosted: Thu May 21, 2020 10:14 pm 

Joined: Wed Sep 19, 2007 4:41 pm
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Трамп подтвердил выход США из Договора по открытому небу
Трамп подтвердил, что США выйдут из Договора по открытому небу
Трамп в четверг подтвердил, что Вашингтон выйдет из Договора по открытому небу (ДОН). Во время общения с журналистами у Белого дома Трамп также заявил, что у него "хорошие отношения" с Россией, но Москва не выполняет свои обязательства по этому договору.В этом же контексте американский лидер указал, что "есть очень высокие шансы, что мы заключим новое соглашение". По его мнению, Россия "сама придет и выразит желание заключить сделку", передает "Интерфакс".
Трамп добавил, что в дальнейшем может рассмотреть как возвращение на определенных условиях к выполнению Договора по открытому небу, так и вариант с подготовкой принципиально нового соглашения.
"Есть хорошие шансы на то, чтобы создать новое соглашение либо - сделать что-то, что позволит нам вернуться в первоначальному договору", - сказал он в Вашингтоне.
Трамп подчеркнул, что "до тех пор, пока они (Россия. - Прим. "Интерфакса") не будут выполнять свои обязательства, мы будем вне договора".
Ранее в четверг газета The New York Times сообщила со ссылкой на источники, что Вашингтон намерен уведомить в пятницу Москву о решении США выйти из Договора по открытом небу. В свою очередь агентство Associated Press отмечало, что администрация Трампа уже оповестила иностранных партнеров об этом шаге.
Представители администрации США также заявили AP, что основной причиной выхода из договора стали нарушения со стороны России. По словам собеседников агентства, российская сторона ограничила полеты над Москвой, Чечней, Абхазией и Южной Осетией, а также усложнила проведение наблюдательных полетов над Калининградом.

Помпео: Россия использовала Договор по открытому небу для «запугивания и угроз»
Договор по открытому небу использовался Россией как «инструмент запугивания и угроз». Об этом говорится в заявлении госсекретаря США Майка Помпео, опубликованном на сайте Госдепа.
В тексте отмечено, что Москва «годами грубо и постоянно нарушала договор», в том числе РФ отказала в разрешении проводить наблюдательные полеты вдоль границы с Абхазией и Южной Осетией, а также ограничила их над Калининградом.
Сам договор использовался «в поддержку новой агрессивной российской доктрины», которая подразумевает наведение вооружений на инфраструктуру в США и странах Европы, хотя соглашение было разработано, чтобы обеспечить всем странам-участницам повышенный уровень взаимопонимания и сотрудничества, добавил Помпео.

Помпео уточнил сроки выхода США из Договора по открытому небу
Помпео обвинил Россию в наведении вооружений на инфраструктуру США
Москва использует Договор по открытому небу в качестве инструмента для военного принуждения, а также «в поддержку новой агрессивной российской доктрины», которая подразумевает наведение вооружений на инфраструктуру в США и странах Европы. Об этом говорится в комментарии госсекретаря США Майка Помпео, опубликованном на сайте Госдепа.
Соглашение было разработано, чтобы обеспечить всем странам-участницам повышенный уровень взаимопонимания и сотрудничества, однако Россия превратила его «в инструмент запугивания и угроз», заявил Помпео.
По словам госсекретаря США, Москва «годами грубо и постоянно нарушала договор». Он напомнил, что Россия отказала в разрешении проводить наблюдательные полеты вдоль границы с Абхазией и Южной Осетией, а также ограничила их над Калининградом.
Подробнее на РБК: ... =from_main

В МИД РФ раскритиковали решение США о выходе из Договора по открытому небу
МИД сообщил о плане «Б» на случай выхода США из Договора об открытом небе
По словам представителя ведомства, Вашингтон «не позиционирует себя как надежный партнер» и у Москвы есть план действий, но сначала нужно дождаться уведомления США о выходе из соглашения. По данным NYT, это произойдет 22 мая
У России есть план «Б» на случай возможного выхода Соединенных Штатов из Договора по открытому небу. Об этом ТАСС заявил директор департамента по вопросам нераспространения и контроля над вооружениями МИД России Владимир Ермаков.
По словам Ермакова, Штаты «давно уже не позиционируют себя как надежного партнера» и, исходя из этого, России нужно планировать свои шаги. Представитель ведомства призвал дождаться официального подтверждения выхода Вашингтона из соглашения.
Как заявил агентству замглавы МИДа Александр Грушко, выход США из соглашения ударит по системе военной безопасности в Европе, «которая и без того ослаблена», и нанесет ущерб интересам союзников Соединенных Штатов.
Подробнее на РБК: ... m=newsfeed

Ожидаемо было - русские своим ТУ-214ОН с фотокомплексом ODSCAM полностью изгадили договор по тому же принципу, что и договор о ракетах Средней дальности. Причем изгадили еще 8 лет назад и все эти годы пытались удержать его на плаву (русские).
Здравое решение - жуликов лучше вообще не пускать к себе в дом, чем запускать и потом с тревогой следить за ними. ... 0/page-837

США заявили о слежке за Трампом в рамках Договора по открытому небу
Помощник президента США по национальной безопасности Роберт О'Брайен заявил, что Россия в рамках Договора по открытому небу (ДОН) следила за Дональдом Трампом. По его словам, представители страны летали над Белым домом, а также над гольф-клубом господина Трампа.
«Они летали над Белым домом, они летали над гражданской инфраструктурой, они отслеживали, где может находиться президент: "Кэмп-Дэвид" или Бедминстер (резиденция и гольф-клуб.— “Ъ”). Так что они использовали договор не должным образом»,— сказал господин О'Брайен в эфире Fox News.

Захарова назвала ударом по международной стабильности выход США из ДОН
Выход США из Договора по открытому небу (ДОН) является ударом по мировой стабильности. Об этом в эфире телеканала «Россия 24» заявила официальный представитель МИД Мария Захарова.
«Это не первый удар по международной стабильности и безопасности, который наносит американская администрация», — сказала Захарова.
Она напомнила о том, что ранее Вашингтон вышел из договора по ПРО, договора о ракетах средней и меньшей дальности (РСМД), а также заявлял, что не будет ратифицировать договор о всеобъемлющем запрещении ядерных испытаний.
Представитель МИД также сообщила, что у Москвы есть претензии к американской стороне о соблюдении Договора по открытому небу. По ее словам, США ввела ограничительные меры в отношении России: отказ в возможности отходить от американских норм организации воздушного движения, новые специальные процедуры для проведения наблюдательных полетов над Гавайями.
«Американцы за последнее даже больше чем десятилетие намеренно и не скрывая это разрушали систему международного права и международных организаций», — добавила Захарова.
Подробнее на РБК: ... m=newsfeed

В МИДе оценили выход США из Договора по открытому небу
Выход США из Договора по открытому небу (ДОН) подрывает фундаментальное соглашение, которое укрепляло безопасность в Европе более 20 лет. Об этом «РИА Новости» сообщил замглавы МИД России Александр Грушко.
По его словам, Москва отвергает любые попытки оправдать выход из этого договора существованием технических проблем, так как решить любые проблемы такого рода можно при наличии политической воли.
«Если из договора выйти, то тогда никаких решений технических вопросов не будет, не будет самого инструмента, который в течение вот уже больше 20 лет служил интересам поддержания мира и безопасности в Европе», — сказал Грушко.По его словам, никаких нарушений условий соглашения со стороны России нет. Кроме того, по его словам, у Москвы есть собственные серьезные претензии к выполнению Вашингтоном положений договора. Однако подобные вопросы должна решать специальная комиссия, сообщил он.
Подробнее на РБК: ... m=newsfeed

Совет НАТО проведет экстренную встречу из-за выхода США из Договора по открытому небу

Германия попробует убедить США не выходить из Договора по открытому небу
Власти Германии вместе с другими странами попробуют убедить руководство США пересмотреть свое решение о выходе из Договора по открытому небу (ДОН). Об этом заявил министр иностранных дел ФРГ Хайко Маас.
«Решение администрации США вступит в силу через шесть месяцев. В течение этого времени мы будем интенсивно работать с нашими единомышленниками, чтобы заставить Соединенные Штаты пересмотреть свое решение», — сказал Маас.
Подробнее на РБК: ... m=newsfeed

В конгрессе предложили запретить Трампу покидать договоры без разрешения
В конгресс внесли законопроект, предлагающий запретить президенту США выходить из международных соглашений без одобрения законодателей. Решение Трампа покинуть Договор по открытому небу назвали «безрассудным»
Сенатор Эдвард Марки и конгрессмен Джимми Панетта внесли законопроект «О предотвращении действий, подрывающих безопасность, без одобрения [конгресса]» (Preventing Actions Undermining Security without Endorsement Act), сообщается на сайте Марки.
«Безрассудный выход президента [Дональда] Трампа из Договора по открытому небу окажет продолжительное влияние на нашу способность отслеживать российскую военную активность, которая может угрожать интересам США и наших союзников», — заявил Марки.
Панетта, в свою очередь, назвал выход из соглашения «полностью противоречащим интересам США в сфере национальной безопасности». «Решение о выходе из Договора по открытому небу <...> демонстрирует продолжающееся пренебрежение нашими союзами и соглашениями по контролю над вооружениями», — заявил он.
Подробнее на РБК: ... m=newsfeed

Politico: США рассматривают возможность краткосрочного продления Договора о СНВ

Белый дом взвешивает возможность продления СНВ-III с Россией на более короткий срок
21 мая 2020 г.
США рассматривают вариант краткосрочного продления СНВ-III как возможность попытки заключить более широкое соглашение с Москвой и привлечь за стол переговоров Китай. Однако критики указывают на недостижимость этой цели администрации Трампа.
Администрация Трампа изучает возможность реализации сохраняющей лицо стратегии, позволяющей не допустить истечения срока действия ядерного договора, заключенного в эру Обамы, в то время как она стремится к заключению более широкого договора о вооружениях как с Россией, так и с Китаем, согласно нынешним и бывшим должностным лицам администрации, которые располагают сведениями о ходе дискуссий из первых рук", - пишет Politico - Согласно этому плану, Белый дом временно продлит договор СНВ-III, одновременно добиваясь нового соглашения с Москвой, а также пытаясь убедить Китай сесть за стол переговоров, заявили они".
"Эта дипломатическая формула рассматривается в Государственном департаменте США и Совете национальной безопасности как перспективный способ предотвратить истечение срока действия СНВ-III в феврале и попытку добиться согласия России - по крайней мере, принципиального - на более всеобъемлющие ограничения на ядерные вооружения", - подчеркивается в публикации.
"(...) Договор СНВ-III - один из последних оставшихся пактов, направленных на контроль крупнейших атомных арсеналов мира. Но среди республиканцев и демократов усилились опасения, что президент Дональд Трамп может выйти из него так же, как он отказался от ДРСМД от 1987 года с Россией и ядерного пакта эры Обамы с Ираном".
"(...) Администрация Трампа сталкивается с растущей критикой того, что цель Трампа по заключению более широкого ядерного соглашения и с Москвой, и с Пекином до истечения срока действия СНВ-III нереалистична и в случае неудачи рискует воспламенить полномасштабную ядерную гонку вооружений. (...) Эксперты по контролю над вооружениями озвучили ряд вопросов и опасений, отмечая, что этот подход по-прежнему сопряжен с риском для СНВ-III без какой-либо гарантии того, что последующий договор пакт будет достижим. Но также он предоставляет интригующие возможности, считает Джон Уолфстхэл, который занимался вопросами ядерной политики в Совете национальной безопасности при администрации Обамы".
"Шесимесячное продление с тем, чтобы выиграть себе время на переговоры с русскими о чем-то новом и призвать китайцев присоединиться, - по сути, это неплохо, - заявил Уолфстхэл, который сейчас является старшим советником Global Zero, группы по вопросам разоружения. - Это может быть способом добиться невозможного - если также имеется уверенность, что у следующей администрации будет возможность еще продлить СНВ-III".
Издание напоминает, что "в конце прошлого года Россия публично заявила, что готова продлить договор на полные 5 лет без предварительных условий. До сих пор администрация Трампа настаивала на том, что договор имеет недостатки, поскольку он не распространяется на ряд ядерных вооружений в российском арсенале, таких как тактические боеголовки. США не заявили о готовности продлить договор и указывают, что Трамп хочет заменить его более всеобъемлющим соглашением, которое охватывает больше классов оружия, включая строгие меры проверки".
"(...) По словам чиновников, первым элементом стратегии, которая сейчас находится на серьезном рассмотрении, станет продление СНВ-III, но на значительно более короткий срок, чем максимальные 5 лет, разрешенные в соответствии с договором", - сообщает издание.
"По словам Уолфстхэла, одна из главных проблем заключается в том, можно ли будет юридически продлить договор снова, если США и Россия, не говоря уже о Китае, не смогут достичь какого-либо последующего соглашения до истечения срока действия СНВ-III. "(...) Существует некоторая обеспокоенность, что нынешняя администрация, чтобы убить СНВ-III, скажет, что мы готовы продлить его на 6 месяцев, но затем мосты будут сожжены. Другие говорят: "Нет, можно продлить договор на 6 месяцев, а затем - на 4,5 или на 3 года, если период продления не превышает 5 лет".
"Еще более спорным шагом было бы заключение нового соглашения с Москвой, в котором четко не прописано, каким образом будет гарантировано соблюдение. Бывший правительственный чиновник, который внимательно следит за ядерной политикой, охарактеризовал эволюцию мышления администрации как отражение растущей реальности того, что в конце президентского срока - и на фоне того, как отношения с Россией и Китаем продолжают страдать - администрация вряд ли сможет достичь такого же уровня исторического дипломатического прорыва, какого обещал Трамп". "Не думаю, что кто-то когда-либо считал, что они смогут заключить официальную сделку, но они хотели, по крайней мере, джентльменского соглашения, - сказал бывший чиновник. - Я слышал, как об этом говорили много раз в отношении того, что они хотят получить от русских".
"Администрация могла бы добиваться "продления договора на 1 или 2 года, пока они пытаются что-то получить - джентльменского соглашения, вероятно, маловато, я думаю, что они хотели бы чего-то в письменной форме", пояснил бывший чиновник. "Но это не будет обязательным юридическим документом. Я думаю, что это будет соглашение в принципе".
"Это не обязательно должно выглядеть как СНВ-III", - пояснил представитель Госдепартамента, попросивший об анонимности.
"Без новых процедур проверки краткосрочное продление СНВ-III вряд ли обеспечит такую поддержку - и это заставляет сторонников контроля над вооружениями задуматься", - пишет Politico.
"Рисковать преимуществами, которые дает СНВ-III, ради имеющей мало шансов на успех ставки на то, что краткосрочное продление убедит россиян и китайцев сесть за стол переговоров и выполнить наши условия, не кажется мне умным или ответственным подходом", - подчеркивает Кингстон Рейф, директор по политике в области разоружения и уменьшения угроз в Ассоциации контроля над вооружениями.
"Однако Государственный департамент заявил, что надеется возобновить переговоры с Россией как можно скорее, и повторил свое приглашение Китаю присоединиться к обсуждениям. "Россия заявила, что у нее нет предварительных условий для продления, и мы будем помнить об этой позиции, - отметил представитель Госдепа. - В декабре 2019 года мы отдельно официально пригласили Китай добровольно начать диалог по вопросам стратегической безопасности, касающийся сокращения ядерных рисков, контроля над вооружениями и их будущего. Мы надеемся начать его как можно скорее. Мы ждем ответа Пекина".
"Но самый главный вопрос, по словам Уолфстхэла, может заключаться в том, возможно ли убедить Трампа сделать первый шаг. "Центральный вопрос заключается в том, есть ли способ убедить Трампа продлить договор Обамы, - подчеркнул он. - И в этом есть много сомнений". ... start.html

Спецпредставитель США: Гонку вооружений начинают Россия и Китай
Гонку ядерных вооружений инициируют Россия и Китай, а не США, Франция и Великобритания, заявил спецпредставитель президента США по контролю над вооружениями Маршалл Биллингсли.
Выступая на онлайн-конференции в Hudson Institute, Биллингсли заявил о необходимости трехсторонних переговоров с участием Вашингтона, Москвы и Пекина, подчеркнув, что такой формат «назрел давно».
Мнение о действиях РФ и Китая он высказал в ответ на вопрос о том, не считает ли он, что США, Великобритания и Франция ведут гонку вооружений, модернизируя свои ядерные силы, передает РИА «Новости».

WSJ: США хотят заключить с Россией и Китаем договор о ядерных вооружениях вместо СНВ-III
Маршалл Биллингсли, который в апреле занял пост посланника президента США на переговорах по контролю за вооружениями, намерен в скором времени встретиться с заместителем министра иностранных дел России Сергеем Рябковым. Он будет обсуждать новое предложение США о заключении договора об ограничении ядерных вооружений, в который предлагается включить также и Китай, сообщила The Wall Street Journal.
Этот договор должен прийти на смену договору о стратегических наступательных вооружениях, который в 2010 г. подписали тогдашние президенты России и США Дмитрий Медведев и Барак Обама. Договор СНВ-III, вступивший в силу 5 февраля 2011 г., рассчитан на 10 лет, по взаимной договоренности может быть продлен еще на 5 лет. Он предусматривает сокращение ядерных боезарядов до 1550 единиц, межконтинентальных баллистических ракет, баллистических ракет подводных лодок и тяжелых бомбардировщиков до 700 единиц.
Биллингсли и Рябков заканчивают работу над повесткой дня своей встречи, которая может пройти в Вене. «Мы договорились как можно скорее, учитывая ситуацию с вирусом COVID, собраться, чтобы начать переговоры», – сказал WSJ высокопоставленный чиновник администрации Дональда Трампа.
В Вашингтоне хотят, чтобы новый договор был более масштабным, чем СНВ-III, и включал три стороны – США, Китай и Россию. По словам американских чиновников, это необходимо, потому что в Белом доме прогнозируют рост ядерного арсенала Китая и России.
Ядерный арсенал Китая гораздо меньше, чем у двух других стран, и Пекин ранее неоднократно заявлял, что не намерен участвовать в трехсторонних соглашениях. Однако, по словам американских чиновников, Биллингсли сказал российским представителям, что им следует помочь усадить китайцев за стол переговоров, пишет WSJ. США также планируют использовать дипломатические рычаги (а, возможно, и экономические, намекнул один чиновник), чтобы сподвигнуть Пекин к дискуссии.
«Я не скажу, что это будет легко. Это нечто новое – трехсторонний договор о контроле за ядерными вооружениями», – сказал высокопоставленный представитель администрации Трампа.
В Вашингтоне также хотят, чтобы новый договор включал все ядерные боеголовки, в том числе те, что находятся на хранении, а также установленные на ракетах малой дальности. Следить за соблюдением такого договора будет гораздо сложнее, чем за ограничением числа межконтинентальных ракет и ракет на подлодках и бомбардировщиках, отмечает WSJ. ... ah-snv-iii

США не планируют выходить из СНВ-3
Помощник президента США по национальной безопасности Роберт О'Брайен считает, что Вашингтон не будет выходить из Договора о мерах по дальнейшему сокращению и ограничению стратегических наступательных вооружений (СНВ-3). В интервью Fox News он сказал, что американцы будут «добросовестно вести переговоры с россиянами».
«Я так не думаю,— ответил господин О'Брайен на вопрос о планах по выходу из СНВ-3 (цитата по «РИА Новости»).— Мы будем вести переговоры о контроле над ядерным оружием. Мы считаем, что это важно… Русские хотят полноценного контроля над вооружениями, мы хотим полноценного контроля над вооружениями. Так что я осторожно оптимистичен по поводу того, что мы начнем продвигаться вперед по договору СНВ-3».
Ранее американское издание Politico сообщило, что Белый дом рассматривает возможность продления СНВ-3 не на пять лет, а на меньший срок. В прошлом году замминистра иностранных дел РФ Сергей Рябков говорил, что Россия допускает продление СНВ-3 не на пять лет, а на более короткий срок

В Белом доме анонсировали важные переговоры с Россией по вооружениям
На фоне заявления президента США Дональда Трампа о выходе страны из Договора по открытому небу его помощник анонсировал «важные переговоры» с Россией по контролю над вооружениями. Вашингтон не планирует покидать СНВ-3, отметил он
США в скором времени проведут с Россией переговоры по контролю над вооружениями, заявил советник президента США по национальной безопасности Роберт О'Брайен в эфире телеканала Fox News.
«У нас приближаются важные переговоры по контролю над вооружениями с российской стороной», — сообщил он.
Подробнее на РБК: ... m=newsfeed

WSJ: представители России и США обсудят продление договора СНВ-3 на встрече в Вене
Встреча специального представителя президента США по контролю за вооружениями Маршалла Биллингсли и заместителя главы российского МИДа Сергея Рябкова, скорее всего, состоится в Вене, пишет издание Wall Street Journal со ссылкой на источник в администрации США.
«Достигнуто соглашение о том, что мы как можно скорее соберемся, чтобы начать переговоры, учитывая ситуацию с коронавирусом COVID-19»,— заявил собеседник издания. По его словам, Вашингтон намерен обсудить возможность присоединения Китая к договору о стратегических наступательных вооружениях (СНВ-3), который предполагается продлить.

Трамп понадеялся на новое соглашение с РФ по контролю над вооружениями (видео)
США могут заключить с Россией новое соглашение по контролю над вооружениями. Об этом заявил американский лидер Дональд Трамп в ходе общения с журналистами, его цитирует Bloomberg.
По словам Трампа, для заключения нового соглашения с РФ есть хорошие шансы. Видео с заявлениями лидера США опубликовало издание Fox Business — о российско-американских отношениях с 1:34.

Первые 50 аппаратов ИВЛ из США доставлены в Россию
Первая партия аппаратов искусственной вентиляции легких (ИВЛ) из США прибыла в Россию, сообщили в посольстве США в Москве. Вторую партию планируется доставить на следующей неделе.
«Только что совершил посадку самолет ВВС США с гуманитарной помощью от народа США народу России. Во время кризиса США и Россия должны работать вместе, чтобы спасти жизни людей»,— говорится в сообщении посольства.
В состав первой части помощи входят 50 аппаратов ИВЛ, во второй — еще 150. Весь груз на общую стоимость $5,6 млн отправляется на безвозмездной основе. Как сообщил госсекретарь США Майк Помпео, за время пандемии, Вашингтон поставил около 15 тыс. аппаратов ИВЛ в более 60 стран.

Аппараты ИВЛ из США поступят в центр имени Пирогова в Москве
Аппараты искусственной вентиляции легких (ИВЛ) из США поступят в Национальный медико-хирургический центр им. Н. И. Пирогова в Москве, сообщает ТАСС со ссылкой на представителя Госдепартамента. Первые 50 аппаратов прибудут в Россию сегодня, 21 мая. Аппараты ИВЛ были изготовлены компанией Vyaire Medical (штат Калифорния). Еще 150 аппаратов ИВЛ будут изготовлены производителем и, как ожидается, будут готовы к отправке в конце мая.
Напомним, всего США поставят в Россию 200 аппаратов искусственной вентиляции легких для помощи в борьбе с коронавирусом COVID-19. Ранее президент США Дональд Трамп заявил, что президент РФ Владимир Путин принял его предложение о поставках аппаратов.

Transparency International: США передали России аппараты ИВЛ через структуру, изгнанную из РФ в 2012 году
Соединенные Штаты отправили в Москву аппараты ИВЛ через государственное Агентство по международному развитию (USAID), проинформировали в Совете национальной безопасности США. На это сообщение обратил внимание замглавы Transparency International в России Илья Шуманов.
Но «самый большой анекдот», по словам Шуманова, в том, что американские аппараты ИВЛ в Россию отправляет USAID, «которое российские власти выгнали из страны в 2012 году».

"Друзья познаются в беде". Американские аппараты ИВЛ прибыли в Россию
21 мая в Россию прибыл гуманитарный груз из США, который включает в себя 50 аппаратов искусственной вентиляции легких для российских больниц. Доставкой груза занимается USAID, Агентство США по международному развитию. В 2012 году российские власти запретили его работу на территории страны, обвинив USAID в попытке повлиять на политические процессы.
О прибытии груза сообщила в твиттере пресс-секретарь посольства США в России Ребекка Росс.
"Только что прибыл – самолет из США с гуманитарной помощью от американского народа российскому. Во времена кризиса США и Россия должны работать вместе, чтобы спасать жизни".
Накануне, 20 мая, ВВС США опубликовали видео погрузки американских ИВЛ в самолет C-17 Globemaster III, который вылетел с резервной авиабазы Марч в Калифорнии на базу Довер в штате Мэриленд, откуда позже он взял курс на Москву.Пилотировала самолет женщина, подполковник ВВС США Сьюзан Гордон, которая перед вылетом рассказала, что роль американской армии в этой миссии ограничивается транспортировкой груза.
"Мы хотим помочь россиянам справиться с COVID-19", – сказала Гордон, отметив, что приказ о вылете поступил в последний момент и это привело к дополнительным сложностям при организации гуманитарной миссии, рассчитанной в общей сложности на 4–5 дней. После прилета в Москву экипаж самолета будет изолирован на карантине. Это не первая подобная миссия для американских военных, которые в последние недели уже доставляли помощь и в другие страны мира в связи с пандемией коронавируса. "Мы берем с собой на всякий случай даже еду, потому что сейчас нельзя знать заранее, что будет открыто там, куда мы прилетим", – говорит Сьюзан Гордон.
Организацией доставки груза занимается USAID, Агентство США по международному развитию. Осенью 2012 года, после массовых митингов "За честные выборы" в Москве и других российских городах, МИД распорядился прекратить деятельность USAID в России. Это стало серьезным испытанием для российских правозащитных организаций, получавших финансирование через гранты агентства, таких, как ассоциация в защиту прав избирателей "Голос", правозащитное общество "Мемориал" и российское представительство организации Transparency International. Как говорил тогда официальный представитель МИД России Александр Лукашевич, "характер работы Агентства не всегда отвечал заявленным целям развития двустороннего гуманитарного сотрудничества", а USAID якобы "пыталась влиять на политические процессы в России, включая выборы различного уровня". В самой организации отвергли эти обвинения, но были вынуждены подчиниться решению российских властей.
"Мы доставляем 50 аппаратов ИВЛ завтра, 21 мая. Мы надеемся доставить эту помощь российскому народу. Важно, чтобы россияне понимали, что Соединенные Штаты делают это, чтобы помочь России, особенно в это трудное время. Сейчас Россия нуждается в нашей помощи, ей нужны эти аппараты ИВЛ, чтобы спасти жизни своих граждан. Россия находится на втором месте в мире по числу подтвержденных случаев коронавируса и на первом месте в Европе. Наше сотрудничество никогда не было более важным, чем сейчас", – сказал перед вылетом самолета с авиабазы Марч помощник руководителя USAID Брок Бирман. В своем интервью Бирман даже попытался произнести на русском языке пословицу "Друзья познаются в беде".
https:/Впервые о возможных поставках американских аппаратов ИВЛ в Россию в середине апреля сказал президент США Дональд Трамп. Во время последовавшего за этим телефонного разговора Владимира Путина с Трампом российский президент принял предложение о поставке гуманитарной помощи, которая будет включать в себя не только аппараты ИВЛ, но и другие вещи, необходимые для борьбы с COVID-19, например, тесты на коронавирус.
16 мая стало известно, что США полностью возьмут на себя расходы по производству и доставке в Россию 200 аппаратов ИВЛ, 50 из которых прибыли в Москву 21 мая, а 150 – 26 мая. Стоимость груза и его транспортировки военной авиацией, как сообщал ​"Голос Америки" со ссылкой на правительственные документы, составляет 4,7 миллиона долларов США. В четверг посол США в России Джон Салливан назвал другую сумму: по его словам, стоимость американской гуманитарной помощи составит 5,6 миллиона
Иначе обстояло дело с российской помощью Соединенным Штатам, которую Кремль отправил Вашингтону 1 апреля. Эта помощь также включала в себя аппараты ИВЛ. Уже на следующий день после доставки груза пресс-секретарь Госдепартамента США Морган Ортагус заявила, что медицинскую технику и материалы США "согласились купить" у России, а не получили бесплатно. Россия в лице представителя МИДа Марии Захаровой выдвинула новую версию: она заключалась в том, что груз был оплачен поровну российской и американской стороной. В пятницу, 3 апреля, информационное агентство Reuters сообщило со ссылкой на представителя американской администрации, что США полностью оплатили весь груз медицинского оборудования, но купили его по цене "ниже рыночной".
Радио Свобода в результате собственного расследования оценило стоимость доставленных в США аппаратов ИВЛ примерно в 1 миллион долларов. В начале мая американский телеканал ABC News подтвердил верность этих расчетов, сообщив, что Россия выставила США счет на 660,000 долларов. Такая сумма соответствует и версии Марии Захаровой, и сообщению Reuters
Тем не менее, 19 мая Российский фонд прямых инвестиций, организовывавший поставку российской помощи США, выпустил заявление, которое противоречит заявлению Захаровой о том, что этот груз был оплачен поровну российской и американской сторонами. "Согласно итоговым договоренностям, фонд полностью оплатил поставку российского груза в США, а американская сторона оплатила поставку ответного американского груза из 200 аппаратов ИВЛ в РФ", – уточняется в пресс-релизе, опубликованном на сайте организации.
Впрочем, особенность российской "гуманитарной помощи" для США заключалась не только в противоречивой информации о том, кто и сколько за нее заплатил. Как выяснилось позже, аппараты ИВЛ "Авента-М" производства Уральского приборостроительного завода, которые были в числе прочих доставлены из Москвы в Нью-Йорк, так и не были использованы американской стороной из-за того, что их вольтаж не соответствовал принятому в Америке. Уже после появления этой информации использование аппаратов "Авента-М" было запрещено в самой России: причиной стало несколько случаев их возгорания во время работы, один из которых привел к смерти пяти человек в больнице Святого Георгия в Санкт-Петербурге. Представитель производителя аппаратов заявил о "кампании по дискредитации предприятия".

Круговорот ИВЛ в природе
Только недавно госпропаганда трубила о том, как процветающая Россия помогает загибающейся от COVID-19 Америке, отправляя ей аппараты для искусственной вентиляции легких. Потом, правда, выяснилось, что и помощь эта была не вполне бескорыстной, и само оборудование, собранное из китайских запчастей, производило иногда огонь, а не воздух. И вот теперь уже США шлет ИВЛ в Россию. Примечательно здесь пикантное обстоятельство, что этими поставками занимается Агентство США по международному развитию. Да-да, то самое USAID, которое наши власти в 2012 году с шумом и криками выгнали из страны за «попытки влиять через распределение грантов на политические процессы». Впрочем, еще тогда представитель Госдепа Виктория Нуланд дала понять, что американцы проглотят обиду и продолжат поддержку демократии, прав человека и здорового гражданского общества в России.

Россия продолжит использовать Facebook для влияния на выборы в США, - Цукерберг
Исполнительный директор Facebook Марк Цукерберг уверен, что Российская Федерация продолжит распространять фейки в социальной сети для вмешательства в выборы. Цукерберг подчеркнул, что Facebook будет защищать предстоящие американские выборы от иностранного вмешательства. об этом сообщает Daily Mail.
По словам Цукерберга, сейчас компания Facebook ведет "гонку вооружений" против правительств России, Ирана и Китая. Он добавил, что ведутся "гигантские бои" в социальной сети для прекращения вмешательства в выборы и распространения дезинформации о коронавирусе.
Исполнительный директор Facebook отметил, что компания планирует "защищать целостность" предстоящих президентских выборов в Соединенных Штатах Америки, но признал, что Россия и другие страны продолжают осуществлять попытки вмешательства.
Напомним, ранее Цукерберг обвинял Россию, Китай и Иран в попытках вмешательства в предстоящие выборы в США. Цукерберг утверждал, что соцсеть готова противостоять попыткам иностранного вмешательства в американские выборы 2020 года. ... tsukerberg

Ex-Trump lawyer Michael Cohen released from US prison ... 285102.php

Trump officials push back on Rice explanation over Inauguration Day memo: ‘That email screams out CYA’
Former National Security Adviser Susan Rice’s now-public email to herself documenting a sensitive Obama White House meeting concerning the Russia probe appeared to be an effort to make sure history was written in "their narrative," current and former Trump administration officials argue. ... ms-out-cya

Flynn not masked in report on key calls with Russian ambassador: source
Former national security adviser Michael Flynn’s name was not actually masked in a key document detailing his calls with the Russian ambassador in late 2016, Fox News has confirmed.
A congressional source familiar with the surveillance told Fox News that Flynn’s name was not redacted in the initial report about his calls with then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, and that his name from the unredacted transcript of the calls was then leaked to the press.
The timeline of that activity already strongly suggested that the numerous, recently revealed requests to "unmask" Flynn pertained to other reports. The source noted that Flynn’s calls with Kislyak took place during the presidential transition period on Dec. 22, 2016 and Dec. 29, 2016. The source then noted that a majority of the known Flynn unmasking requests from top Obama officials came prior to Flynn’s calls with Kislyak on those dates.
According to the list of officials involved in requests to unmask Flynn's name, which was declassified by acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell last week and made public by GOP senators, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power made five unmasking requests prior to Flynn’s first call with Kislyak — spanning Nov. 30, 2016 and Dec. 14, 2016. Power later made requests on Dec. 23, 2016 and Jan. 17, 2017.
Then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper also made an unmasking request for Flynn on Dec. 2, 2016, which also was prior to the Kislyak conversations; then-CIA Director John Brennan made requests on Dec. 14 and Dec. 15, 2016; and then-FBI Director James Comey made a request on Dec. 15, 2016.
The list shows that more than two-dozen Obama administration officials made such unmasking requests prior to his calls with Kislyak on Dec. 22, 2016.
Unmasking occurs after U.S. citizens' conversations are incidentally picked up in conversations with foreign officials who are being monitored by the intelligence community. The U.S. citizens' identities are supposed to be protected if their participation is incidental and no wrongdoing is suspected. However, officials can determine the U.S. citizens' names through a process that is supposed to safeguard their rights.
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., who is leading an investigation into the origins of the Russia probe, signaled this week that he will subpoena witnesses over the unmasking of Flynn. On Tuesday, Graham sent a letter to Grenell questioning why the list of Flynn unmasking requests “did not contain a record showing who unmasked” Flynn’s identity in the call with Kislyak.
But The Washington Post reported this week that it was the FBI, not the NSA, that wiretapped Kislyak’s phone calls and created the summary of the transcript.
According to the ODNI’s Office of Civil Liberties, Privacy and Transparency, a U.S. citizen's actual identity may be included in an intelligence report at the time it is first prepared and disseminated if such inclusion meets the agency’s minimization standard.
Former Assistant U.S. Attorney in the Southern District of New York Andrew McCarthy told Fox News on Thursday that because the FBI regarded Flynn as a "suspected clandestine agent of Russia," the agency "could have rationalized either that Flynn's conversation with Kislyak was itself foreign intelligence information, or that, because Kislyak was an agent of Russia, knowing Flynn's identity was necessary in order to understand and assess the importance of the information about Russia's activities and intentions."
McCarthy, earlier this week, first highlighted the absence of a record showing who unmasked Flynn in connection with his conversations with Kislyak.
“There isn’t one,” McCarthy wrote in an op-ed. “I suspect that’s because Lt. Gen. Flynn’s identity was not 'masked' in the first place. Instead, his Dec. 29, 2016 call with Kislyak was likely intercepted under an intelligence program not subject to the masking rules, probably by the CIA or a friendly foreign spy service acting in a nod-and-wink arrangement with our intelligence community.”
Meanwhile, other intelligence agencies did produce reports that included information on Flynn in which his name was masked. The requests in the document declassified by Grenell would appear to refer to these reports, though it's not clear whether those involved in the requests even knew Flynn was the redacted name.
The declassified list of Obama officials who sought to unmask Flynn, prior to the Kislyak call, and after the call, included Power, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, then-Obama White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough and then-Vice President Joe Biden.Meanwhile, data obtained by Fox News last week shows that thousands of unmasking requests have been fulfilled every year across both the Obama and Trump administrations, reflecting the often routine nature of these requests in intelligence work. The practice is regarded as an important national security tool, a view reflected by these numbers.
But Republicans are highly suspicious of the number of unmasking requests made concerning Flynn, and have questioned whether other Trump associates were singled out. The list released only covers the period of time between Election Day 2016 and the inauguration.'
This week, Graham and Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., have requested a list of unmasking requests spanning January 2016 through January 2017, related to officials connected to the Trump campaign and/or members of the Trump family. It is unclear when that could be released.
Flynn's calls would eventually lead to him being interviewed, amid supposed concern he had violated the obscure and never-successfully-enforced Logan Act, and later pleading guilty to lying to investigators about his Kislyak talks. He later sought to withdraw that plea. The Justice Department recently moved to dismiss the case entirely. ... ambassador

Federal appeals court orders judge in Flynn case to respond to motion to dismiss charges
A federal appeals court on Thursday directed the judge hearing the case against former national security adviser Michael Flynn to respond to a petition by Flynn for the charges against him to be thrown out.
Flynn’s attorney earlier this week had filed an emergency writ of mandamus to the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals seeking that the prosecution against Flynn be dismissed as the Justice Department has requested, and for Judge Emmet Sullivan to be taken off the case.
The order issued Thursday directs Sullivan to file a response by June 1, and invited the government to respond "in its discretion within the same 10-day period."
Writs of mandamus are extraordinary remedies, which are appropriate when there has been a "usurpation of judicial power" that is "clear and indisputable.”
Flynn lawyer Sidney Powell has argued that the judge did exactly that when he refused the DOJ’s request and instead appointed a retired judge to argue against the position held by the DOJ and to consider if Flynn should be held in contempt for perjury. ... se-dismiss

Палате представителей США заблокировали доступ к документам жюри расследования Мюллера
Верховный суд США в среду, 20 мая, временно заблокировал предоставление Палате представителей Конгресса США доступа к закрытым материалам Большого жюри, работавшего в рамках расследования спецпрокурора Роберта Мюллера о вмешательстве России в американские выборы в 2016 году. Об этом сообщает CNN.
Юридический комитет Палаты представителей пытается получить закрытые документы, собранные спецпрокурором Робертом Мюллером в ходе опроса свидетелей о президенте США. И в марте конгрессмены получили разрешение федерального апелляционного суда округа Колумбия на доступ к запрашиваемым материалам.
Однако администрация президента и Министерство юстиции США направили в начале мая в Верховный суд запрос о блокировке этого решения апелляционного суда. Просители говорили о «непоправимом вреде», который будет нанесен раскрытием материалов, обещая подготовить полноценную апелляцию позднее. Эту просьбу и удовлетворил Верховный суд.

Senate Judiciary Committee to vote on subpoenas in review of Russia probe in early June
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham said Thursday that a vote to authorize subpoenas for documents and testimony from top Obama officials will take place in early June as part of his panel's investigation into the origins of the FBI’s Russia probe during the 2016 presidential election. ... probe-june

Сенат одобрил кандидатуру Рэтклиффа на пост директора Нацразведки США
Сенат конгресса США одобрил кандидатуру конгрессмена-республиканца Джона Рэтклиффа на пост директора Национальной разведки страны. Об этом сообщается аккаунте сената в Twitter.
За кандидатуру Рэтклиффа проголосовали 49 сенаторов, 44 высказались против. Не голосовали по этому вопросу семь сенаторов, в том числе Берни Сандерс, который в начале апреля объявил о завершении президентской кампании.
Кандидатуру Рэтклиффа президент США Дональд Трамп выдвигал дважды. В конце июля 2019 года Трамп рассказал, что директор Национальной разведки Дэниел Коутс уходит в отставку и сообщил о планах предложить на его место Рэтклиффа.
В начале августа 2019 года телеканал CNN сообщал, что республиканцы и некоторые высокопоставленные чиновники Белого дома выступили против его кандидатуры.
Помимо этого канал NBC News писал, что у нынешних и бывших сотрудников разведки вызвали беспокойство слова Рэтклиффа о расследовании спецпрокурора Роберта Мюллера, целью которого было доказать связь предвыборной кампании Трампа с Москвой. Конгрессмен отмечал, что оно могло быть «испорчено преступным заговором».
Впоследствии Рэтклифф отказался выдвигаться на должность директора Национальной разведки США. По словам Трампа, он решил остаться в конгрессе. Президент также заявил, что конгрессмен не заслужил несправедливого отношения со стороны СМИ.
Повторно на этот пост Рэтклиффа Трамп выдвинул в конце февраля 2020 года.
Подробнее на РБК: ... m=newsfeed

Комитет Сената намерен изучить документы по Хантеру Байдену
Возглавляемый республиканцами комитет Сената США по внутренней безопасности решил направить повестку для расследования действий Хантера Байдена – сына бывшего вице-президента США.
Как отмечает "Голос Америки", сенаторы проголосовали по партийному принципу. Все республиканцы соответствующую резолюцию поддержали, все демократы высказались против. В повестке речь идёт о предоставлении документов, которые касаются работы Байдена-младшего в украинской газовой компании Burisma. Информацию хотят получить от фирмы Blue Star Strategies, которая сотрудничала с Burisma.
Предложение направить повестку исходило от главы комитета по внутренней безопасности и вопросам государственного управления Рона Джонсона. "Сенатору следовало бы работать сверхурочно, чтобы спасать жизни американцев, однако вместо этого он стремится сберечь работу президенту", – заявил Эндрю Бейтс, пресс-секретарь предвыборного штаба Джо Байдена. Политик претендует на номинацию кандидатом в президенты от Демократической партии.
В декабре прошлого года Палата представителей Конгресса, контролируемая демократами, объявила импичмент президенту Дональду Трампу – в рамках расследования информации о давлении главы Белого дома на власти Украины с целью добиться возобновления уголовного дела по Burisma и семье Байдена. Сенат позднее президента оправдал.
Сейчас демократы обвиняют республиканцев в попытках с помощью расследования в отношении семьи Байдена помочь Трампу переизбраться президентом на предстоящих в ноябре выборах. Сенатор Рон Джонсон сказал на это, что члены комитета никоим образом не ставят своей задачей повлиять на ход предвыборной кампании.
В среду на этой неделе в Верховной Раде Украины часть законодателей инициировала создание комиссии с целью расследовать информацию о предполагаемом влиянии бывшего вице-президента США Байдена на экс-президента Украины Петра Порошенко. Причиной стали обнародованные ранее депутатом Андреем Деркачом аудиозаписи телефонных разговоров – якобы с участием этих двух политиков. Подлинность записей официально не подтверждена.
Избирательный штаб Джо Байдена назвал обнародованные плёнки продолжением длительных усилий России по дискредитации американского политика-демократа. Москва обвинения во вмешательстве в выборы в США и других странах всегда отрицала.

Democrats warn Republicans they will regret backing Trump's defiance of congressional oversight
WASHINGTON - Senior Democrats have a warning for Republicans supporting President Donald Trump's blockade of the House's attempts to review and monitor the federal response to the coronavirus crisis: Reap what you sow.
For several weeks, the Trump White House has denied requests for senior administration officials to appear at hearings run by House Democrats to discuss the pandemic, while allowing some of those same Cabinet secretaries and agency chiefs to appear on the other side of the Capitol.
This has left Senate committees, run by the Republican majority, hosting high-profile hearings for three straight weeks - and over on the House side, Democrats have been largely silent, unable to draw witnesses officially dealing with the crisis.
That's why prominent Democrats want Republicans to know they have established a precedent that will leave them on the short end of cooperation for oversight requests from any future Democratic administration.
"So all of these things, you know, I don't believe in unilateral disarmament. If this is the way you're going to operate things in your own majority, then don't expect that somehow comity is going to return," Sen. Robert Menendez, D-N.J., said Tuesday in an interview.
The standoff threatens to forever alter the balance of power in congressional attempts to conduct oversight of Trump and future administrations.
So far, the numbers are bleak. Since the virus outbreak in early March, House Democrats have sent at least 203 letters to agencies, 173 directly related to the pandemic, and almost all have been rejected or have yet to receive a response, according to data compiled by Democratic advisers, according to data compiled by Democratic advisers.
Nine requests to Cabinet officials for either a formal hearing or just a briefing, sometimes by videoconference, have been rejected.
Consider the House Appropriations Committee, which was forbidden from hearing from Anthony Fauci, the top infectious disease expert in the administration. And then there's the House Energy and Commerce Committee, where efforts to get testimony from Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health, have been stymied.
Yet Collins spent a few hours May 7 testifying about coronavirus testing before the Senate health committee, where five days later, Fauci also testified.
Menendez, the top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said in the short term, he tries to coordinate with his colleagues who run the House Foreign Affairs Committee to shape what questions he asks during Senate hearings.
"Sometimes we create an echo chamber for each other. Sometimes what we do is, when we have an opportunity they don't and vice versa, we drive questions that are important that we think are in our collective interest," Menendez said.
House Democrats had already run into many dead ends in their oversight investigations last year relating to the special counsel probe into Russia's interference in the 2016 election and then the impeachment inquiry connected to pressure on Ukraine to investigate Trump's domestic political rival.
In those cases, Trump blocked almost every request and instead set the stage for long legal battles in which the Supreme Court is becoming the final arbiter of the executive-legislative showdowns, long after those investigations had lost their steam.
Earlier this month, White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows issued a letter to House committees that essentially said no officials connected to the economic and health responses to the pandemic could testify, citing a time crunch due to their critical work. The next day, Trump undercut Meadows, saying he didn't want his people to appear before Speaker Nancy Pelosi's committees because they are "a bunch of Trump haters."
This week, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., suggested that he supported withholding information from the chamber he hopes to lead next year because of the political and personality dispute between the president and the speaker, who haven't spoken since October.
"I will never refer to a president about being morbid, in any shape or form, if I'm speaker of the House," McCarthy told reporters Tuesday, promising not to do that to a Democratic president. He referenced Pelosi's jab at Trump's "morbidly obese" weight this week, her tearing up a copy of his State of the Union address and the vote to impeach last year. "No, I would not as speaker use those terms. I will not rip up the State of the Union from a Democratic president, either. I would hold that as the historical document that they were meant to be. I will not impeach just for political praises."
McCarthy has said that the select House committee created to oversee how the nearly $3 trillion in rescue packages gets doled out is another impeachment inquiry, and in its initial hearing last week, the GOP members of the new panel almost entirely ignored the outside experts appearing by videoconference and excoriated the committee's formation.
It's a far cry from the early days of the House GOP majority last decade. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., the former chairman of the House Oversight Committee who is running for Congress again, became a political celebrity with his vigorous pursuit of the Obama administration.
Just two weeks before the 2014 midterm elections, Issa held a hearing on the Ebola outbreak, which was mostly confined to African nations and had a few cases in the United States. Officials from the departments of defense, homeland security, and health and human services testified, including the head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Some Democrats took note of several Senate committee chairmen issuing subpoenas and document requests to agencies on investigations into Trump's political foes, while those from House Democratic committees are ignored.
"President Trump may be weaponizing the executive branch in advance of the 2020 elections by directing agencies to comply with congressional investigations designed to hurt his political opponents while stonewalling legitimate oversight investigations into the actions of his own administration," Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., wrote Wednesday to the National Archives and three Cabinet secretaries.
Pelosi voiced her frustration Wednesday at the inability to compel testimony or documents from Trump's advisers. "It's very hard to get the administration to honor its responsibilities to the American people by testifying before Congress. As you see, they have sort of cut out the House altogether," she told reporters.
However, Pelosi then noted that the annual funding bills for these agencies begin in the House, a not-so-veiled threat to use the power of the purse to inflict pain on the most reluctant Cabinet secretaries.
That's the sort of threat Menendez supports, using power and making Republicans understand what they will face especially when there's a Democratic administration.
"I think the whole thing is a bad precedent," he said. ... 284627.php

Trump takes aim at Michigan’s mail-in-ballots
Fox News contributors Richard Fowler and Charlie Hurt weigh in on ‘America’s Newsroom.’

Trump slams mail-in balloting promoted by his own campaign
Trump on Thursday railed against mail-in balloting that in some cases has been promoted by his own reelection campaign, alleging without evidence that it leads to “total election fraud." A day earlier, Trump threatened to pull federal money for states that support the practice.
“We don’t want anyone to do mail-in ballots,” Trump told reporters before leaving for Michigan. That state drew the president's ire announcing this week it was sending ballot request forms to all voters to encourage safe voting during the coronavirus pandemic.
Trump, who has voted by mail absentee as recently as this March in Florida's Republican presidential primary, did say he would support exceptions for those who are sick — or are president.
“Now, if somebody has to mail it in because they’re sick, or by the way because they live in the White House and they have to vote in Florida and they won’t be in Florida, but there’s a reason for it, that’s OK," Trump said.
“To really vote and without fraud,” Trump said later in Michigan, “you have to go to the polling place." He added of mail-in balloting, “Obviously there’s going to be fraud. We’re not babies.”
Trump was belittling a method of voting that his own campaign and its affiliates have been pushing voters to use to support GOP candidates.
In California, where mail voting is widespread, Trump Victory — the joint entity of the Republican National Committee and the president's reelection campaign — urged voters to cast ballots remotely for Mike Garcia, who won a special congressional election last week. It likewise pushed Wisconsin supporters to cast absentee ballots to support Tom Tiffany, who won a special congressional election in that state last week.
Republicans’ claims that mailing ballots to all voters creates widespread fraud are not backed up by evidence from the five states that use this method. None has had significant voter fraud cases.
In Pennsylvania, the state GOP and its Trump-related affiliates have been urging voters to request absentee ballots for the primary next week.
Just hours before Trump complained about mail ballots in Michigan, the GOP’s regional field director advertised their availability in Pennsylvania: “Mail in Ballot Deadline is Coming! Make sure you apply by May 26th at so you can vote by mail for @realDonaldTrump!”
Both Republicans and Democrats run absentee and mail-in voting programs as part of their get-out-the-vote operations. The efforts can help reach older voters and others reluctant to vote in person, and can help free up resources on the election day. Trump’s opposition to the practice appears to stem from his insistence that it gives Democrats an advantage and from long-standing, largely unconfirmed, suspicions about the prevalence of voter fraud.
Trump allies have explained the mixed message by saying that they are making full use of the voting systems in each state, but are not endorsing them.
But on Monday, RNC chair Ronna McDaniel, who accompanied Trump to Michigan on Air Force One, appeared to support the very practice that Trump found objectionable in the state — and that has been used by Republican election officials in other states.
“I don’t really have an issue with absentee request forms being sent to voters,” McDaniel said.
Trump campaign spokesman Tim Murtaugh asserted “there is no statutory authority for the secretary of state in Michigan to send absentee ballot applications to all voters.” That's an argument some Michigan Republicans have also made. Murtaugh did not address whether Republican secretaries of state elsewhere were similarly constrained.
In addition to complaining about Michigan, Trump also threatened federal dollars for to Nevada, which has sent ballots to voters for its June 9 state primary. A federal judge recently cleared Nevada’s decision to mail ballots, which were sent by the Republican secretary of state.
But Trump appeared to back off his threat, particularly as Michigan deals with the devastation from the failure of two dams that has forced thousands to evacuate. “We'll take a look at it,” Trump said, even as he pledged federal support to those affected by the flooding.
The White House said a day earlier that Trump's threat was merely a message to the Office of Management and Budget to study the issue.
The GOP-controlled Senate has so far stopped Democrats from mandating expanded mail and early voting as part of coronavirus relief bills, arguing that states should make decisions on their own election systems. The battle has largely moved to the courts, with Democrats filing at least 17 lawsuits to force states to expand their programs. ... 286869.php

Эксперты из США предрекли Трампу поражение на президентских выборах
Трамп может проиграть на президентских выборах в ноябре этого года из-за проблем в национальной экономике, вызванных пандемией коронавируса, сообщает британское издание The Independent, ссылаясь на прогноз аналитической компании Oxford Economics.
Модель, использованная аналитиками, учитывает уровень безработицы, реальные доходы и инфляцию для предсказания результатов выборов. По данным издания, модель показывала верный исход голосования на выборах в США начиная с 1948 года, кроме выборов 1968 и 1976 годов.
Причем до пандемии модель предсказывала Трампу победу на ноябрьских выборах. Согласно расчетам, он должен был получить порядка 55% голосов избирателей. Теперь же аналитики склонны считать, что нынешний президент не сможет набрать более 35% голосов и потерпит поражение.
Экономика станет «почти что непреодолимым препятствием для Трампа» на грядущих выборах.
- Экономика все еще будет в худшем состоянии, чем в разгар Великой депрессии, - утверждают специалисты Oxford Economics.
При этом эксперты указывают, что в течение следующих шести месяцев ситуация с коронавирусом сможет изменить нынешние расчеты. Именно в эти полгода Трамп должен попытаться использовать для того, чтобы поменять стратегию против бывшего вице-президента США демократа Джо Байдена, который считается основным конкурентом Трампа. Также за это время Трамп сможет развернуть кампанию против Китая в связи с распространением коронавирусной инфекции.
Но эта модель предполагает «системные ограничения», потому что исключает из себя неэкономические факторы вроде харизмы скандала, отмечает The Independent.
Напомним, что на начало мая каждый шестой гражданин США оказался безработным. Только в апреле безработица взлетела до рекордных значений – 14,7% против 4,4% в марте.
Аналитики считают, что на восстановление экономики и возврата уровня безработицы до показателей докоронавирусного времени могут уйти годы. Однако президент США Дональд Трамп уверен, что американская экономика восстановится также быстро, как скатилась во время пандемии, а все люди вернутся на свои рабочие места. Аналитики не разделяют такого оптимизма. ... na-vyborah

Biden widens national lead over Trump in new poll
2020 presidential hopeful Joe Biden leads President Trump by 11 points in the latest Quinnipiac University poll amid the COVID-19 pandemic; Peter Doocy reports.

Fox News Poll: Biden more trusted on coronavirus, Trump on economy
Most voters are concerned about the pandemic and the economy, so when they favor Joe Biden on coronavirus and Donald Trump has a narrow edge on pocketbook issues -- it makes for a tight race for the White House.
The latest Fox News Poll finds voters trust Biden to do a better job than Trump on health care by 17 points, coronavirus by 9, and relations with China by 6. Trump is trusted more on the economy by a slim 3-point margin.
“That might be the election in a nutshell,” says Democrat Chris Anderson, who conducts the poll with Republican Daron Shaw. “Trump has a slight advantage in a narrow debate about economic recovery, but a debate about coronavirus or public health more broadly benefits Biden.”
Eighty-eight percent are concerned about coronavirus spreading and 78 percent feel the economy is in bad shape.
There has been a seismic shift in views on the economy since the pandemic. In January, voters rated economic conditions positively by an 11-point margin: 55 percent excellent/good vs. 44 percent only fair/poor. Today, views are negative by 58 points: 20 percent excellent/good vs. 78 percent only fair/poor.
Positive ratings dropped 49 points among Republicans (from 85 to 36 percent) since January and 22 points among Democrats (from 31 to 9 percent).
As 44 percent report someone in their household has lost work because of coronavirus, a 54 percent majority thinks the country is in the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. Sixty-five percent felt that way in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis.
More Democrats (67 percent) than Republicans (40 percent) feel it is the worst crisis since the Depression.
Republicans are more optimistic about a speedy recovery, as 50 percent expect the economy to improve in the next six months. Just 19 percent of Democrats say the same.
Overall, 32 percent think the economy will improve within 6 months, 23 percent say 7-12 months, 24 percent say 1-2 years, and 14 percent think longer than that.
In the 2020 ballot test, Biden leads Trump by 48-40 percent. Biden’s 8-point advantage is outside the poll’s margin of error. However, given that 11 percent are undecided or plan to vote for someone else, neither candidate hits 50 percent support. The race could go either way.
Among voters who are extremely motivated about voting this fall, Biden has a 12-point advantage (53-41 percent). More Biden supporters (69 percent) than Trump supporters (63 percent) feel extremely motivated to vote.
Trump leads by 7 points among men and by 30 among rural whites. He won both groups by larger margins in 2016 (11 and 37 points respectively).
Biden leads by 20 points among women and 64 points among blacks. Compared to Hillary Clinton in 2016, he bests her performance among women (Clinton was +13) but lags among blacks (Clinton +81).
The 27-point gender gap is even larger than the record 24-point gap in 2016.
Biden makes inroads with two key groups: independents prefer him by 13 points and voters ages 65+ by 17 points. In 2016, Trump won independents by 4 and seniors by 7.
Even small differences in party loyalty and defections matter in tight races. Biden receives the support of 88 percent of Democrats and 8 percent of Republicans. For Trump, 84 percent of Republicans back him and 3 percent of Democrats.
Sixty-nine percent are following news about the allegation of sexual assault against Biden very or somewhat closely. The accusation comes from Tara Reade, a former staffer in Biden’s senate office in the early 1990s.
Fifty-two percent of voters say the allegation will be a factor in deciding their vote for president, including 24 percent who say it will be a major factor. It will not be a factor for 44 percent.
More men (56 percent) than women (47 percent), and more Republicans (62 percent) than Democrats (46 percent) or independents (40 percent) say the allegation will matter to their vote.
At the same time, voters trust Biden to do a better job than Trump handling women’s rights by a 23-point margin, with one-in-ten (13 percent) saying they trust “neither.”
Trump’s personal favorable rating is net negative by 12 points: 43 percent view him positively, while 55 percent have an unfavorable opinion (including 45 percent “strongly” unfavorable). Biden has a net positive rating by 2 points: 48 percent favorable, 46 percent unfavorable (31 percent “strongly” unfavorable).
The small subgroup who view both negatively prefer Biden over Trump by 40-11 percent in the matchup.
As states work on ways for people to vote safely in the middle of a pandemic, voters favor allowing mail ballots this year by a 63-30 percent margin.
About one in five, 19 percent, report they usually vote by mail/absentee. When asked about this year, nearly twice as many, 35 percent, say they want to vote by mail.
Democrats are much more likely than Republicans to favor allowing mail-in voting because of coronavirus (83 vs. 42 percent), and Democrats are twice as likely to want to vote by mail this year (46 vs. 23 percent). In addition, groups that prefer Biden are among those most inclined to vote by mail in the fall, including women, seniors, and liberals.
Former President Barack Obama remains popular. Sixty-three percent have a favorable opinion of him. That skyrockets to 93 percent among Democrats. Biden’s favorability among Democrats sits at 81 percent and Trump gets 85 percent among Republicans.
Views split over the Department of Justice dropping charges against former national security adviser Michael Flynn: 31 percent approve, 37 percent disapprove, and 32 percent are unsure. In 2017, Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI during the Russia investigation. When asked whether the FBI acted appropriately during that investigation, 36 percent of voters say yes, while 31 percent say no.
The poll asked voters to name the worst enemy of the United States: 36 percent cite China, 18 percent Russia, 16 percent North Korea, and 7 percent Iran. A majority of Republicans (54 percent) and plurality of independents (33 percent) put China at the top of the list. Among Democrats, Russia is the worst enemy (30 percent), followed by China (20 percent).
Conducted May 17-20, 2020 under the joint direction of Beacon Research (D) and Shaw & Company (R), this Fox News Poll includes interviews with 1,207 randomly chosen registered voters nationwide who spoke with live interviewers on both landlines and cellphones. The poll has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 2.5 percentage points for all registered voters. ... on-economy

Tesla отозвала иск против властей калифорнийского округа Аламида

US health officials quietly release more reopening guidance
U.S. health officials have quietly released more reopening guidance that was created more than a month ago but initially shelved.
As with other recently released guidance, religious organizations were not included. Instead, the document has advice for childcare facilities, schools, day camps, mass transit systems, restaurants, bars and other businesses and organizations that have workers at high risk of becoming sick from the coronavirus.
... ... 283457.php

Rand Paul says Fauci's policies ‘emasculated’ medical care system, ‘ruined’ economy
Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., along with Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz., said in an op-ed Thursday that the coronavirus lockdown recommendations of Dr. Anthony Fauci have “emasculated” the health care system and “ruined” the economy. ... ed-economy

Trump knocks Democratic governors for keeping states closed amid coronavirus pandemic
Trump visits Ford plant in the swing state of Michigan; reaction and analysis on 'The Five.'

Трамп отказался закрывать США при второй волне коронавируса
Трамп заявил, что власти не будут вводить строгие ограничительные меры и откажутся закрывать страну в случае, если осенью произойдет вторая волна пандемии нового коронавируса. Об этом он рассказал в ходе встречи с журналистами, пишет The Hill.
Он заявил, что вторая волна коронавируса произойдет с очень большой вероятностью. «Это стандарт. И мы собираемся гасить огонь. Мы не собираемся закрывать страну», — сказал президент.
Трамп также выразил уверенность, что страна сможет сдержать будущие вспышки инфекции. «Будь то тлеющие угли или пламя, мы его потушим, но мы не закроем нашу страну», — заявил он.

Poll: 36 percent of Americans less likely to take coronavirus vaccine if Trump says it's safe
A new Reuters/Ipsos poll showed that a quarter of Americans have “little to no interest” in taking a coronavirus vaccine and are skeptical that the safety of the vaccine could be compromised based on the rate of which vaccines are being developed amid the outbreak.
Of those surveyed, 36 percent also said they would be “less willing” to take a coronavirus vaccine that President Trump “said was safe,” compared to the 14 percent who said they would be “more interested” based on the president’s advice.
The poll, which surveyed 4,428 adults between May 13 and May 19, pointed to a consistent lack of trust between pollsters and the president.Most of the survey’s pollsters said they would be “heavily influenced by guidance from the Food and Drug Administration [FDA].”
According to Reuters, at least 70 percent of Americans would need to reach immunity, either from vaccination or by previously having the virus, in order for the country to reach “herd immunity.”
Health experts agree that a vaccine needs to be developed in order for Americans to return to normal life. Trump has pledged to have a vaccine developed by the end of the year.
Experts also pointed to misinformation on social media as the reason why the public remains skeptical of a vaccination.
“It’s not surprising a significant percentage of Americans are not going to take the vaccine because of the terrible messaging we’ve had, the absence of a communication plan around the vaccine and this very aggressive anti-vaccine movement,” said Peter Hotez, dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine.
The majority of the polls' responders said they agree that “vaccines for diseases such as measles are safe for both adults and children.”
Experts believe the pollsters who are on the fence about whether or not they would take a vaccine could probably be persuaded. ... -says-safe

Pelosi, Schumer preemptively call on Trump to lower flags once US reaches 100,000 coronavirus deaths
Democratic congressional leaders on Thursday wrote to President Trump calling for him to lower flags to half-staff when the coronavirus death toll hits the grim 100,000 milestone -- describing such a move as a “national expression of grief.” ... rus-deaths

Трамп распорядился приспустить флаги в память жертв COVID-19
В США будут приспущены флаги в память о тех людях, жизни которых унесла эпидемия коронавируса. Об этом в Twitter написал президент Дональд Трамп.
«В течение следующих трех дней на всех федеральных зданиях и национальных монументах будут приспущены флаги в память об американцах, которых мы потеряли от коронавируса», — написал президент.
Трамп также добавил, что в понедельник флаги приспустят в честь мужчин и женщин из Вооруженных сил страны, которые принесли себя в жертву американскому народу.
По данным американского университета Джона Хопкинса, который собирает статистику по COVID-19 в режиме реального времени, к 3:00 мск в США было выявлено 1,57 млн человек с коронавирусом.
Почти 300 тыс. пациентов вылечились от болезни. 94,6 тыс. человек умерли от вызванных коронавирусной инфекцией осложнений. Лидером по числу летальных исходов остается штат Нью-Йорк — там погибли 28,7 тыс. человек.
На втором месте — соседний штат Нью-Джерси с 10,8 тыс. умершими. Третьим по количеству смертельных случаев является Массачусетс — там от COVID-19 умерли 6,1 тыс. человек.
Подробнее на РБК: ... m=newsfeed

Trump uses coronavirus crisis to visit swing states
Trump flew to Michigan today to visit a Ford Motor Co. factory that launched a crash program last month to build ventilators and personal protective gear for the coronavirus crisis.
Last week, he visited a distribution facility in Pennsylvania that ships medical supplies around the country. And a week before that, he toured a factory in Arizona that makes respirator masks.
It’s no coincidence that Trump’s first events outside Washington since early March focused on three swing states that may determine who wins the November election.
He won all three in 2016, but polls in each state show him trailing Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic nominee, partly due to widespread disapproval of Trump’s uneven response to the COVID-19 pandemic — including his squabbles with Democratic governors, including those in Michigan and Pennsylvania.
Ever disdainful of experts, Trump has yet to wear a protective face mask in public despite guidance from federal health authorities and the White House coronavirus task force. It’s unknown if he will don one Thursday when he tours Ford’s Rawsonville components plant in Ypsilanti, about 30 miles west of Detroit.
If he doesn’t, he’ll be in violation of Ford’s safety protocols as well as in technical violation of an executive order from Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, a frequent target of Trump’s gibes for her lockdown orders. The state has been one of the hardest hit by the coronavirus, with nearly 5,000 deaths so far.
Whitmer, who is a potential running mate for Biden, has criticized the Trump administration’s response to the outbreak. Her office said the White House had not invited her to attend Thursday’s event and that she plans to volunteer at a school that day distributing meals to children and their families.
“Every time you politicize a crisis, there’s an opportunity — but there’s also a huge risk,” said Saul Anuzis, a former Michigan GOP chairman. “That’s especially true with this crisis, because it’s affecting pretty much everyone.”
Given the federal and local resources required to coordinate and provide security for any presidential trip, the decision to travel after a catastrophic event is difficult for any White House. Doing so during a pandemic is even trickier.
“After a hurricane, you don’t want to get there and disrupt the first responders, but the waters recede after a few days,” said Thomas “Mack” McLarty, who was chief of staff to President Clinton. “This is different in that there isn’t a natural time to go.”
“But it’s important to thank first responders, doctors and nurses, to show empathy and connectivity and concern and leadership. When you have events that focus on that, they’re perfectly appropriate.”
With Trump, these taxpayer-funded events — his first two trips included short factory tours followed by roughly 30 minutes of remarks — can seem like mini-campaign appearances, with blaring music, testimonials from supporters and invective against his enemies.
At the Honeywell plant in Phoenix on May 5, Trump led an entourage in hard hats around the floor while his campaign’s festive rock ‘n’ roll playlist blasted from the speakers, infusing a moment ostensibly about hardship and sacrifice with a more celebratory air. Upon taking the stage, he started by praising his 2016 victory in Arizona.
Before Trump arrived at the Owens & Minor Inc. plant in Allentown, Pa., on May 14, multiple campaign surrogates hit local radio to promote the trip and Trump’s overall response to the pandemic.
Given his slide in the polls, Trump is increasingly anxious about his reelection effort, according to numerous aides. Karl Rove, the architect of President George W. Bush’s electoral victories in 2000 and 2004, told the president in an Oval Office meeting last week that the stalled campaign must accelerate quickly, one person familiar with the meeting said.
Trump’s unease has also led to frustrations with his campaign manager, Brad Parscale.
After a contentious discussion over internal polling weeks ago, Trump, one administration official said, was grumbling again last week after Democratic strategist James Carville referred to Parscale on TV as a “grifter,” suggesting he was getting rich running the campaign and was placating the president with “fake polls,” an assessment that appeared to hit a nerve.
“He thought he had a juggernaut campaign,” the official said. “Now there’s a lot of doubt that’s crept in.” ... 285381.php

Trump skips mask in plant visit, defying Ford's request and Michigan law
d Trump declined to wear a protective face mask in public Thursday during a visit to a Ford manufacturing plant in Michigan that is turning out ventilators and masks for use in the coronavirus pandemic, despite a request from the carmaker that he wear one and an executive order from the state's Democratic governor requiring them.
Ford Motor Co. executives wore masks as they led the president on a tour, in accordance with company policy, but Trump said it was "not necessary here." He suggested the issue is symbolic, but not in the lead-by-example manner his critics say he should view it.
Instead, Trump - who publicly prizes strength and symbols of masculinity including height, firm handshakes and deep voices - suggested he considers it unseemly or unpresidential to be seen in a mask. Trump said he had worn a mask in another area of the plant, "where they preferred it," but declined to wear one in view of the cameras.
"I didn't want to give the press the pleasure of seeing it," Trump said.
Masks have become emblematic of a cultural and increasingly political divide over restrictions meant to slow the spread of the coronavirus. Screaming maskless protesters, some armed, faced off with masked law enforcement officers inside the Michigan state Capitol last month. A confrontation between a calm Costco employee and a shopper in Colorado who refused to wear a mask "because I woke up in a free country" went viral online this week.
Trump is encouraging the quick end to restrictions on movement and commerce amid a steep economic decline, including the highest unemployment in decades, making masks part of a time period he is trying to leave behind.
"And now we're going to turn it back on like never before," Trump said in a speech on the factory floor.
"A permanent lockdown is not a strategy for a healthy state or a healthy country," Trump said, referring to stay-at-home orders in place throughout much of the country. "Our country wasn't meant to be shut down."
Ford had initially requested that Trump wear a mask during his visit to the Rawsonville manufacturing plant in Ypsilanti Township, but then said earlier this week that it was up to the White House. Following Trump's visit Thursday, the company issued a statement saying that while CEO Bill Ford had asked Trump to wear a mask, the choice was Trump's. The president did wear a mask while viewing historical cars out of the view of cameras, the company said.
Company policy maintains that visitors wear protective equipment or garments such as masks.
For reporters, Trump held up a navy blue cloth mask like those worn by many White House staffers. He also wore a clear plastic face shield at one point during the tour at the plant, which normally makes car batteries.
Trump is tested for the coronavirus daily, which he says means he does not need to wear a mask. Trump had said earlier Thursday that he "tested perfectly this morning, meaning - meaning I tested negative."
He has previously said that while he supported public health recommendations for face masks as an effective way to prevent transmission of the virus, he did not plan to wear one because it would be unseemly, especially in the Oval Office.
Ford later issued a statement saying that executive chairman William Clay Ford Jr. had asked Trump to wear a mask when he arrived, and that Trump had done so while viewing an exhibit of historical cars but had then removed it.
Ahead of the trip, the state's attorney general implored him to wear a face mask on his tour, citing a "legal responsibility."
"While my Department will not act to prevent you from touring Ford's plant, I ask that while you are on tour you respect the great efforts of the men and women at Ford - and across this State - by wearing a facial covering," Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel, a Democrat, wrote in an open letter addressed to Trump.
"It is not just the policy of Ford, by virtue of the Governor's Executive Orders. It is currently the law of this State."
After Trump's visit, Nessel said on CNN that the president is no longer welcome in the state after defying Gov. Gretchen Whitmer's executive order that requires a mask in an enclosed public space: "He is a petulant child who refuses to follow the rules. This is not a joke."
The president was not wearing a mask when he walked off Air Force One at the Detroit airport, nor when he arrived at the plant near Ypsilanti. His first public remarks there made clear that the visit, his third in as many weeks to a battleground state, are partly about talking up his response to the covid-19 pandemic and attempting to turn the page on the ongoing pandemic.
ppearing maskless with a group of African-American business and community leaders, Trump said his pandemic response had made governors "look good," but claimed that some Democratic governors now think it is good politics to keep their states on lockdown.
"Our country's coming back," Trump said in response to questions from reporters. "We did the right thing," in imposing various precautions against the spread of the virus, "but we now want to get going."
Trump spoke in front of a banner proclaiming "Transition to Greatness," his new rallying cry for recovery after the layoffs, business closures, sales slumps and other economic effects of the pandemic. In practice, it means calling for an end to stay-at-home policies like the one in Michigan that has been a particular focus for Trump. He has encouraged armed protests against the restrictions, tweeted "LIBERATE MICHIGAN" and criticized Whitmer, a Democrat, directly.
Republican Senate candidate John James was among the few meeting participants wearing masks. Others including Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson did not.
"If you do come to Washington, you have my ear," Trump told James, saying that "no one knows" James' opponent, Sen. Gary Peters, a Democrat.
Trump's son Donald Trump Jr. visited Michigan and raised money for James earlier this week.
The president's previous refusals to don a mask in public, as well as his recent travel, have led some officials to call on him to "set a better example" in fighting the spread of coronavirus. Among them was the Democratic mayor of Baltimore, who on Thursday asked Trump to skip a planned Memorial Day appearance at that city's Fort McHenry monument.
Experts have warned that the push to reopen the United States could lead to a second wave of infections across parts of the South and Midwest. There have been more than 5 million confirmed coronavirus cases worldwide, including more than 1.5 million in the United States.
Trump had been noncommittal on wearing a mask as he spoke with reporters before leaving the White House.
"Well, I don't know. We're gonna look at it," he said. "A lot of people have asked me that question."
As reporters shouted to be heard above the roar of Marine One, parked on the lawn behind Trump, Trump asked one questioner to remove a mask so as to be heard.
"I can't hear you. You have your mask on, I can't hear a word," Trump said. ... 287448.php

Pandemic politics: Maskless Trump tours Michigan Ford plant
Pandemic politics shadowed President Donald Trump's trip to Michigan on Thursday as he highlighted lifesaving medical devices, with the president and officials from the electoral battleground state clashing over federal aid, mail-in ballots and face masks.
Trump visited Ypsilanti, outside Detroit, to tour a Ford Motor Co. factory that had been repurposed to manufacture ventilators, the medical breathing machines governors begged for during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.
But his visit came amid a long-running feud with the state's Democratic governor and a day after the president threatened to withhold federal funds over the state's expanded vote-by-mail effort. And, again, the president did not publicly wear a face covering despite a warning from the state's top law enforcement officer that a refusal to do so might lead to a ban on his return.
All of the Ford executives giving Trump the tour were wearings masks, the president standing alone without one. At one point, he did take a White House-branded mask from his pocket and claim to reporters he had worn it elsewhere on the tour, out of public view.
“I did not want to give the press the pleasure of seeing it," Trump said.
For a moment, he also teasingly held up a clear shield in front of his face. A statement from Ford said that Bill Ford, the company's executive chairman, “encouraged President Trump to wear a mask when he arrived" and said the president wore it during “a private viewing of three Ford GTs from over the years" before removing it.
The United Auto Workers union noted in a statement that “some in his entourage'” declined face masks and said “it is vitally important that our members continue to follow the protocols that have been put in place to safeguard them, their families and their communities.”
The UAW also noted Trump's statement that he had just been tested for the virus and said it wanted to make sure he understood the wider “need for an economical instant test that can be administered daily to further protect our members -- and all Americans.”
Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said that mask wearing isn’t just Ford’s policy but it’s also the law in a state that’s among those hardest hit by the virus. Nessel said that if Trump refused to wear a mask Thursday “he’s going to be asked not to return to any enclosed facilities inside our state" and “we're going to have to take action” against any company that allows it in the future.
Trump has refused to wear a face mask in public, telling aides he believes it makes him look weak, though it is a practice that federal health authorities say all Americans should adopt to help slow the spread of the virus.
Ford said everyone in its factories must wear personal protective equipment, including masks, and that its policy had been communicated to the White House. At least two people who work in the White House and had been physically close to Trump recently tested positive for the virus.
The Republican president and Gov. Gretchen Whitmer have clashed during the coronavirus outbreak over her criticism of the federal response to the state's needs for medical equipment, like ventilators, and personal protective gear, such as gloves, masks and gowns. Trump on Thursday criticized Democratic governors, suggesting they were proceeding too slowly in reopening their states' economies.
“You have a lot of, unfortunately, in this case Democrat governors (who) think it’s good politics to keep it closed," Trump said. “I think they’re being forced to open, frankly, the people want to get out. You’ll break the country if you don’t."
The day before, Trump threatened to withhold federal funds from Michigan after its secretary of state mailed absentee ballot applications to millions of voters. Trump first tweeted — falsely — that the Democratic state official had mailed absentee ballots to Michigan voters. He later sent a corrected tweet specifying that applications to request absentee ballots had been mailed and seemed to back off his funding threat.
Trump narrowly won Michigan in 2016. He insists mail-in voting is ripe for fraud, although there is scant evidence of wrongdoing.
“We don’t want them to do mail in ballots because it’s going to lead to total election fraud," Trump said Thursday. But then he allowed for some exceptions, including for himself.
“Now, if somebody has to mail it in because they’re sick, or by the way because they live in the White House and they have to vote in Florida and they won’t be in Florida. But there’s a reason for it, that’s OK."
Trying to signal to the nation that life is returning to normal, the president has begun traveling again, with all of his initial trips to states that will be hotly contested in this November’s election. Campaign advisers have grown increasingly worried about Michigan, believing that the president’s attacks on Whitmer have not worked and that the toll the virus has taken in the Detroit area, particularly among African Americans, will prove costly politically.
Trump, at a roundtable with African American supporters in front of a sign with his slogan for reopening the economy, “Transition to Greatness," noted low minority unemployment numbers before the pandemic and also pointed to his administration's work on criminal justice reform.
The president's advisers have become convinced that of the three Rust Belt states that Trump took from Democrats in 2016, Michigan would be much more difficult to win again than Pennsylvania and, especially, Wisconsin.
In the early days of the crisis, Whitmer and other governors and medical workers clamored for ventilators, fearing a shortage of the machines would prove deadly as the virus made breathing difficult for the scores of afflicted patients who were being brought to hospitals.
But the U.S. now has a surplus of the breathing machines, leading Trump to begin describing the U.S. as the “king of ventilators.”
Whitmer did not accompany Trump during the visit.
“We do not have plans to meet, but I did speak with him yesterday on the phone," Whitmer told "CBS This Morning” on Thursday. “I made the case that, you know, we all have to be on the same page here. We’ve got to stop demonizing one another and, really, focus on the fact that the common enemy is the virus.” ... 285802.php

House Dem criticizes her own party for shoving 'wish list' stimulus package: 'It's not a good look'
Rep. Katie Porter, D-Calif., criticized her own party's coronavirus legislation this week as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., pressured the Republican-controlled Senate to adopt what Porter described as a Democratic "wish list."
“The HEROES Act is dead on arrival," Porter said Tuesday, referring to the $3 trillion package the House passed last week as a follow-up to the CARES Act. Her comments during an online meeting hosted by the Tustin [Calif.] Democratic Club were first reported by the Washington Examiner.
"There was no bipartisan negotiation here and no effort at bipartisan negotiation, which I also think is problematic," Porter went on to say. "It’s not to say that we could’ve gotten there. It’s not to say that the Republicans would’ve agreed with our priorities. But I do not think it is a good look in a time of national crisis to act in a strictly partisan way. I don’t like it when Donald Trump does it, and I don’t like it when Nancy Pelosi does it." ... -wish-list

McConnell says Senate 'not quite ready' to craft new stimulus: 'It won't be a $3 trillion left-wing wish list'
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., told "The Story with Martha MacCallum" Thursday that the Senate is "not quite ready to intelligently" lay out the next coronavirus stimulus package, but added "it's not too far off." ... protection

США объявили цели в своем противоборстве с Китаем
Вашингтон готов дать Пекину отпор во всех сферах
Долгосрочные цели политики США в отношении Китая сформулированы в опубликованном 20 мая на сайте Белого дома документе, озаглавленном «Стратегический подход США в отношении КНР». Документ подготовлен всеми ведомствами администрации в качестве доклада членам конгресса и разъясняет цели американской ik9 политики в отношении Китая в соответствии с принятой в 2017 г. администрацией президента Дональда Трампа Стратегией национальной безопасности.
Все прегрешения Пекина, с американской точки зрения, сведены в документе в три группы вызовов. Первая из них касается торговли и экономики: по мнению администрации США, Китай нарушает нормы ВТО, в которую он вступил в 2001 г., протекционистская политика дает китайским компаниям несправедливые преимущества, а от американских компаний Китай требует передачи технологий. При этом китайцы с помощью кибершпионажа крадут технологические секреты, нарушают интеллектуальные права, а проект «Один пояс – один путь» призван изменить международные правила в пользу КНР. В этом же разделе упомянуто, что экономическая трансформация КНР не сопровождалась политическими реформами, а генсек ЦК КПК Си Цзиньпинь в 2017 г. изменил правила, сделав свой срок правления неограниченным.
... ... sha-kitaem

O'Brien: US ready to act if China violates human rights in Hong Kong
National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien weighs in on escalating tensions with China.

В боксерскую секцию его привела мизантропия.

 Post subject: Re: США сегодня - снаружи и изнутри
PostPosted: Fri May 22, 2020 1:26 am 
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 Post subject: Re: США сегодня - снаружи и изнутри
PostPosted: Fri May 22, 2020 7:31 pm 

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Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen
Между США и Россией растет опасность эскалации
22 мая 2020 г.
Договор по открытому небу, который хотят расторгнуть США, потерял свою важность в военном смысле, но его расторжение имеет серьезное символическое и политическое значение.США хотят расторгнуть Договор по открытому небу с Россией. Это соглашение позволяет осуществлять наблюдательные полеты над территорией противника - своего рода шпионаж по обоюдному согласию. Ранее этот договор обеспечивал минимум взаимного доверия", - пишет журналист Фреди Гштайгер на сайте швейцарской телерадиокомпании Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen.
"Это уже третье соглашение о контроле за вооружениями, от которого внезапно отказывается правительство президента Дональда Трампа", - подчеркивает издание.
"США обвиняют Россию в нарушении соглашения, а именно в том, что она препятствует осуществлению Западом патрульных полетов, например, над Калининградом или у границы с Грузией".
"Если в ближайшие месяцы Москва и Вашингтон все же не достигнут взаимопонимания, что представляется крайне маловероятным, осенью, по истечении шестимесячного срока расторжения, соглашение превратится в бессмысленный документ".
"В военном смысле Договор по открытому небу потерял свою важность, так как снимки со спутника сегодня так же точны, как снимки, сделанные из самолета. Поэтому расторжение договора имеет серьезное символическое и политическое значение, ведь тем самым из системы соглашений о контроле за вооружениями между Россией и Западом выпадает еще один элемент", - указывает автор статьи.
"Если у обеих сторон будет все меньше возможностей выяснить, что планирует и делает оппонент, взаимное недоверие, вероятно, только возрастет. В связи с этим увеличивается опасность военной эскалации", - полагает издание. ... skies.html

Медведев назвал надуманными обвинения США в нарушении Россией условий НОД (sic!)
Заместитель председателя Совета безопасности РФ Дмитрий Медведев заявил, что обвинения США о нарушении положений Договора по открытому небу (ДОН) со стороны России являются надуманными. Он назвал выход Вашингтона из ДОН очередным шагом на пути разрушения архитектуры международной безопасности.
«В заявлениях президента США Дональда Трампа и госсекретаря Майка Помпео прекращение участия американцев в этом соглашении ожидаемо обставляется якобы имевшими место нарушениями его положений со стороны России. Подобная схема оправданий собственных деструктивных действий уже не раз использовалась Вашингтоном как надуманный повод для выхода из других основополагающих документов в сфере контроля над вооружениями, в том числе договоров по противоракетной обороне, о ракетах средней и меньшей дальности»,— написал господин Медведев в Facebook.
По его словам, США не дали «вразумительных ответов» на вопросы РФ по их собственным многочисленным нарушениям договора. Они касались введенной максимальной дальности полетов над территорией Гавайских островов, ограничения для полетов над Алеутским архипелагом, установки лимитов по высоте полета российских самолетов наблюдения.

МИД Польши обвинил Россию в несоблюдении Договора об открытом небе ... rytom_nebe

НАТО назвало условия для возвращения США к выполнению Договора по открытому небу
В НАТО увязали возобновление Договора по открытому небу с разрешением полетов у границ России
НАТО считает, что США вернутся к выполнению Договора по открытому небу (ДОН), если Россия допустит инспекционные полеты у Калининграда и вблизи грузинской границы. Как сообщил генеральный секретарь Североатлантического альянса Йенс Столтенберг, страны-союзницы НАТО уже призывали Россию вернуться к полному соблюдению договора в 2014, 2016 году и 2018 году.
«В течение многих лет Россия вводила ограничения на полеты, что несовместимо с положениями договора, включая ограничения на полеты над Калининградской областью и ограничения на полеты в России вблизи ее границы с Грузией. Продолжающееся избирательное выполнение Россией подрывает Договор по открытому небу. На протяжении многих лет, в том числе на нескольких подряд встречах НАТО в верхах, страны НАТО призывали Россию вернуться к полному соблюдению»,— говорится в заявлении господина Столтенберга.
Он напомнил, что США могут пересмотреть свое решение о выходе, если Россия вернется к полному соблюдению пунктов договора. Страны НАТО готовы к взаимодействию с Россией, чтобы добиться возвращения к соблюдению ДОН.

В МИД РФ отреагировали на заявление НАТО о причинах выхода США из Договора по отрытому небу
В Москве отреагировали на заявление генерального секретаря НАТО Йенса Столтенберга в связи с решением США выйти из Договора по открытому небу (ДОН). Генсек Североатлантического альянса вину за проблемы договора возложил на Россию, чье «постоянное избирательное выполнение своих обязательств по договору подорвало вклад этого важного инструмента в обеспечение безопасности и стабильности в евроатлантическом регионе».
Замглавы МИД РФ Александр Грушко заявил , что, говоря о причинах решения США, в НАТО «все поставили с ног на голову». «К сожалению, это очередная попытка свалить все с больной головы на здоровую. Все понимают, что США приняли решение выйти из договора вовсе не из-за технических моментов, которые обсуждались в рамках Консультативной комиссии по открытому небу и по двусторонней линии»,— отметил дипломат.
По его мнению, этот шаг «нельзя рассматривать в отрыве от других деструктивных действий, которые предприняли американцы в последние годы, подорвав опоры военной безопасности, режима контроля над вооружениями и комплекса мер доверия на европейском континенте».
«Они вышли из Договора о ликвидации ракет средней и меньшей дальности, воспрепятствовали ратификации соглашения об адаптации Договора об обычных вооруженных силах в Европе, и, наконец, объявили о выходе из Договора по открытому небу,— отметил собеседник.— Более того, США теперь еще пускают пробные шары насчет возможности размещения американского ядерного оружия на территории Польши, что стало бы грубейшим нарушением обязательств, которые взял на себя альянс в рамках Основополагающего акта Россия—НАТО от 1997 года».
Александр Грушко также не согласился с заявлением Йенса Столтенберга о том, что все члены НАТО выполняют ДОН, и напомнил, что у России есть целый ряд серьезных претензий к США в рамках этого соглашения. «Грубейшим образом» нарушает соглашение, по его словам, и Грузия, уже много лет не разрешающая российским инспекторам осуществлять облет своей территории. «Это противоречит ключевым положениям договора, однако в НАТО действия Тбилиси предпочитают не замечать»,— сказал замминистра.
На вопрос, готова ли Россия снять ограничения по Калининградской области и границе с Абхазией и Южной Осетии, Александр Грушко ответил: «Эти вопросы являются постоянным предметом диалога в рамках Консультационной комиссии по открытому небу и по двусторонним каналам. При наличии доброй воли, все эти проблемы с учетом целей договора, решаемы. Все действия России отвечают положениям договора».
Дипломат напомнил, что в рамках консультативной комиссии рассматриваются «десятки и сотни вопросов, связанных с реализацией договора». «Эти вопросы всегда решались в духе сотрудничества и желания сохранить жизнеспособность этого инструмента»,— продолжил он. Претензии же к России по Калининградской области и границе с Абхазией и Южной Осетией, по его словам, «абсолютно необоснованны». Ранее “Ъ” подробно писал о том, чем руководствовалась Москва, вводя ограничения в этих регионах. Александр Грушко резюмировал: «Язык ультиматумов только загоняет ситуацию в тупик».

Европейские страны остаются в Договоре по открытому небу
Франция и ещё десять европейских стран заявили о намерении выполнять условия Договора по открытому небу, несмотря на объявленное президентом Трампом решение выйти из этого договора.
"Мы продолжим применять положения договора, который обладает очевидной ценностью [...] для нашей общей безопасности", — говорится в коммюнике. Его подписали представители министерств иностранных дел Франции, Германии, Бельгии, Испании, Финляндии, Италии, Люксембурга, Нидерландов, Португалии, Чехии и Швеции. Они выразили сожаление в связи с намерением США выйти из Договора и отметили, что решение США вступит в силу через шесть месяцев.
Европейские союзники назвали Договор по открытому небу важным элементом доверия между странами-участницами. Вместе с тем, они заявили, что разделяют опасения Вашингтона относительно выполнения Российской Федерацией положений договора, сообщило Международное французкое радио.

The Wall Street Journal
США планируют новые переговоры по ограничению количества ядерных боеголовок у России, Китая и США
22 мая 2020 г.
США приняли решение выйти из Договора об открытом небе, но в то же время планируют начать переговоры с Россией по новому соглашению об ограничении всех ядерных боеголовок России, Китая и США, но чтобы привлечь Китай, Трампу нужна помощь России.
"Новый переговорщик президента Трампа по контролю над вооружениями планирует в ближайшее время встретиться со своим российским коллегой, чтобы обсудить новое предложение США по далеко идущему соглашению об ограничении всех ядерных боеголовок в России, Китае и США, сообщили американские чиновники. Это ознаменует собой первый раз, когда администрация Трампа начнет переговоры по соглашению, которое должно заменить договор СНВ-III, распространяющийся на ядерные вооружения России и США высокой дальности: его срок действия истекает в феврале", - пишет The Wall Street Journal в эксклюзивном материале.
"Известие о новых переговоров появилось на фоне того, как администрация Трампа приняла решение о выходе из другого старого соглашения - отдельного Договора об открытом небе, которому почти 30 лет и которое было призвано уменьшить риск войны между Россией и Западом", - указывает газета.
"Маршалл Биллингсли, занявший в прошлом месяце пост представителя Трампа по контролю над вооружениями, начнет новые переговоры с заместителем министра иностранных дел России Сергеем Рябковым. Они работают над финализацией повестки дня встречи, которая, вероятно, состоится в Вене", - сообщается в статье.
"Мы договорились, что, учитывая ситуацию с Covid-19, мы встретимся как можно скорее, чтобы начать переговоры", - сообщил высокопоставленный представитель администрации Трампа.
"Новое предложение США гораздо более амбициозно, чем СНВ-III от 2010 года, не в последнюю очередь потому, что США стремятся убедить Китай присоединиться к переговорам. Представители США заявили, что широкомасштабная сделка необходима из-за прогнозируемого роста ядерных арсеналов Китая и России, - говорится в публикации. - Критики предупреждают, что стратегия администрации Трампа похожа на перегиб - и может привести к тупику, который подорвет существующую систему контроля над вооружениями, которая уже начала разрушаться. Обеспокоенность по поводу перспектив контроля над вооружениями высказали европейские чиновники после того, как госсекретарь Майк Помпео заявил, что США уведомят участников Договора об открытом небе за 6 месяцев о том, что они выходят. Это соглашение позволяет Западу и России проводить разведывательные полеты с целью формирования уверенности, что не планируется атака. США обвинили Россию в том, что она отказывает западным самолетам в пролетах над ее территорией. Отстаивая свое решение, Трамп заявил, что он будет стремиться поддерживать хорошие отношения с Россией, развивая другие соглашения по контролю над вооружениями или, возможно, вновь присоединившись к Соглашению об открытом небе, если Москва рассеет опасения США. (...) Заместитель министра иностранных дел России Александр Грушко, по сообщению государственного информационного агентства РИА Новости, заявил, что США использовали "надуманные предлоги" при принятии своего решения и что это является частью модели "деструктивных шагов в сфере стратегической стабильности и безопасности".
"Китай, обладающий гораздо меньшим ядерным арсеналом, чем США и Россия, неоднократно заявлял, что не будет участником трехстороннего ядерного соглашения. (...) Однако Биллингсли сообщил россиянам, что они должны помочь привлечь Китай за стол переговоров. По словам официальных лиц США, Америка планирует использовать дипломатические и, возможно, как намекают некоторые чиновники, экономические рычаги, чтобы настоять на участии Пекина", - пишет издание.
"Я не собираюсь делать вид, что это будет легко. Это что-то новое: трилатерализация контроля над ядерными вооружениями, - сказал высокопоставленный представитель администрации Трампа. - У китайцев не такая история с проверками соблюдения соглашений о контроле над вооружениями, так что это будет для них опытом обучения, но мы ожидаем, что они пойдут на этот опыт".
"Новое предложение США, в отличие от СНВ-III, также будет охватывать все ядерные боеголовки, включая те, которые складированные и те, которые установлены на системах ближнего действия", - отмечается в публикации.
"Администрация Трампа отмечает, что планирует предложить более тщательные меры проверки, чем в рамках СНВ-III, в том числе - требование более обширного обмена телеметрическими данными о ракетных испытаниях и мер, которые позволяют быстрее проводить инспекции на местах (...), - передает издание.
"Переговоры по крупному договору в сфере контроля над вооружениями - это многолетний процесс, в связи с чем возникает вопрос о том, какие ограничения будут действовать, пока идут переговоры. Договор СНВ-III может быть продлен на 5 лет по взаимному согласию. Но чиновники Трампа намекнули, что США, возможно, не пойдут на это, пока не начнутся и не продвинутся новые трехсторонние переговоры", - подчеркивает газета.
"Из всех будущих препятствий на пути к новому соглашению главное - убедить Китай присоединиться к нему. Китай имеет около 320 боеголовок, по данным Федерации американских ученых. Это небольшое количество по сравнению с 1750 единицами ядерного оружия, которые США развернули на своих системах высокой и малой дальности, из 3800 боеголовок, имеющихся в запасах США, согласно оценке группы. Разведывательное управление Министерства обороны США заявило, однако, что китайский арсенал, как ожидается, по крайней мере, удвоится в течение следующего десятилетия".
"По словам Фрэнка Клоца, генерал-полковник в отставке и бывший глава Национальной администрации по ядерной безопасности, которая курирует разработку ядерного арсенала США, считает, идея вовлечения Китая в новое трехстороннее соглашение сопряжена с трудностями. Установление равных ограничений для китайских, американских и российских вооруженных сил не является вариантом в стремлении к новому соглашению, поскольку Вашингтон не хочет, чтобы Китай достиг нынешнего американского уровня. Пентагон также не хочет сокращать свои силы до уровня Китая. "Почему китайцы должны согласиться на то, чтобы ограничить себя трехсторонним соглашением со значительно меньшими количествами, чем США?, - задается вопросом Клоц. - Почему Россия или США должны согласиться позволить Китаю иметь количества, равные России и США?" ... teral.html

МИД РФ предупредил США, что не будет приглашать Китай к переговорам по ДСНВ
США не могут рассчитывать, что Москва пригласит Китай за стол переговоров по Договору СНВ (ДСНВ), заявил замглавы МИД РФ Сергей Рябков. Он сказал, что Россия готова к контактам с США по стратегической стабильности, в том числе в очном формате. Господин Рябков также сообщил, что МИД РФ получил от посольства США официальную ноту о запуске процесса выхода США из Договора по открытому небу (ДОН).
«Позиция КНР нам хорошо известна, мы относимся к ней с большим уважением, и коллеги в Вашингтоне могут не рассчитывать на то, что мы будем предпринимать какие-либо усилия для удовлетворения их этого пожелания»,— сказал дипломат, выступая по видеоконференции в фонде публичной дипломатии имени Горчакова (цитата по «РИА Новости»).
Он выразил надежду, что коронавирус COVID-19 не поставит непреодолимых препятствий для личного общения делегаций. «И мы подтвердили американской стороне нашу готовность проводить и очные встречи в том числе»,— сказал господин Рябков.

The Washington Post
Мы видим тактический уклон в сторону России?
22 мая 2020 г.
Совокупный эффект действий администрации США на этой неделе - это тактический уклон в сторону России. Но пандемия является полезным моментом для всех стран, чтобы признать общие интересы, даже в тени скрытого вмешательства Кремля.
"Администрация Трампа на этой неделе направила характерный для себя смешанный месседж в сфере контроля над вооружениями: она объявила о плане выхода из Договора об открытом небе с Россией, но в то же время заявила о своем стремлении к более широкому процессу в сфере контроля над вооружениями, который включит не только Россию, но и Китай. Многие аналитики акцентировали внимание на расторжении договора как на признаке ухудшения отношений с Россией, но я думаю, что здесь разворачивается нечто более сложное и более обнадеживающее для отношений США и России", - пишет обозреватель The Washington Post Дэвид .
"В период усиливающейся риторической конфронтации с Китаем США расширяют свое взаимодействие с Москвой по вопросам контроля над вооружениями, гуманитарной помощи России в связи с Covid-19 и по другим вопросам, представляющим взаимный интерес", - поясняет он.
"Надо сказать, что, как это всегда бывает с администрацией Трампа, внутри страны звучат разнородные голоса. Некоторым чиновникам контроль над вооружениями не нравится и они хотели бы разорвать все соглашения, ограничивающие возможности США. Но есть лагерь, который всегда выступал за большее взаимодействие с Москвой во главе с самим президентом Трампом, и я подозреваю, что именно они и являются движущей силой политики. Чиновники администрации не говорят об этом прямо, но я предполагаю, что совокупный эффект действий администрации на этой неделе - это тактический уклон в сторону России", - подчеркивает обозреватель.
"В течение полувека стратегические переговоры представляли собой трехсторонний балансирующий акт между Вашингтоном, Москвой и Пекином. То, как в 1972 году президент Ричард Никсон открылся Китаю, было отчасти попыткой заполучить рычаги влияния в ведении переговоров с Советским Союзом. Точно так же новое обращение администрации Трампа к России может быть вызвано страхами перед растущим Китаем", - полагает Дэвид Игнатиус.
"Глобальная динамика власти меняется. Десять лет назад Китай считался страной, которая стремится лишь к ограниченному ядерному сдерживанию, так же как Великобритания или Франция. Это уже не так, уверены чиновники США. В настоящий момент Китай претендует на ядерный паритет - и Россия может разделять заинтересованность США в сдерживании растущей мощи Пекина", - подчеркивается в статье.
"Госсекретарь Майк Помпео заявил в четверг, что администрация намерена выйти из Договора по открытому небу, соглашения 1992 года, которое позволяет 34 подписавшим его сторонам совершать пролеты над территорией друг друга. США утверждают, что Россия нарушает пакт, а Помпео заявил, что США могут пересмотреть свой выход, если Россия будет соблюдать соглашение". Более широкая стратегия администрации была изложена позднее в четверг Маршаллом Биллингсли, новым специальным посланником Госдепартамента по контролю над вооружениями. В своем выступлении в Гудзонском институте он сказал, что планирует как можно скорее встретиться с заместителем министра иностранных дел России Сергеем Рябковым, чтобы обсудить ряд вопросов контроля над вооружениями, включая возможное продление или расширение договора СНВ-III, который истекает в следующем году. (...) По мнению Биллингсли, Рябков разделяет мнение США о том, что Китай должен стать частью будущих соглашений по ограничению ядерного оружия. (...)"
"Запланированные дискуссии по контролю над вооружениями происходят на фоне более широких усилий по сотрудничеству", - пишет Игнатиус, указывая на "гуманитарную помощь России, которая пытается справиться с серьезной вспышкой Covid-19, насчитывающей в настоящее время почти 320 тыс. случаев заболеваемости и уступающей по количеству только США. Администрация Трампа заявила на этой неделе, что планирует отправить России 200 аппаратов ИВЛ в качестве экстренной помощи (...)".
"Это показатель того, насколько спорное место занимает Россия в политике США, что даже эта экстренная медицинская помощь вызывает противоречия. Спикер Палаты представителей Нэнси Пелоси обрушилась на администрацию за пожертвование аппаратов ИВЛ, утверждая, что Россия "вполне может позволить себе оплатить их".
Однако, полагает автор, "(...) пандемия является полезным моментом для всех стран, чтобы признать общие интересы, даже в тени скрытого вмешательства Кремля. В последние недели американские и российские чиновники готовят стол для более серьезных переговоров. Трамп и президент России Владимир Путин на прошлой неделе обсудили направления возможного сотрудничества в ходе необнародованного телефонного звонка, который последовал за телефонными переговорами 6 мая между госсекретарем Майком Помпео и министром иностранных дел России Сергеем Лавровым, обсуждавшими следующие шаги по контролю над вооружениями и вопросы, вызывающие взаимную обеспокоенность".
"Контроль над вооружениями отныне - это улица с трехсторонним движением. Эти усилия имеют смысл. Но три - это по природе своей волатильное число. Как десятилетия назад заметил крестный отец ядерной стратегии Герман Кан, биполярный мир стабилен, и многополярный мир может в конечном итоге стать стабильным. Но переход между этими двумя мирами сопряжен с риском", - заключает автор публикации. ... ltilt.html

США назвали условие снятия санкций с «Роснефти»
Дипломатическое ведомство США поставило условием снятия санкций с нефтяной компании (НК) «Роснефть» разрыв ею связей с венесуэльскими властями.
«Если какие-либо отношения между „Роснефтью“ и режимом Николаса Мадуро будут продолжаться, Вашингтон не отменит санкции», — подчеркнула помощник замглавы Госдепа по Кубе и Венесуэле Кэрри Филипетти.
Российская госкомпания ранее вышла из бизнеса в Венесуэле. США считают лидером этой страны самопровозглашенного президента Хуана Гуайдо.
Между тем накануне стало известно, что 9,6% акций НК в рамках сделки по отказу от активов в Венесуэле перешли «дочке» «Роснефти» — ООО «РН-НефтьКапиталИнвест». Таким образом, доля «Роснефтегаза», через который власти контролируют НК, снизилась с контрольного пакета в 50% до чуть более 40,

Schiff calls on outgoing DNI Grenell to declassify Flynn's talks with Russians
Rep. Adam Schiff called on Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell to declassify the underlying intelligence reports on former national security adviser Michael Flynn so the American public may have a "complete public record free of political manipulation."
Schiff, the House Intelligence Committee chairman, wrote Grenell a letter Thursday blasting him for selectively declassifying the names of several Obama administration officials who "acted appropriately" to seek the identity of a U.S. person in intelligence reports -- who turned out to be Flynn-- while failing to also declassify the transcript of conversations Flynn had with the Russian ambassador that prompted their national security concerns.
Schiff said Grenell's selective declassification of the list of Obama administration officials is "without precedent" and "corrupt."
"It was a transparent political act—in an election year and during a pandemic, no less—in which you used the authorities of your position to insinuate wrongdoing by officials who acted appropriately in requesting the identity of masked U.S. persons to better understand foreign intelligence reports," Schiff, D-Calif., wrote. "This is inconsistent with the oath and obligations of an acting Director of National Intelligence."
Schiff added: "Selective declassification for political purposes is inappropriate, corrupt, and undermines public confidence in the IC as an apolitical pillar protecting the country regardless of the political affiliation of its Executive Branch customers.”
Grenell confirmed he's working to declassify more information on Flynn's case that's under his jurisdiction. "The public deserves to see it," he tweeted. ... h-russians

FBI Director Wray opens internal review into how bureau handled Michael Flynn case
The FBI announced Friday that Director Chris Wray has ordered an internal review of the handling of the bureau’s investigation into former national security adviser Michael Flynn, which will include examining whether current FBI employees "engaged in misconduct."
“FBI Director Christopher Wray today ordered the Bureau’s Inspection Division to conduct an after-action review of the Michael Flynn investigation,” the bureau said in a statement.
The review will be handled by the bureau’s Inspection Division, the FBI said. That division is similar to an internal affairs office in a police department.
The bureau said the “after-action review” will have a two-fold purpose: evaluating the FBI’s role in the case and determining whether any “current employees engaged in misconduct,” as well as identifying whether any “improvements” might be warranted to FBI procedures.
“Although the FBI does not have the prosecutorial authority to bring a criminal case, the Inspection Division can and will evaluate whether any current onboard employees engaged in actions that might warrant disciplinary measures,” the FBI said. ... flynn-case

FBI director orders internal review of Flynn investigation
FBI Director Christopher Wray has ordered an internal review into possible misconduct in the investigation of former Trump administration national security adviser Michael Flynn, the bureau said Friday.
The after-action review will examine whether any current employees engaged in misconduct during the course of the investigation and evaluate whether any improvements in FBI policies and procedures need to be made.
In announcing the review, the FBI, a frequent target of President Donald Trump’s wrath, is stepping into a case that has become a rallying cry for Trump supporters — and doing so right as the Justice Department pushes back against criticism that its recent decision to dismiss the prosection was a politically motivated effort to do Trump's bidding.
The announcement adds to the internal scrutiny over one of special counsel Robert Mueller's signature prosecutions during his investigation into ties between Russia and Trump's 2016 presidential campaign. It underscores how a case that was seemingly resolved by Flynn's 2017 guilty plea has instead given way to a protracted, politically charged debate about FBI and Justice Department tactics during that prosecution and the Russia probe more broadly.
The unusual review will be led by the bureau's Inspection Division, which conducts internal investigations into potential employee misconduct. Trump has recently been sharply critical of the FBI, and two weeks ago even suggested that Wray's fate as director was in limbo, but an FBI official said Friday that the review had been contemplated for some time.
Although the FBI does not have authority on its own to bring a criminal prosecution, the after-action review will look at whether any current employees engaged in misconduct deserving of discipline. The division cannot take disciplinary action against former employees.
It is not clear how many officials involved in the Flynn investigation remain with the FBI. Several prominent officials — including former Director James Comey, former Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and former agent Peter Strzok, who interviewed Flynn — have either been fired or have otherwise left the bureau.
The FBI did not say what sort of potential misconduct it was looking for in the investigation of Flynn, who pleaded guilty to lying to agents about conversations with the Russian ambassador during the presidential transition. But the case has long been a subject of outrage for Trump and his allies, who have alleged that Flynn was effectively set up to lie when the FBI questioned him at the White House in January 2017.
Those concerns were given new life earlier this month when the Justice Department moved to dismiss the case and identified a series of what it says were problems in the way Flynn was investigated.
The department's motion to dismiss alleges that agents had insufficient basis to interview Flynn in the first place, especially since the FBI had been prepared earlier in the month to close out its investigation into Flynn after finding no crime. It says any imperfect statements he may have made during the interview were not material to the underlying investigation into ties between Russia and Trump's presidential campaign.
Attorney General William Barr, who earlier this year overruled the sentencing recommendation of prosecutors in the case of Trump associate Roger Stone, defended the Flynn decision and said in a television interview that he was doing the “law's bidding" and correcting what he felt was an injustice.
The Justice Department noted that he was acting on the recommendation of U.S. Attorney Jeff Jensen of St. Louis, who was assigned by Barr to review the Flynn case.
But the move outraged former law enforcement officials involved in the case, who said the Justice Department had ignored the seriousness of the false statements that Flynn had admitted making as well as the gravity of their national security concerns about Flynn's interactions with the ambassador, Sergey Kislyak.
Flynn admitted in his guilty plea that he lied about having asked Kislyak to refrain from escalating the situation in response to sanctions imposed against Russia by the Obama administration for election interference. Obama administration Justice Department officials subsequently warned the Trump White House about that conversation, saying public misrepresentations about it left Flynn vulnerable to being blackmailed by Russia.
The request to dismiss the case has triggered its own internal back-and-forth in the courts.
U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan has assigned a retired judge to argue against the Justice Department's position. Flynn's attorneys have asked a federal appeals court to order Sullivan to dismiss the case, and to reassign any future court proceedings to another judge. An appeals court panel, meanwhile, has asked Sullivan to respond to the defense request.
The FBI said that in addition to its own internal review, it has cooperated and been transparent with multiple inquiries assigned by Barr, including lending its own agents to the Jensen probe.
“Director Wray authorized this additional level of review now that the Department of Justice, through Mr. Jensen’s work, has developed sufficient information to determine how to proceed in the Flynn case," the FBI statement said. “However, Mr. Jensen’s work will continue to take priority, and the Director has further ordered the Inspection Division to coordinate closely with Mr. Jensen and ensure that the review does not interfere with or impede his efforts.” ... 289432.php

ATLANTA (AP) — Joe Biden declared he “should not have been so cavalier” on Friday after he told a prominent black radio host that African Americans who back President Donald Trump “ain’t black.”
The presumptive Democratic presidential nominee quickly moved to address the fallout from his remark, which was interpreted by some as presuming black Americans would vote for him. In a call with the U.S. Black Chamber of Commerce that was added to his public schedule, Biden said he would never “take the African American community for granted.”
“I shouldn’t have been such a wise guy,” Biden said. “No one should have to vote for any party based on their race or religion or background.”
That was an acknowledgement of the stinging criticism he received in response to his comments, which he made on “The Breakfast Club,” a radio program that is popular in the black community.
The rebukes spanned from allies of Trump's reelection campaign — anxious to go on offense after weeks of defending the president's response to the coronavirus pandemic — to some activists who warned that Biden must still court black votes, even if African Americans overwhelmingly oppose the president.
“None of us can afford for the party or for this campaign to mess this election up, and comments like these are the kinds that frankly either make black voters feel like we’re not really valued and people don’t care if we show up or not,” said Alicia Garza, a Black Lives Matter co-founder and principal of Black Futures Lab.
Near the end of Biden's appearance on the radio program, host Charlamagne Tha God, pressed him on reports that he is considering Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar, who is white, to be his vice presidential running mate. The host told Biden black voters “saved your political life in the primaries” and “have things they want from you.”
Biden said that "I guarantee you there are multiple black women being considered. Multiple.”
A Biden aide then sought to end the interview, prompting the host to say, “You can’t do that to black media.”
Biden responded, “I do that to black media and white media” and said his wife needed to use the television studio.
He then added: “If you’ve got a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or for Trump, then you ain’t black.”
Trump's campaign and his allies immediately seized on Biden's comments. South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott, a Trump supporter and the Senate's sole black Republican, said he was “shocked and surprised” by Biden's remarks.
“I was struck by the condescension and the arrogance in his comments," Scott said in a conference call arranged by the Trump campaign. "I could not believe my ears that he would stoop so low to tell folks what they should do, how they should think, and what it means to be black.”
Trump himself has a history of incendiary rhetoric related to race.
When he launched his presidential campaign in 2015, Trump called many Mexican immigrants “rapists.” Campaigning in 2016, he asked black voters, "what the hell do you have to lose?”
In 2017, he said there good people on “both sides” of the clash in Charlottesville, Virginia, between white supremacists and anti-racist demonstrators that left one counter-protester dead.
In 2018, during a private White House meeting on immigration, Trump wondered why the United States was admitting so many immigrants from “shithole countries” like African nations. He also blasted four Democratic congresswomen of color, saying they hate America and should “go back” to where they come from, even though all are U.S. citizens and three were born in the U.S.
Black voters helped resurrect Biden’s campaign in this year's primaries with a second place finish in the Nevada caucuses and a resounding win in the South Carolina primary after he’d started with embarrassing finishes in overwhelmingly white Iowa and New Hampshire. Sixty-one percent of black voters supported Biden during the primary season, according to AP VoteCast surveys across 17 states that voted in February and March.
Biden is now seeking to maintain his standing with black voters while building the type of multiracial and multigenerational coalition that twice elected Barack Obama, whom he served as vice president. He has already committed to picking a woman as his running mate and is considering several African American contenders who could energize black voters. But Biden is also considering candidates such as Klobuchar, who could appeal to white moderates.
There is little chance of a sudden shift to support for Trump among black voters. A recent Fox News poll shows just 14% of African Americans who are registered to vote have a favorable opinion of Trump, compared with 84% who view him unfavorably.
Seventy-five percent of African American registered voters say they have a favorable view of Biden; 21% hold an unfavorable opinion.
There is a risk, however, of black voters, especially those who are younger, staying home in November, which could complicate Biden's path to victory in a tight election. The Breakfast Club is a particularly notable venue for Biden’s comments because the program is popular among younger African Americans.
Adrianne Shropshire, executive director of BlackPAC, a national organization that works to mobilize black voters, said many black Americans are loyal Biden supporters. But she said his comments make it harder to attract people who are on the fence about voting. ... 288705.php

Judy Woodruff:
Does something like this, Mark, hurt him?

Mark Shields:
It hurts. I think he corrected it quickly.
But it was a serious mistake, Judy. It showed a — first of all, a sense of entitlement of black votes, African-American vote, that somehow that they have to vote for Joe Biden. And that was wrong. And it was haughty. And it had a certain arrogance about it.
And, quite bluntly, in America, this marvelous mixing bowl of a country, whites don't get to tell blacks what being black means. And I think that was a mistake on Joe Biden's part.

David Brooks:
The — Tim Scott, the African-American Republican senator from South Carolina, had a good tweet. He said, 1.3 million African-Americans voted for Donald Trump, and it didn't make any of them any less black.
It's just a bad rule in general to say someone is less black, someone's less Jew, someone's less Catholic. These are just tropes we don't need. And so he said something. He was trying to be funny on a show that's very edgy, and he apologized for it.
So, to have a president who apologizes, that might be a relief to a lot of people. ... -in-voting

Republicans back away from House candidate over online posts
MODESTO, Calif. (AP) — National and state Republicans have withdrawn their support from a California congressional candidate over offensive online posts about Muslims and Hillary Clinton that he says are not his words.
House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy has called the posts disturbing but has not withdrawn his endorsement of Ted Howze, who is facing freshman Democrat Josh Harder in the farm belt's swing 10th District. However, McCarthy said in a statement that he "will take action immediately if Mr. Howze is found to be the originator of these posts.”
In a statement, Howze said he was the target of “maliciously false attacks" and intended to continue his campaign. He did not address the decisions by the California Republican Party or the campaign arm of House Republicans, the National Republican Congressional Committee, to withdraw their backing from his candidacy.
He said the posts, which include derogatory remarks about Muslims and suggest Hillary Clinton and her 2016 campaign chairman were responsible for the murder of Seth Rich, a former Democratic National Committee staffer, “do not resemble anything close to my personal words or actions.”
He attributed the attacks to “national Democrats and their left-wing media” who see him as a threat to Harder, who ousted Republican Rep. Jeff Denham in 2018.
California Republican Party Chairwoman Jessica Millan Patterson said the posts are “disgraceful, disgusting and do not represent the values we hold or the party we are building.” The party's board voted unanimously to rescind its endorsement of Howze.
NRCC Chairman Tom Emmer called the posts “unacceptable and not indicative of the Republican Party and what we are building.”
The posts were first reported by the website Politico, which said they were uncovered by Ryan Williams, a Democratic operative who last cycle managed Uniting California, a joint initiative by the California Labor Federation and Tom Steyer’s NextGen America aimed at flipping Republican-held House seats.
Harder's campaign said “the last thing we need in Congress is someone like Ted Howze.”
The Modesto Bee reported earlier this week that Howze’s campaign said someone else with access to his account posted the offensive statements and he did not agree with them. ... 289563.php

Bloomberg: газодобывающие компании США столкнулись с масштабными отказами от поставок
Клиенты американских газодобывающих компаний все чаще отказываются от ранее достигнутых договоренностей по поставкам СПГ, сообщает Bloomberg. Это вызвано тем, что покупателям газа становится негде хранить его из-за падения спроса на фоне пандемии коронавируса COVID-19.
Согласно опросу, проведенному журналистами Bloomberg, общее число отказов от поставок может достичь 35–45 в июле. Таким образом, в июле будет отменено больше половины поставок от их среднего ежемесячного числа, выполняемого американскими газодобытчиками. По данным Bloomberg, только Cheniere Energy, крупнейшая газодобывающая компания США, получила порядка 30 просьб от клиентов отменить поставки СПГ в июле. В июне компания недосчитается по крайней мере десяти планировавшихся ранее поставок.

2 out of 3 tech workers would leave SF permanently if they could work remotely ... 289316.php

Newsom responds to Justice Department warning over church closures
After receiving a formal warning from the United States Justice Department over church closures, California Gov. Gavin Newsom said his state is "weeks away" from allowing in-person religious services to resume.
A group of federal attorneys wrote a letter to Newsom warning him that prolonged church closures likely violate the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment due to the fact that similar non-religious businesses are receiving the green light to reopen in Stage 2.
"Laws that do not treat religious activities equally with comparable nonreligious activities are subject to heightened scrutiny under the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment," the letter states. "Laws that are not both neutral toward religion and generally applicable are invalid unless the government can prove that they further a compelling interest and are pursued through the least restrictive means possible. Religious gatherings may not be singled out for unequal treatment compared to other nonreligious gatherings that have the same effect on the government’s public health interest, absent the most compelling reasons."
The letter states that while the initial shelter-in-place order likely passed the strict scrutiny standard, continuing to not allow churches to reopen in Stage 2 under new physical distancing requirements along with retail businesses, restaurants, and certain office spaces is a form of unconstitutional religious discrimination.
On Thursday, Newsom told MSNBC's Stephanie Ruhle that worshippers will be allowed back inside churches within weeks.
"I have deep faith and devotion to our churches, I grew up in the church and went to a Jesuit university and I have deep reverence for congregants and parishioners that want to reconnect with their community and to their faith and be able to practice accordingly," Newsom said. "We're just a few weeks away from meaningful modifications that will allow just that to happen."
During a press conference Friday, Newsom said guidelines would be released Monday.
"We look forward to churches reopening in a safe and responsible manner," he said. "We haven’t waited around for the federal recommendations in this space. We take the issue very seriously and to heart."
The "few weeks" timeline Newsom appears to be referring to is Stage 3 of his reopening plan, which allows for the return of "high-risk" businesses such as gyms, hair salons and other personal care services. Churches have always been classified as Stage 3 businesses, and Newsom stated Monday he believes the state will move into Stage 3 in early June. ... 289103.php

Trump orders houses of worship opened
Trump says he will overrule any governor who refuses

Judge Napolitano: Trump has no authority to override church bans
Fox News senior judicial analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano said Friday that President Trump does not have the authority he says he does when it comes to overriding governors who will not allow churches or synagogues to reopen.
However, Napolitano told "The Daily Briefing" that the governors' bans are "ill-advised" and that the president does have one major recourse should a state executive fail to listen to his orders.
"In a word, no," he said of Trump's authority on the matter.
"As ill-advised as these gubernatorial orders are -- as essential as is the right to worship, as fundamental as it is -- as absolutely protected by the First Amendment as it is, the president does not have any authority to override the governors," he said.
Instead, Napolitano said Trump can order Attorney General William Barr and the Justice Department to file federal lawsuits against states that infringe on the First Amendment rights of their citizens.
Federal judges, thereby, are the ones with the legal power to override governors' orders. ... r-recourse

Trump announces that houses of worship are ‘essential,’ calls on governors to open them up
Trump on Friday announced that new Centers for Disease Control guidance will classify houses of worship as “essential,” as he called on governors to allow them to open “right now” after being closed during the coronavirus lockdowns.
Trump announced the policy for churches, synagogues and mosques, during a short briefing at the White House.
"The governors need to do the right thing and allow these very important essential places of faith to open right now--for this weekend," Trump said. "If they don't do it, I will override the governors."
"In America, we need more prayer not less," Trump added.
It's unclear under what authority Trump has to override governors. But Trump took issue with certain businesses being open, while churches are not. Attorney General William Barr already warned last month that coronavirus restrictions by state and local government should be applied evenly and not single out religious organizations.
"Some governors have deemed the liquor stores and abortion clinics as essential," Trump said. "But have left out churches and other houses of worship. It's not right. So I'm correcting this injustice and calling houses of worship essential."
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released interim guidelines Friday for communities of faith that acknowledge "millions of Americans embrace worship as an essential part of life" but also warn that "gatherings present a risk for increasing the spread of COVID-19."
The guidelines encourage the use of cloth face coverings during services, limiting the size of gatherings, social distancing during services and suspending or decreasing choirs and singing in church since "singing may contribute to transmission of COVID-19, possibly through emission of aerosols," the CDC says.
Last week the CDC released new guidelines that schools, businesses and other organizations can use as states reopen from coronavirus shutdowns. The document, however, excluded guidance for churches and faith-based groups because the White House raised concerns about the recommended restrictions, the Associated Press reported. ... en-them-up

Trump declares churches 'essential,' calls on them to reopen
Trump on Friday labeled churches and other houses of worship as “essential" and called on governors nationwide to let them reopen this weekend even though some areas remain under coronavirus lockdown.
The president threatened to “override” governors who defy him, but it was unclear what authority he has to do so.
“Governors need to do the right thing and allow these very important essential places of faith to open right now — for this weekend," Trump said at a hastily arranged press conference at the White House. Asked what authority Trump might have to supersede governors, White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said she wouldn't answer a theoretical question.
Trump has been pushing for the country to reopen as he tries to reverse an economic free fall playing out months before he faces reelection. White evangelical Christians have been among the president's most loyal supporters, and the White House has been careful to attend to their concerns throughout the crisis.
Following Trump's announcement, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released new guidelines for communities of faith on how to safely reopen, including recommendations to limit the size of gatherings and consider holding services outdoors or in large, well-ventilated areas.
Public health agencies have generally advised people to avoid gatherings of more than 10 people and encouraged Americans to remain 6 feet (1.8 meters) away from others when possible. Some parts of the country remain under some version of remain-at-home orders.
In-person religious services have been vectors for transmission of the virus. A person who attended a Mother’s Day service at a church in Northern California that defied the governor’s closure orders later tested positive, exposing more than 180 churchgoers. And a choir practice at a church in Washington state was labeled by the CDC as an early “superspreading" event.
But Trump on Friday stressed the importance of churches in many communities and said he was “identifying houses of worship — churches, synagogues and mosques — as essential places that provide essential services.”
“Some governors have deemed liquor stores and abortion clinics as essential” but not churches, he said. “It’s not right. So I’m correcting this injustice and calling houses of worship essential."
“These are places that hold our society together and keep our people united,” he added.
Dr. Deborah Birx, coordinator of the White House coronavirus task force, said faith leaders should be in touch with local health departments and can take steps to mitigate risks, including making sure those who are at high risk of severe complications remain protected.
“There’s a way for us to work together to have social distancing and safety for people so we decrease the amount of exposure that anyone would have to an asymptomatic," she said.
A person familiar with the White House’s thinking who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberations said Trump had called the news conference, which had not been on his public schedule, because he wanted to be the face of church reopenings, knowing how well it would play with his political base.
Churches around the country have filed legal challenges opposing virus closures. In Minnesota, after Democratic Gov. Tim Walz this week declined to lift restrictions on churches, Roman Catholic and some Lutheran leaders said they would defy his ban and resume worship services. They called the restrictions unconstitutional and unfair since restaurants, malls and bars were allowed limited reopening.
Some hailed the president's move, including Kelly Shackelford, president of the conservative First Liberty Institute.
“The discrimination that has been occurring against churches and houses of worship has been shocking," he said in a statement. "Americans are going to malls and restaurants. They need to be able to go to their houses of worship.”
But Rabbi Jack Moline, president of Interfaith Alliance, said it was “completely irresponsible” for Trump to call for a mass reopening of houses of worship.
“Faith is essential and community is necessary; however, neither requires endangering the people who seek to participate in them,” he said. “The virus does not discriminate between types of gatherings, and neither should the president."
Rhode Island Gov. Gina Raimondo, a Democrat, made clear that churches and other houses of worship will not resume in-person services in her state until at least next weekend and said she was skeptical Trump had the authority to impose such a requirement.
“It’s reckless to force them to reopen this weekend. They’re not ready,” she said. “We’ve got a good plan. I’m going to stick with it.”
New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu, a Republican, said he would review the federal guidance, while maintaining a decision rests with him.
"Obviously we’d love to get to the point where we can get those open, but we’ll look at the guidance documents and try to make some decisions rather quickly, depending on what it might say,” he said. “It’s the governor’s decision, of course.”
The CDC more than a month ago sent the Trump administration documents the agency had drafted outlining specific steps various kinds of organizations, including houses of worship, could follow as they worked to reopen safely. But the White House dragged its feet, concerned that the recommendations were too specific and could give the impression the administration was interfering in church operations.
The guidance posted Friday contains most of the same advice as the draft guidance. It calls for the use of face coverings and recommends keeping worshippers 6 feet from one another and cutting down on singing, which can spread aerosolized drops that carry the virus.
But there are some differences.
The draft guidance discussed reopening in steps. A first phase would have limited gatherings to video streaming and drive-in services. Later phases allow in-person gatherings of limited size and only when social distancing precautions could be followed. The new guidance has no discussion of such phases.
Another difference: The draft guidance said everyone who attends a service should wear a face covering, while the new guidance says masks should be used when social distancing cannot be maintained. ... 289272.php

Judy Woodruff:
... I want to bring in the fact that we are seeing, as the president pushes harder and harder for the country to open up, the support for this is breaking along partisan lines.
We had a new poll this week, "NewsHour"/NPR/Marist, showing that more Republicans are with the president, more Democrats are more cautious.
How do you look at all this?

David Brooks:
First, the president is not subtle in his culture war fighting. He wanted to defend Christmas against the alleged war on Christmas. And now he is doing this.
It's a pretty naked attempt to try to appeal to evangelical voters. Churches happen to be one of the places where we have seen a lot of super spreading. One of the Korean churches was in — early in — was one of the worst things that happened. And so that's — it's just foolish.
The second foolishness is that a national policy here is just not a good policy. This is very context-specific. This virus is very decentralized. It hits one place, it doesn't hit another.
So, every decision that should be made, in my view, should be at the local possibilist level. And so Trump is just — it's just politics. It's just words out of his mouth.

Judy Woodruff:
Mark, in terms of the president's overall determination to get the country to open up, is this something that, in the long run, he looks stronger as a leader for having done this?

Mark Shields:
Well, Judy, I think the president, understandably, wants to switch the subject.
It's interesting. ABC News has measured each month people's confidence in the president's leadership and their trust of him on handling the coronavirus. It was — it reached a high of 54 percent in March. Then it dropped down to 44 percent. And now in the latest, in May, it's at 39 percent.
So, the president wants to get off the — his coronavirus shepherding and get back, he hopes, to an economy, which was his calling card for reelection, and that somehow, in the next six months, he could — well, five months, I guess now in a couple of weeks — that it could get revitalized confidence and optimism in the economy, and show some progress.
That's it. I mean, it hasn't worked for him as surgeon general. And he's got to try and do it as the economic chief. ... -in-voting

Trump blasts Michigan AG for 'viciously threatening' Ford for letting him tour plant without mask
President Trump blasted the attorney general of Michigan late Thursday after she said she was going to have a “very serious conversation” with Ford Motor Co. for allowing the president to go without a mask during part of a tour of the company's Rawsonville Components Plant in Ypsilanti. ... thout-mask

Trump bashes Michigan AG after she calls him 'a petulant child' for refusing to wear mask
President Donald Trump lashed out at Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel, D, in a pair of late-night tweets Thursday after she called him "a petulant child" following his refusal to wear a face mask at all times during his visit to a Ford manufacturing plant in the state earlier that day.
"The president is like a petulant child who refuses to follow the rules," Nessel said in a Thursday evening appearance on CNN. "This is no joke."
Nessel, who wrote a strongly worded letter to Trump ahead of his visit telling him that he had a "legal" and "moral responsibility" to wear a mask, unleashed on the president in an interview with CNN's Wolf Blitzer. Nessel slammed Trump for sending a "terrible message" and said that his unwillingness to adhere to Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer's executive order and Ford's company policy mandating face coverings showed that he does not care about anyone but himself.
"He is a ridiculous person and I am ashamed to have him be president of the United States of America," she said. "I hope that the voters of Michigan will remember this when November comes. That he didn't care enough about their safety, he didn't care about their welfare, he didn't respect them enough just to engage in the very simple task, the painless task, the easy task of wearing a mask when he was provided one."
She continued: "I hope that we'll have a new president soon enough who does respect people more than this president does."
The state's chief law enforcement official also doubled down on her previous threat to take action against any company or facility in Michigan that allows Trump inside without a mask, telling Blitzer that her office is "going to have to have a very serious conversation with Ford in the event that they permitted the president to be in publicly enclosed places in violation of the order."
Nessel's criticism did not go over well with Trump.
"The Wacky Do Nothing Attorney General of Michigan, Dana Nessel, is viciously threatening Ford Motor Company for the fact that I inspected a Ventilator plant without a mask," the president tweeted shortly after 11 p.m. "Not their fault, & I did put on a mask. No wonder many auto companies left Michigan, until I came along!"
Less than five minutes later, Trump fired off another attack aimed at the "Do nothing A.G. of the Great State of Michigan."
Nessel, he wrote, "should not be taking her anger and stupidity out on Ford Motor - they might get upset with you and leave the state, like so many other companies have - until I came along and brought business back to Michigan."
Ford did not respond to a request for comment from The Washington Post early Friday. But in a statement to reporters after Trump's visit, the company said that executive chairman Bill Ford had "encouraged" the president to wear a face covering on his tour inside the Detroit-area factory that has been repurposed to produce ventilators and masks.
"He wore a mask during a private viewing of three Ford GTs from over the years," the company's statement said. "The President later removed the mask for the remainder of the visit."
Trump said as much to reporters Thursday after he was questioned about his decision to go without a mask.
"I had one on before," he said, standing barefaced in front of several men wearing masks and a large sign advertising the facility's mask-making efforts. "But I didn't want to give the press the pleasure of seeing it."
Trump went on to add that he was "given a choice" about donning a face covering.
"I had one on in an area where they preferred it, so I put it on and it was very nice. But they said, 'Not necessary here,' " he said, later showing off a navy blue mask with a presidential seal to the cameras.
When asked to confirm Trump's comments, Bill Ford only shrugged and responded, "It's up to him."
Trump's disregard for the facility's policy and Whitmer's executive order, which requires that face coverings be worn in all enclosed public spaces, sparked widespread backlash Thursday, most notably from Nessel. Ahead of Trump's visit, Nessel had said that the president would be asked not to come back to Michigan if he didn't follow the state's mask mandate.
In her interview with Blitzer, Nessel said Thursday's events were "extremely disappointing and yet totally predictable," likely referring to past instances in which Trump has not respected mask policies - even those implemented by the White House.
Still, Nessel stressed that Trump's actions are "very, very concerning."
"He's conveying the worst possible message to people who cannot afford to be on the receiving end of terrible misinformation," she said, noting that the virus has now killed more than 93,000 people nationwide. In Michigan alone, there are about 53,500 confirmed cases and more than 5,100 deaths, according to most recent figures.
By flouting mask requirements, Nessel said Trump is essentially telling people, "I don't care about you. . . . I don't care about anyone but myself."
On the subject of taking action against Ford, Nessel did not go into specifics, but warned the automaker that Thursday's visit could have jeopardized the safety of its employees.
"They knew exactly what the order was and if they permitted anyone, even the president of the United States to defy that order, I think it has serious health consequences, potentially to their workers," she said. "The last thing we want to see is for this particular plant now to have to close its doors . . . because someone may have been infected by the president. That is a real possibility."
Though the novel coronavirus reached the White House earlier this month, Trump said he has consistently tested negative. Before leaving for Michigan on Thursday, Trump gave an update on his daily test results, telling reporters, "I tested very positively in another sense. . . . I tested positively toward negative."
"I tested perfectly this morning," he continued. "Meaning I tested negative. But that's a way of saying it: Positively toward the negative."
That didn't stop Nessel from condemning Trump's behavior at the Ford factory Thursday, or responding to his Twitter attack with scathing tweets of her own.
"Seems like you have a problem with all 3 women who run MI - as well as your ability to tell the truth," Nessel tweeted just before midnight, referencing Trump's recent clashes with Whitmer and Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson.
"Also, hard to say I've 'done nothing' as AG with all the lawsuits myself and the other @DemocraticAGs have filed and won against you," she added.
Nessel wasn't the only one on Thursday who went after Trump for failing to wear a mask for the entirety of his tour.
The sight of the lower half of Trump's face proved equally upsetting to late-night host Stephen Colbert, who lumped the president's visit in with the "series of disasters" Michigan is experiencing.
But the CBS host said Trump was right about one thing: the media would be too happy to see him in a mask.
"There would be enormous pleasure in seeing less of his face," Colbert joked. ... 288383.php

Judy Woodruff:
A lot of people commenting when the president goes out, as he is trying to, he's not wearing a mask. Does it matter that the president doesn't?

David Brooks:
Yes, that's exceptionally poor leadership. You lead by example. That's elementary school leadership.
I think the worst thing that could happen right now is that we — opening and not opening became a partisan issue. Republicans and Democrats do differ, but not all that much. You still get 75, 77 percent of the country supporting social distancing.
In our polarized age, you just don't get that much. If you look at the movement in red and blue states, there's no real difference in how people are behaving.
There's a significant distance — difference in how people see the future. Democrats, by some gigantic percentage, 80 or 90 percent, say the worst is still ahead of us. Republicans, by some gigantic percentage, say that worst is still behind us.
But the fact is, the opening up is happening. And it's happening in all 50 states, and it's going to happen everywhere. And it's not a political decision. It's a question of striking a balance between safety and economic opportunity.
And so it's not an ideological issue. It's just the delicate balance that will be different in every single place. ... -in-voting

Трамп перечислил зарплату за первый квартал на разработку лекарств от коронавируса
Трамп перечислил министерству здравоохранения и социальных служб страны 100 тыс. долларов - всю свою зарплату за первый квартал нынешнего года - на разработку лекарств по борьбе с коронавирусом, передает ТАСС.
"Трамп жертвует свою зарплату за первый квартал 2020 года министерству здравоохранения и социальных служб для поддержки предпринимаемых усилий по разработке новых лекарств для лечения и профилактики коронавируса", - сообщила в пятницу на брифинге для журналистов пресс-секретарь Белого дома Кейли Макинэни..
В начале марта американский лидер также перечислил министерству страны 100 тыс. долларов
После победы на выборах Трамп отказался от зарплаты президента, составляющей 400 тыс. в год. Однако по закону ее необходимо выплачивать и президент объявил, что намерен отдавать ее на различные благотворительные цели.
По информации Университета Джонса Хопкинса, который проводит подсчеты на основе данных федеральных и местных властей, в США зафиксировали более 1,58 млн случаев заражения коронавирусом, умерли более 95,2 тыс. человек. С начала пандемии коронавирусом в мире заразились около 5,1 млн человек, свыше 327 тыс. умерли.

Hydroxychloroquine, chloroquine linked to increased risk of death in hospitalized coronavirus patients, study finds
A study of hospitalized coronavirus patients who were treated with hydroxychloroquine – the drug President Trump said he has been taking daily for about two weeks to stave off infection – as well as chloroquine, another drug recently touted as a possible COVID-19 antidote, found an increased risk of death associated with both medications.
The findings, published in The Lancet on Friday, focused on exploring the use of hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine both alone and in combination with a second-generation macrolide, and the associated safety and benefit in patients diagnosed with COVID-19. While the drugs are deemed generally safe when prescribed for patients with malaria or an autoimmune disease, little is known about the potential effects they may have in COVID-19 patients.
The analysis included data from 671 hospitals across six continents, which pooled together resulted in 96,032 patients who had tested positive for COVID-19 and were hospitalized between Dec. 2019 and April 2020. Of this population,1,868 patients received chloroquine, 3,783 received chloroquine with a macrolide, 3,016 received hydroxychloroquine, and 6,221 received hydroxychloroquine with a macrolide. The other 81,144 patients served as a control group. Patients who had received remdesivir were excluded, as were those who were given the medications 48 hours after being diagnosed or placed on a ventilator. In total, 10,698 patients died while in the hospital.
The researchers said that after considering multiple confounding factors when compared with mortality in the control group, hydroxychloroquine, hydroxychloroquine with macrolide, chloroquine, and chloroquine with a macrolide were “independently associated with an increased risk of de-novo ventricular arrhythmia during hospitalization.”
Further, the researchers concluded that they were unable to “confirm a benefit of hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine when used alone or with a macrolide, on in-hospital outcomes for COVID-19.”
“Each of these drug regimens was associated with decreased in-hospital survival and increased frequency of ventricular arrhythmias when used for treatment of COVID-19,” the researchers wrote.
The drugs were thrust into the spotlight by Trump, who said he requested hydroxychloroquine from his physician, Dr. Sean Conley. He said he had been taking it daily, along with a zinc supplement, after the pair decided the potential benefits outweighed the risks.
His comments set off a firestorm of controversy among health experts and physicians who urged the public not to take medications unless prescribed by a doctor. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has previously warned against the use of the drug outside of hospital settings after receiving reports of “serious heart rhythm problems.”
“The FDA is aware of reports of serious heart rhythm problems in patients with COVID-19 treated with hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine, often in combination with azithromycin,” the agency said. “We are also aware of increased use of these medicines through outpatient prescriptions. Therefore, we would like to remind health care professionals and patients of the known risks associated with both hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine.”
Another study involving the use of hydroxychloroquine at veterans hospitals found no benefit among COVID-19 patients. The research, which was paid for by grants from the National Institutes of Health and the University of Virginia, evaluated data from 368 COVID-19 patients and found that about 28 percent who were given the drug in addition to the usual care died, versus 11 percent of those who only received routine care.
“An association of increased overall mortality was identified in patients treated with hydroxychloroquine alone," the researchers wrote. "These findings highlight the importance of awaiting the results of ongoing prospective, randomized, controlled studies before widespread adoption of these drugs.” ... tudy-finds

Trump lashes out at scientists whose findings contradict him
"A Trump enemy statement,” he said of one study.
“A political hit job,” he said of another.
As President Donald Trump pushes to reopen the country despite warnings from doctors about the consequences of moving too quickly during the coronavirus crisis, he has been lashing out at scientists whose conclusions he doesn't like.
Twice this week, Trump has not only dismissed the findings of studies but suggested — without evidence — that their authors were motivated by politics and out to undermine his efforts to roll back coronavirus restrictions.
First it was a study funded in part by his own government's National Institutes of Health that raised alarms about the use of hydroxychloroquine, finding higher overall mortality in coronavirus patients who took the drug while in Veterans Administration hospitals. Trump and many of his allies had been trumpeting the drug as a miracle cure and Trump this week revealed that he has been taking it to try to ward off the virus — despite an FDA warning last month that it should only be used in hospital settings or clinical trials because of the risk of serious side effects, including life-threatening heart problems.
“If you look at the one survey, the only bad survey, they were giving it to people that were in very bad shape. They were very old, almost dead," Trump told reporters Tuesday. “It was a Trump enemy statement."
He offered similar pushback Thursday to a new study from Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health. It found that more than 61% of COVID-19 infections and 55% of reported deaths — nearly 36,000 people — could have been been prevented had social distancing measures been put in place one week sooner. Trump has repeatedly defended his administration's handling of the virus in the face of persistent criticism that he acted too slowly.
”Columbia's an institution that’s very liberal," Trump told reporters Thursday. "I think it’s just a political hit job, you want to know the truth.”
Trump has long been skeptical of mainstream science — dismissing human-made climate change as a “hoax,” suggesting that noise from wind turbines causes cancer and claiming that exercise can deplete a body's finite amount of energy. It's part of a larger skepticism of expertise and backlash against “elites” that has become increasingly popular among Trump's conservative base.
But undermining Americans’ trust in the integrity and objectivity of scientists is especially dangerous during a pandemic when the public is relying on its leaders to develop policies based on the best available information, said Larry Gostin, a Georgetown University law professor who is an expert in public health.
“If the president is politicizing science, if he’s discounting health experts, then the public is going to be fearful and confused," Gostin said, calling it “dismaying."
The White House rejected that thinking, noting that Trump has followed his administration's public health officials' recommendations through much of the crisis.
“Any suggestion that the president does not value scientific data or the important work of scientists is patently false as evidenced by the many data-driven decision he has made to address the COVID-19 pandemic, including cutting off travel early from highly-infected populations, expediting vaccine development, issuing the 15-day and later 30-day guidance to ‘slow the spread,’ and providing governors with a clear, safe road map to opening up America again," said White House spokesman Judd Deere.
Yet Trump has made clear that, at least when it comes to hydroxychloroquine, he has prioritized anecdotal evidence, including a letter he told reporters he'd received from a doctor in Westchester, New York, claiming success with the drug.
Asked this week what evidence he had that the drug was effective in preventing COVID-19, Trump responded: "Are you ready? Here’s my evidence: I get a lot of positive calls about it."
That veterans study, funded by grants from the NIH and the University of Virginia, was not a rigorous experiment, but a retrospective analysis by researchers at several universities looking at the impact of hydroxychloroquine in patients at veterans' hospitals across the nation. It found no benefit and more deaths among those given hydroxychloroquine versus standard care alone. The work was posted online for researchers and has not been reviewed by other scientists.
The Columbia study, in draft form, also hasn't yet been published or reviewed by other experts. The researchers ran numbers through a mathematical model, making assumptions about how quickly the coronavirus spreads and how people behave in hypothetical circumstances.
Trump's criticism of the studies also comes as his allies have been eager to counter messaging from public health experts who say Trump is putting lives at risk by pushing states to quickly reopen in an election year. Republican political operatives have been recruiting pro-Trump doctors to go on television to advocate for reviving the U.S. economy as quickly as possible, without waiting to meet federal safety benchmarks.
Gostin said Trump should leave it to his public health agencies to assess emerging data and the value of various studies.
“I think there are real dangers," he said, “for the president to play scientist and doctor on TV. ... 288449.php

Barr says America's 'democratic values' are dependent on the US beating China in the 5G race
In a roundtable with the State Department Thursday, Attorney General William Barr emphasized the importance of the US beating China in the race for 5G telecommunications networks. ... he-5g-race

США осудили КНР из-за нового законопроекта о нацбезопасности Гонконга
США осуждают КНР за одностороннее навязывание Гонконгу нового закона о национальной безопасности в автономии, заявил госсекретарь США Майк Помпео. По его мнению, действия Пекина могут повлиять на оценку статуса Гонконга со стороны Вашингтона, передает Reuters.
В пятницу, 22 мая в Пекине открылась ежегодная сессия Всекитайского собрания народных представителей. Накануне в повестку дня сессии был внесен закон о национальной безопасности автономии. По словам Помпео этот шаг идет вразрез с законодательством региона и не учитывает мнение жителей города.
Вашингтон призвал Пекин пересмотреть свое решение. Американские СМИ пишут, что Соединенные Штаты готовы ввести санкции в отношении Китая в случае утверждения документа.
Reuters отмечает, что новый закон о нацбезопасности может стать поводом для создания в Гонконге баз спецслужб материкового Китая. Это может привести к новым антиправительственным протестам.
О том, что Гонконг в срочном порядке должен принять собственный закон о национальной безопасности для сдерживания актов насилия и сепаратизма, китайские власти заявили в апреле.
Пекин считает, что протесты летом прошлого года нанесли удар по верховенству права в автономии. С сфере национальной безопасности китайские власти также отнесли борьбу с эпидемией COVID-19.
В понедельник в законодательном совете Гонконга произошла потасовка во время обсуждения законопроекта о наказании за неуважение к гимну КНР, как в остальном Китае. Анонимный источник на материке сказал гонконгской англоязычной газете South China Morning Post, что Всекитайское собрание народных представителей вынуждено было взять инициативу на себя, поскольку законодательный совет Гонконга оказался не в состоянии принять закон о безопасности.
В сентябре пройдут выборы в законодательный совет Гонконга. Если демократические силы повторят на них свой успех на прошлогодних выборах в районные органы власти, они смогут блокировать законопроекты, вносимые пропекинской администрацией.
Вопросы взаимоотношений Пекина и автономного района Гонконг относятся ко внутренней политике Китая, в которую не имеет права вмешиваться ни одна страна в мире, заявил в пятницу спикер МИД КНР Чжао Лицзянь, комментируя высказывания США по поводу притеснения Гонконга центральными властями в Пекине.
По словам спикера МИД КНР, китайское правительство настроено решительно и будет защищать суверенитет и национальные интересы.
Подробнее: ... nglaw.html

В боксерскую секцию его привела мизантропия.

 Post subject: Re: США сегодня - снаружи и изнутри
PostPosted: Mon May 25, 2020 12:21 am 

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США начали диалог с Россией с ультиматума
Выход из договора произойдет через шесть месяцев, а госсекретарь Майк Помпео в пятницу объявил об этом решении остальным странам — участницам договора. Вашингтон заявил, что идет на этот шаг из-за постоянных нарушений условий договора российской стороной. Впрочем, как отмечают в администрации, если «Россия изменит поведение», решение США о выходе из «открытого неба» еще можно пересмотреть. Одновременно команда Трампа объявила, что она заинтересована заключить новый договор об ограничении ядерных вооружений, в котором будут участвовать не только Москва, но и Пекин. Так что с Россией собираются вести диалог, он фактически уже идет, сообщил на брифинге спецпредставитель американского президента по вопросам разоружения Маршалл Биллингсли.
Договор об открытом небе (The Treaty on Open Skies) был подписан 24 марта 1992 года в Хельсинки представителями 23 государств — членов Организации по безопасности и сотрудничеству в Европе (ОБСЕ). Документ стал одним из символов эпохи окончания холодной войны. Россия ратифицировала договор 26 мая 2001 года. Сейчас его участниками являются 34 государства. Они могут совершать облеты территорий друг друга с целью контроля военной деятельности на самолетах, не носящих оружие. При этом разрешено вести фото- и видеосъемку. В Вашингтоне напоминают, что эту идею выдвигал еще президент Дуйат Эйзенхауэр в 1957-м.
Односторонний выход США из договора — еще один шаг президента Трампа, который не нашел отклика ни среди европейских союзников, ни среди политических оппонентов внутри США.
Суть обвинений
Во время общения с журналистами у Белого дома Трамп заявил, что у него «хорошие отношения» с Россией (из недавних примеров можно вспомнить совместное заявление президентов России и США к 75-летию встречи союзников на Эльбе), но Москва якобы не выполняет свои обязательства по договору. 45-й президент США оптимистично предположил, что «есть очень высокие шансы, что мы заключим новое соглашение».
По его мнению, Россия «сама придет и выразит желание заключить сделку».
«Вместо того чтобы использовать Договор об открытом небе как механизм для укрепления доверия и уверенности при соблюдении открытости в военных вопросах, Россия превратила соглашение в инструмент запугивания и угроз, сделала его продолжением своих вооружений», — сказано в заявлении госсекретаря США Майка Помпео.
Вот список претензий Вашингтона:
Россия отказала в доступе к наблюдательным полетам в пределах 10-километрового коридора вдоль своей границы с Абхазией и Южной Осетией, «тем самым пытаясь выдвинуть ложные заявления о том, что эти оккупированные территории Грузии являются независимыми государствами»;
Россия назначила аэродром для дозаправки в рамках «Открытого неба» в Крыму, который США и большинство стран считают территорией Украины. «Это тоже попытка продвинуть свои утверждения о мнимой аннексии полуострова, с которой США не соглашаются и никогда не согласятся», — говорится в заявлении Помпео;
Россия незаконно ввела ограничение на дальность полета над Калининградом, несмотря на тот факт, что этот анклав стал местом значительного наращивания военной мощи, которое, по мнению российских чиновников, включает в себя ракеты ближнего радиуса действия с ядерными боеголовками, нацеленные на НАТО. В 2019 году Россия неоправданно отказала в совместном наблюдательном полете США и Канады над крупными российскими военными учениями;
Помпео утверждает, что российская армия использовала пролеты над территорией США для наведения своего высокоточного оружия на стратегически важные объекты.
Союзники в Европе, за исключением Великобритании, не поддержали угрозу США выйти из договора.
Как отметил на брифинге-видеоконференции и.о. заместителя госсекретаря по вопросам международной безопасности США Кристофер Эшли Форд, Соединенные Штаты рассматривали вопрос выхода из «Открытого неба» около восьми месяцев. Чиновник госдепа заявил, что по этому вопросу проводились консультации с союзниками, решение принято отнюдь не спонтанно.
Список претензий, озвученных Фордом, еще шире. По его словам, нарушение Россией Договора по открытому небу является лишь одним из примеров нарушения обязательств по нераспространению и разоружению, которые влияют на европейскую безопасность и на архитектуру контроля над вооружениями.
Это включает такие вещи, как:
нарушение договора о контроле над вооружениями;
действия России против Грузии и Украины, включая аннексию Крыма, которые противоречат принципам, изложенным в Хельсинкском заключительном акте;
предполагаемая «приостановка» (которая на самом деле не является юридическим термином, а словом, которое используют русские) обязательств по Договору об обычных вооруженных силах в Европе и избирательное осуществление Венского документа.
В МИД России сообщили, что если США действительно выйдут из договора, это станет прискорбным шагом. Российский МИД настаивает на том, что Россия никогда не нарушала условия этого договора, и подчеркивает, что Москва сожалеет о таком шаге со стороны Вашингтона.
Министр иностранных дел Германии Хайко Маас призвал Вашингтон пересмотреть решение о выходе из договора и подтвердил, что Германия и другие страны ЕС продолжат его соблюдать. «Глубоко сожалею в связи с этим заявлением, вместе с нашими партнерами мы будем убеждать США пересмотреть свое решение. Германия вместе с Францией, Польшей и Великобританией неоднократно говорили Вашингтону, что проблемы в отношениях с Россией не стоят того, чтобы выходить из договора», — заявил глава германского МИДа.
Как отмечает британский эксперт Джонатан Маркус,
США смогут использовать спутники для сбора информации о России, однако решение Трампа создаст напряженность в отношениях с европейскими союзниками Вашингтона, которые не имеют доступа к подобным технологиям.
Договор может быть по-прежнему в интересах России, которая будет продолжать совершать пролеты над территорией партнеров Вашингтона.
Трамп в очередной раз не считается с союзниками, констатируют политические оппоненты президента в США. В этой связи показательно заявление председателя комитета палаты представителей по делам вооруженных сил Адама Смита (демократ, штат Вашингтон) и председателя подкомитета палаты по стратегическим силам Джима Купера (демократ, штат Теннесси): «Решение администрации вывести Соединенные Штаты из Договора по открытому небу является пощечиной нашим союзникам в Европе, подвергает риску наши дислоцированные в этом регионе силы и является грубым нарушением закона. Это решение ослабляет наши интересы в области национальной безопасности, изолирует Соединенные Штаты, поскольку договор будет действовать без нас». Как отмечают законодатели, решение было принято без каких-либо консультаций с Конгрессом.
В Европе опасаются, что выход США из сделки будет на руку России: она продолжит летать над территорией ЕС, а вот над Россией европейцам из НАТО полет будет закрыт в качестве ответной меры американцам.
Вместе с тем
Объявляя о выходе из «Открытого неба», одновременно Вашингтон хочет договориться о новом раунде переговоров по ядерному оружию. И не только с Москвой, но и с Пекином. Это должно быть трехсторонним соглашением о контроле над вооружениями, которое, по словам спецпосланника Трампа Маршалла Биллингсли, могло бы ответить на нынешний «тревожный цикл в отношении наращивания вооружений как со стороны русских, так и особенно со стороны китайцев».
Как говорится, мухи отдельно — котлеты отдельно. Несмотря на обвинения в адрес России и «вирусный кризис» в отношениях с Китаем (не забывая о торгово-пошлинной войне), администрация Трампа надеется «вместе с тем» договориться о контроле над вооружениями. Как заявил представитель Трампа, «мы очень хотим начать переговоры с русскими и с китайцами». «И с этой целью у моего коллеги, заместителя министра иностранных дел Рябкова, и меня состоялся крепкий и длительный разговор, который подготовил почву для обсуждения тех вопросов, которые мы выносим. Мы встретимся лично в Европе с нашими делегациями, как только пандемия отступит и мы сможем это осуществить. Место проведения выбрано (газета «Уолл-стрит джорнэл» сообщила, что это, вероятно, Вена. — А. П.), повестка дня находится в стадии разработки. Биллингсли заверил, что «в ближайшем будущем вы увидите, что Соединенные Штаты продвигают модернизацию контроля над ядерными вооружениями». ... kryvaetsya

Советник президента США назвал Калининград «кинжалом в сердце Европы»
Советник президента США по национальной безопасности Роберт О’Брайен в интервью немецкому изданию Bild назвал российскую военную инфраструктуру в Калининградской области «кинжалом в сердце Европы». По его словам, власти РФ разместили в этом регионе «огромное количество ракет и вооружений, нацеленных на европейских союзников США, прежде всего на Прибалтику».
«При этом в рамках Договора по открытому небу мы не могли добиться возможности осуществить облет Калининградской области»,— заявил Роберт О’Брайен. Большая часть интервью была посвящена причинам выхода США из Договора по открытому небу (ДОН).
«Калининград мог из-за своего географического расположения стать торговым хабом, центром туризма и социальных контактов между Россией и Западной Европой. К сожалению, российские власти превратили его в закрытую военную базу, напичканную современными вооружениями и ракетами. Вся ситуация в Калининградской области является упущенным шансом для России и Европы, и это действительно прискорбно»,— сказал Роберт О’Брайен.
Между тем, его слова о том, что российские власти не давали США или иным странам право инспекций этого региона в рамках Договора по открытому небу не соответствуют действительности. Так, например в марте американцы в составе облетной группы с участием инспекторов из Эстонии и Литвы осуществили очередной, и далеко не первый наблюдательный полет над Калининградской областью.
При этом российские власти впервые после нескольких лет безрезультатных споров пошли США навстречу по одной из их основных претензий: о введении лимита в 500 км в отношении полетов над этим регионом. Лимит для инспекций этого региона Россия ввела после того, как ряд западных стран, в частности Польша, значительную часть разрешенной дальности полета использовали именно для наблюдения за Калининградской областью.
«Чтобы наши партнеры смогли, как они того хотят, заснять каждый метр этого региона, нам приходилось на длительное время перекрывать все регулярное гражданское и коммерческое воздушное движение там, что создавало серьезные трудности»,— пояснял ранее один из собеседников “Ъ” в госструктурах РФ. В марте российские власти все же разрешили иностранным инспекторам выйти за эти ограничения и, по информации “Ъ”, были готовы обсуждать с партнерами более гибкую схему.

Калининградский губернатор ответил на заявление США о «кинжале в сердце Европы»
Губернатор Калининградской области Антон Алиханов ответил на заявление советника президента США по национальной безопасности Роберта О'Брайена, который назвал российскую военную инфраструктуру в этом регионе кинжалом в сердце Европы. Советник посетовал, что российские власти, вместо того чтобы сделать этот регион туристическим центром, «превратили его в закрытую военную базу, напичканную современными вооружениями и ракетами».
«Когда я читаю про "закрытую военную базу", то это ничего, кроме грустной улыбки о неподготовленности американских советников, не вызывает… Американская президентская администрация, как обычно, поверхностна. Наверное, мистер О'Брайен обиделся, что мы ввели электронные визы, после чего у нас был большой наплыв поляков и немцев, но не было американцев. Может быть, он так пытается заявить желание американских граждан приехать к нам в гости»,— сказал господин Алиханов в воскресенье в интервью РБК.
По словам губернатора, с туризмом в Калининградской области все хорошо: до пандемии коронавируса число туристов увеличивалось на 17–20% ежегодно. С июля 2019 года по электронной визе в регион могут въехать граждане 53 государств. За полгода этой практики область посетило почти 100 тыс. человек, в прошлом году аэропорт Калининграда обслужил рекордное количество туристов. «Я надеюсь, что мы вернемся к таким цифрам, когда появится такая возможность»,— добавил Антон Алиханов.

WP: администрация Трампа обсуждала возможность проведения ядерных испытаний
Администрация президента США Дональда Трампа обсуждала возможность проведения первого с 1992 года ядерного испытания, сообщила The Washington post (WP) со ссылкой на источники. По данным издания, договоренности по этому вопросу не достигнуты.
Вопрос поднимали на встрече высокопоставленных чиновников, которые отвечают за национальную безопасность. Она прошла после обвинений России и Китая в проведении ядерных испытаний.
Один из источников сообщил, что принято решение предпринять другой ответ и не возобновлять испытания. Другой собеседник газеты сказал, что обсуждения продолжаются.

В США не сертифицировали аппараты ИВЛ из России
Управление США по контролю за продуктами питания и лекарственными средствами (FDA) не давало разрешение на использование российских аппаратов искусственной вентиляции легких.
По данным Reuters, аппараты «Авента-М» были отправлены в Нью-Йорк и Нью-Джерси для лечения пациентов без прохождения обязательной процедуры сертификации.
Отмечается, что больницы готовились к массовому поступлению «тяжелых» больных, поэтому FDA ввело чрезвычайный протокол распределения аппаратов без длительного процесса одобрения.
Российские аппараты не получили даже этого ускоренного разрешения на экстренное использование, а позже были изъяты из больниц после пожаров в медучреждениях Москвы и Петербурга.
Представитель департамента здравоохранения штата Нью-Джерси рассказал также, что аппараты «Авента-М» были рассчитаны на напряжение 220 вольт, несовместимое с американскими электросетями.

Демократы потребовали от Трампа обосновать отправку России аппаратов ИВЛ
Демократы Палаты представителей Конгресса США раскритиковали решение президента Дональда Трампа по отправке в Россию 200 аппаратов искусственной вентиляции легких (ИВЛ). В письме администрации главы государства они потребовали объяснить, зачем он это сделал, передает Bloomberg.
«Представляется, что вы способны... отправлять аппараты ИВЛ в другие страны в качестве подарков или услуг, которые могут служить вашим политическим или личным интересам, без какого-либо значимого стратегического обоснования, тщательного межведомственного процесса или рациональной причины для таких действий»,— говорится в письме. По мнению демократов, в США есть острая необходимость в аппаратах. Они запросили в администрации документацию на технику, финансовую отчетность и резюме переговоров господина Трампа с президентом России Владимиром Путиным.
Напомним, США пообещали передать России 200 аппаратов ИВЛ. На этой неделе самолет С-17 доставил партию из 50 аппаратов. Ранее Россия передала аппараты ИВЛ американцам. Власти утверждают, что не использовали их.

Демократы потребовали от Трампа объяснить поставки аппаратов ИВЛ в Россию
Группа демократов в палате представителей конгресса США направила письмо президенту страны Дональду Трампу с требованием детально объяснить причины отправки в Россию аппаратов искусственной вентиляции легких (ИВЛ). Об этом сообщает The Hill.
«Мы глубоко обеспокоены недавними сообщениями о том, что вы предоставляете России крайне важные, необходимые для спасения жизней людей аппараты ИВЛ, в то время как они срочно необходимы в Соединенных Штатах для борьбы с кризисом коронавируса и спасения жизни американцев», — отмечается в письме.
Авторы письма указали, что средства американских налогоплательщиков, на которые были куплены и доставлены за границу аппараты ИВЛ, не могут использоваться для получения «политической выгоды».
Демократы потребовали от Трампа до 4 июня предоставить информацию об оценке необходимости медицинских поставок за рубеж.
Подробнее на РБК: ... m=newsfeed

Judge in Flynn case hires lawyer as appeals court reviews his decision not to dismiss: report
U.S. District Court Judge Emmett G. Sullivan has taken the unusual step of hiring an attorney to represent him as an appeals court reviews his decision not to immediately grant the Justice Department's (DOJ's) request to dismiss its case against former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn. ... flynn-case

Trump rips Jeff Sessions, backs his Senate-runoff opponent: ‘He let our Country down’
If former Attorney General Jeff Sessions – now running to regain a U.S. Senate seat in Alabama -- was hoping to reconcile with President Trump and gain his endorsement, that hope seemed to evaporate Friday night. ... untry-down

Trump in war of words with Sessions over his recusal from Russia probe ... 291038.php

Трамп заявил о нежелании Путина снова видеть его президентом США
Российский президент Владимир Путин не желает повторного переизбрания Дональда Трампа. Об этом заявил сам Трамп в интервью Full Measure.
«Я был худшим, что когда-либо случалось с Россией. Путин это понимает. Он, вероятно, не хочет, чтобы я победил», — заявил глава Белого дома журналистке Шерил Этткинссон.
При этом Трамп отметил, что ладит с российским лидером. «Думаю, я ему (Путину) нравлюсь, но уверен, что он не хочет, чтобы я победил [на выборах президента]», — сказал Трамп.
Подробнее на РБК: ... m=newsfeed

Трамп считает, что Путин не хочет его переизбрания
Трамп считает, что президент РФ Владимир Путин не хочет его переизбрания. При этом господин Трамп отметил, что «ладит с Путиным».
«Возможно, он не хочет, чтобы я победил»,— предположил президент США в интервью Шэрил Атткиссон.
Дональд Трамп также раскритиковал голосование по почте, заявив, что такая практика вызовет «величайшие фальсифицированные выборы» в истории. По мнению президента США, коронавирус используется «для этого мошенничества», написал он в Twitter.

Трамп: В США попытаются фальсифицировать выборы под предлогом пандемии
Американский лидер Дональд Трамп уверен, что сторонники дистанционного голосования попытаются устроить массовые фальсификации. При этом в качестве предлога они используют эпидемию коронавируса, заявил он.
«Это будут самые фальсифицированные выборы в истории», — написал Трамп в своем Twitter.
Он считает, что бюллетени будут доставать из почтовых ящиков, «печатать тысячи подделок и заставлять людей их подписывать». Кроме того, избирательные комиссии «могут подделывать имена избирателей».

Trump Sows Doubt on Voting. It Keeps Some People Up at Night. ... 292083.php

Трамп заявил об отсутствии положительных качеств у Байдена
Президент США Дональд Трамп заявил, что у его вероятного соперника от Демократической партии на предстоящих президентских выборах Джо Байдена отсутствуют положительные качества. Об этом американский лидер сказал в эфире программы Full Measure News.
Трампа попросили назвать самое сильное качество Байдена в качестве политического конкурента. В ответ глава Белого дома отметил, что мог бы назвать опыт, но «на самом деле у него нет опыта». Он также отметил, что Байдена никогда не воспринимали как умного человека.
На вопрос о слабых качествах демократа, американский лидер ответил, что «у него их много». «Я могу говорить о его слабых качествах весь день», — добавил Трамп.

Trump says Biden 'not mentally sharp enough' to be POTUS: 'He doesn't know he's alive'

Fox News Poll: Biden widens national lead over Trump
RNC National spokeswoman Liz Harrington discusses 2020 campaign strategy on ‘America’s News HQ.’

Biden takes heat from left-wing activists, Bernie aides for ‘you ain’t black’ remarks
Presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden is taking heat from the left-wing of his own party, as well as aides to former rival Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., for his latest controversy -- in which he said in an interview that those black Americans having a hard time "figuring out" whether to support him or President Trump "ain't black." ... k-comments

Trump promotes posts from racist Twitter feed ... 292282.php

Trump considers panel to review complaints of anticonservative bias on social media ... ative-bias

Trump denounces '60 Minutes'
Calls whistleblower Bright a 'creep.'

Trump slams NY Times editor, publisher: ‘I laugh at them all’

Trump Calls for Investigation Into Unfounded Joe Scarborough Murder Conspiracy
On Saturday, President Trump called for an investigation into an unfounded conspiracy theory about MSNBC host Joe Scarborough and the death of a former employee.
Trump’s two Saturday tweets followed earlier posts in May about the baseless theory that Scarborough was involved with the 2001 death of Lori Bolterstein Klausutis, who worked for him when he was a U.S. Representative from Florida. ... 292232.php

Trump's pitch to voters: Trust me, economy will soar in 2021
Trump has a new pitch to voters for this fall: Trust me.
As the economy faces a once-in-a-century recession, with more than 38 million people out of work, Trump is increasingly talking up a future recovery that probably won't materialize until after the November election. He's asking voters to look past the pain being felt across the nation and give him another four-year term on the promise of an economic comeback in 2021.
“It’s a transition to greatness,” Trump says over and over, predicting a burgeoning economy come the fall. “You’re going to see some great numbers in the fourth quarter, and you’re going to end up doing a great year next year."
His chief economic adviser, Larry Kudlow, echoes the wait-until-next-year sentiment, holding out hope for a “big bang 2021.”
It's a delayed-reward tactic Trump was using long before the global pandemic gut-punched the country. He has turned to it with new urgency as the coronavirus has robbed him of the booming economy that was to be the core of his reelection message.
Trump had already pledged to finally release a Republican health care plan after the polls closed — despite having served more than three years in office — along with a postelection tax cut and a “Phase 2” trade deal with China.
Now, Trump is making the case to voters that if he helped bolster the economy once, he can do it again.
“We built the greatest economy in the world," Trump says frequently. "I’ll do it a second time.”
It's not just next year that will be a mystery to voters on Election Day. Trump and his team have been talking up the fourth quarter — October through December — but economic reports on that period won't be released until 2021. Preliminary figures for the third quarter will be released Oct. 29, days before the Nov. 3 election. And unemployment could still be in double-digit territory by Election Day, White House economist Kevin Hassett and Eric Rosengren, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston said in television interviews Sunday.
“Unfortunately, I think it's likely to be double-digit unemployment through the end of this year,” Rosengren told CBS' “Face the Nation.” To bring back the low jobless levels seen at the end of last February, he said it would probably take a vaccine or “other medical innovations that make it much less risky to go out."
Still, Trump and his campaign are hoping they can convince the public that Trump, not Democrat Joe Biden, is the candidate who can turn things around, even as they push the recovery timeline into next year.
“The president has a clear record of building the economy to unprecedented heights before it was artificially interrupted by the coronavirus, and they know he will build it a second time,” said Trump campaign communications director Tim Murtaugh.
Economists, however, warn that the “snap back” Trump's advisers have been talking up is unlikely, given the severity of the recession. It will take years for the economy to recover, according to the Congressional Budget Office.
Polling data suggests Trump has some work to do to persuade Americans that all will be well next year.
Americans are split on whether they think the economy will improve (41%) or worsen (40%) over the coming year, according to a poll by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.
Their opinions differ based on their politics. A majority of Republicans (62%) think the economy will get better in the coming year, while a majority of Democrats (56%) think it will get worse.
The poll finds that only 49% of Americans now approve of how Trump is handling the economy, compared with 56% in March, though the numbers remain split largely on party lines.
While a majority of Americans in households that lost a job do think it’s at least probable that the job will return, 70% now describe the state of the nation’s economy as poor, versus just 29% who say it’s good — down from 67% in January.
Trump has been encouraging states to begin easing restrictions and reopening their economies. But that doesn't necessarily mean jobs will return. While most of those who say they got a haircut at least monthly before the outbreak or shopped regularly in person for nonessential items would definitely or probably do so in the next few weeks if they were allowed, Americans may be wary to return to life as normal.
Only about half of those who did so at least monthly before the outbreak say they’d travel, go to bars and restaurants, use public transportation, or exercise at a gym or studio. Just 42% of those who went to concerts, movies, or theater or sporting events at least monthly say they’d do so in the next few weeks if they could.
Still, the poll shows that 66% of Americans continue to say that their personal financial situation is good — a number that has remained steady since before the outbreak began. Americans are also more likely to expect their personal finances to improve than worsen in the next year, 37% to 17%.
In the end, that's what is going to matter most, said Michael Steel, a Republican political strategist.
“This election will turn on facts more than messages," he said. "The president is placing a bet by reopening the economy before public health officials believe it is safe. If the economy recovers sharply and infection rates remain steady or go down, then voters will reward his boldness, but if we continue to see massive unemployment and a spike in new infections and deaths, all the political wordsmithery the world will offer won’t help him.” ... 291861.php

Добыча нефти в США снизилась почти на 20% с марта
К 20 мая объем добычи нефти в США снизился почти на 20% с пикового уровня марта, сообщила газета Financial Times со ссылкой на подразделение консалтинговой компании Wood Mackenzie. Этот объем сопоставим с тем, на который добычу обязались сократить Россия и Саудовская Аравия в рамках сделки ОПЕК+.
Так, сокращение добычи нефти в США к 20 мая достигло уровня 2,3 млн баррелей в день. В марте этот показатель составлял 13,24 млн, пишет газета.

Сокращение добычи нефти в США опережает прогнозы
Добыча нефти в США падает быстрее, чем того ожидали аналитики, пишет Financial Times. Так, по данным Genscape (подразделение Wood Mackenzie), нефтедобыча американскими компаниями сократилась к 20 мая на 20%, или на 2,3 млн баррелей в день, по сравнению с пиковым значением, зафиксированным в марте. При этом аналитики Goldman Sachs предсказывали падение добычи нефти во втором квартале максимум на 1,3 млн баррелей в день.
Объем падения нефтедобычи в США уже практически сравнялся с общим объемом добровольного сокращения производства Россией и Саудовской Аравией, на которое они пошли в рамках соглашения для восстановления цен на нефть. По данным Genscape, больше всего американские компании снизили добычу на месторождениях в Пермском бассейне (на 1,15 млн баррелей в день) и в Баккеновской формации (на 480 тыс. баррелей в день).
В пятницу же аналитическая компания Baker Hughes представила свежий отчет по работающим в США нефтяным вышкам, согласно которому их число за неделю сократилось еще на 21, до 318. Таким образом, был обновлен антирекорд, установленный неделей ранее. Столь малого количества работающих буровых установок в США не было ни разу за все время после Второй мировой войны.

Сервис автопроката Hertz объявил о банкротстве
Один из крупнейших сервисов аренды автомобилей Hertz объявил о банкротстве
Один из крупнейших в мире сервисов проката автомобилей Hertz объявил о банкротстве из-за кризиса, вызванного пандемией коронавирусa
Пандемия привела к сокращению бронирований и, как следствие, к резкому снижению выручки, поясняется в сообщении. Hertz отмечает, что пока не может предсказать, когда спрос на аренду автомобилей восстановится.
При этом компания не собирается закрываться: ее офисы продолжат работать и обслуживать клиентов, а процедура банкротства будет использована для того, чтобы реструктурировать долги. В конечном итоге это позволит выстроить более устойчивую финансовую структуру, рассчитывает руководство Hertz. ... 0918-hertz

According to a survey conducted by the Federal Reserve in 2018, 27 percent of participants claimed they would be unable to cover a surprise $400 expense without borrowing money or selling something, and 12 percent said they couldn't come up with that amount at all. And according to a study by Bankrate, an online financial services company, 28 percent of U.S. adults have no emergency savings. ... d-by-hope/

Hundreds protest in Sacramento against stay-at-home order
Protesters gathered outside the "Liberty Fest" rally in front of California State Capitol, Saturday, May 23, 2020, in Sacramento, Calif., to protest Gov. Gavin Newsom's Stay At Home Order to stem the coronavirus outbreak. ... 290529.php

2,000 join rally against Gov. Newsom's stay-at-home coronavirus orders at California's Capitol ... 291370.php

Role of extremist groups at California lockdown protests raises alarms ... 292182.php

GOP governor offers emotional plea to the anti-mask crowd: Stop this senseless culture war
As states across the country have gradually pushed forward with reopening in recent weeks, protesters representing a small but apparently growing movement - especially within the Republican Party - have continued to push for it to go faster. And one very visible thing has somehow turned into a perceived political statement: wearing a mask.
A reporter at a Minnesota news station - one who happens to be an old college friend of mine - was even harassed this week for wearing a mask while covering these protests.
Across the border in North Dakota, though, GOP Gov. Doug Burgum on Friday offered a plea to stop the madness.
Burgum suggested the debate over masks was being needlessly politicized and that those who are bucking federal health officials' guidance should rethink their posture.
"I would really love to see in North Dakota that we could just skip this thing that other parts of the nation are going through where they're trading a divide - either it's ideological or political or something - around masks versus no mask," Burgum said. "This is a, I would say, senseless dividing line, and I would ask people to try to dial up your empathy and your understanding."
The subtext of the remarks was pretty clear: This is a needless culture war.
Burgum then want on, getting emotional.
"If someone is wearing a mask, they're not doing it to represent what political party they're in or what candidates they support," Burgum said, before his voice began breaking. "They might be doing it because they've got a 5-year-old child who's been going through cancer treatments. They might have vulnerable adults in their life who currently have covid, and they're fighting."
Burgum concluded his thought: "I would just love to see our state, as part of being North Dakota Smart, also be North Dakota Kind, North Dakota Empathetic."
To be clear, the number of people protesting the wearing of masks is small. Scenes like the one in Minnesota are the exception, rather than the rule. But there are myriad images of people reemerging in society and, in doing so, declining to wear masks, even as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention continue to recommend them.
President Donald Trump has conspicuously declined to wear a mask during his travels in recent weeks, even as those he was meeting with did so. He eventually donned one, but only for part of the time and away from his interactions with reporters. Trump has also stressed that the wearing of masks is voluntary, which it is. But critics have alleged he's sending the wrong message about a very simple precaution - or even subtly promoting a culture war over masks.
A GOP governor on Friday seemed to sense that emerging culture war - one in which declining to wear masks is seen as some kind of statement, even as it could make it more difficult to enact the reopening that protesters are calling for. So Burgum offered a very personal and powerful plea to argue about other things.
And it's important to note something else about that governor: He's got one of the highest approval ratings in the country for his handling of the coronavirus outbreak, 80 percent. ... 290832.php

В Нью-Йорке разрешили собираться группами до 10 человек

Fauci says extended stay-home orders could cause ‘irreparable damage’
Stay-home orders that extend too long could cause the U.S. “irreparable damage,” Dr. Anthony Fauci warned Friday.
Strict crackdowns on large gatherings and other orders, such as for home quarantines, were needed when the coronavirus first hit the nation, but those rules can now begin to be lifted in many parts of the country, Fauci said during an interview on CNBC.
“I don’t want people to think that any of us feel that staying locked down for a prolonged period of time is the way to go,” the member of the White House coronavirus task force said.
“But now is the time, depending upon where you are and what your situation is, to begin to seriously look at reopening the economy, reopening the country to try to get back to some degree of normal.”
He warned, however, against reckless reopenings and called for the use of “very significant precautions” as restrictions are lifted.
“In general, I think most of the country is doing it in a prudent way,” he said. “There are obviously some situations where people might be jumping over that. I just say, ‘Please, proceed with caution if you’re going to do that.’”
Fauci’s comments came one day after two top Republicans – Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky and Rep. Andy Biggs of Arizona – wrote in an op-ed that Fauci’s initial safety recommendations had “emasculated” the nation’s health care system and “ruined” its economy.
“Fauci and company have relied on models that were later found to be deficient. He even has suggested that he can’t rely on any of the models, especially if the underlying assumptions are wrong,” the pair wrote in USA Today. “Yet, Fauci persists in advocating policies that have emasculated the medical care system and ruined the economy.”
They also pointed to Fauci's testimony last week before a Senate committee that opening too soon would “result in needless suffering and death.”
“What about the countless stories of needless suffering and death produced by Fauci’s one-size-fits-all approach to public health?” Paul and Biggs asked.
They called for policies based on trusting the risk assessment of the American people rather than a federal government mandate.
Earlier Friday, Fauci said it was “conceivable” that the U.S. could begin to distribute a coronavirus vaccine by December.
“Back in January of this year when we started the phase 1 trial, I said it would likely be between a year and 18 months before we would have a vaccine,” Fauci said during an interview on NPR. “I think that schedule is still intact.
“I think it is conceivable,” he continued, “if we don’t run into things that are, as they say, unanticipated setbacks, that we could have a vaccine that we could be beginning to deploy at the end of this calendar year, December 2020, or into January, 2021.” ... ble-damage

Dr. Birx: 'Critically important' that people wear masks as states reopen amid higher than expected death tolls
White House coronavirus task force coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx warned that even though states are beginning to reopen, with some beaches being made available to the public over Memorial Day weekend, that people must still maintain social distancing precautions and wear masks where appropriat ... eath-tolls

«Сидите дома, лицемеры!»: в США сожгли церковь за службы в разгар пандемии (фото)
Неизвестные сожгли в городе Холли-Спрингс штата Миссисипи христианский храм за то, что тот устраивал богослужения, несмотря на карантин по коронавирусу. Рядом с Первой пятидесятнической церковью злоумышленники оставили надпись: «Теперь-то вы останетесь дома, лицемеры!», информирует NBC News
Полиция занята поиском подозреваемых, а губернатор Тейт Ривз заявил, что сокрушен и возмущен случившимся. «Что с нами творит пандемия? Нужно молиться за эту страну», — призвал он.
Ранее представители пятидесятнической церкви пытались оспорить в горсуде запрет на проведение служб.

Trump vows churches will open
Press challenges threat to override governors.

HHS Secretary Azar defends Trump's call for governors to reopen churches as long as 'appropriate precautions' are made ... s-are-made

Returning to a new normal: Trump spends Saturday at his Virginia golf course
President Trump spent a sunny Saturday at his golf resort outside of Washington DC. in another sign that the commander-in-chief is seeking to resume his normal schedule. ... olf-course

Trump Golfs While More Americans Die
While the U.S. pandemic death toll approaches 100,000, the president left the White House for one of his personal golf courses ... 291198.php

A ‘Profile in Courage,’ National Security Advisor Praises Trump’s Virus Leadership
Imposing the China travel ban “was a profile in courage. And it was something that the president was criticized for by his political opponents and by many in the media,” O’Brien said
While the U.S. coronavirus death toll moves closer to 100,000 and President Trump played golf for a second consecutive day, his national security advisor heaped praise on the president saying Trump’s move to limit travel from China this winter “was a profile in courage.”
Sunday morning on Meet the Press, National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien gave the president credit for acting on his advice to “immediately impose a travel ban on China” in late January. O’Brien said he told Trump that the move was needed because the coronavirus was a “significant national security threat.” ... 292325.php

США задумались над созданием аналога Всемирной организации здравоохранения. Новую структуру может возглавить Дебора Биркс, которая отвечает за борьбу с эпидемией коронавируса в США, пишет Politico.
По данным СМИ, в администрации американского лидера Дональда Трампа уже обсуждают эту идею. Предполагается, что новая организация станет одним из подразделений в Госдепартаменте. Структура займется борьбой с будущими вспышками инфекционных заболеваний, при этом будет назначен координатор для наблюдения за всеми аспектами готовности к пандемиям.
СМИ пишет, что идея уже вызвала разногласия между Госдепом и Агентством США по международному развитию, которое опасается потери контроля над ресурсами и властью.

В боксерскую секцию его привела мизантропия.

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